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From the time an adolescent boy discovers what the penis can really do, masturbation can become a frequent occupation. Self-pleasuring provides comfort, relaxation, release, and an intense good feeling that only the act of intercourse itself can replicate. Unfortunately, boys are often taught that masturbation is wrong, and that any number of bad things will happen if they engage in such an activity. A whole mythology has sprung up around the issue, involving side effects like hairy palms, blindness, permanent disfigurement, and infertility.
However, the truth is that masturbation has numerous important benefits that can have a positive effect on a man’s penis health (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) , in addition to his overall physical and emotional well-being.
The 5 most important benefits of masturbation

Masturbating helps prevent cancer

According to a 2003 study conducted in Australia, men who masturbated and/or had sex 5 times or more each week had a reduced risk of developing life-threatening prostate cancer. This is apparently due to the fact that ejaculation flushes built-up toxins from the urogenital tract, preventing them from causing cellular damage that can lead to cancer.

Rubbing one out makes erections harder and stronger

Getting it off regularly helps to work the pelvic floor muscles and to boost circulation to the area, resulting in stronger, harder erections that are sturdy enough to stay the course. On the other hand, as the old saying goes, he who doesn’t use it, loses it, so taking care of business can help to stave off future problems with male dysfunction.

Self-pleasuring helps men to last longer in the sack

Men who have issues with premature ejaculation may be able to train the old John Thomas to take a little more time in bed by working at going longer when going solo. To extend between-the-sheet sessions, men can try upping the number of strokes it takes to ‘arrive’ every time they engage in a little alone time.

Masturbation can boost immunity

The hormone cortisol, which is often referred to as the ‘stress’ hormone, actually plays in important role in regulating the body’s immune response. Masturbation releases small amounts of cortisol into the body, thereby helping to boost the immune system and increase its ability to fight off disease.

Self-stimulation is a demonstrated mood enhancer

As most guys already know, a regular trip to the palm prom is a great way to release anxiety, boost a bad mood, and promote an overall sense of well-being. This is due to the neurochemicals oxytocin and dopamine that are released as part of the process – two chemicals produced by the body that are responsible for helping men to feel relaxed, happy and good about themselves.
Keeping the equipment in good repair
In spite of the clear benefits of masturbating, rough handling of the package can take a toll, leading to skin and nerve damage that can significantly diminish the pleasurable sensations related to manual stroking. Dry skin, minute tears, and damage to the delicate nerve tissue under the penile skin can result from dry stroking or an overly firm grip.
To alleviate this problem, a personal lubricant is essential for every session. In between rounds, men can promote healing and good health by keeping the area clean, wearing non-restrictive clothing, and adding a high-quality penis vitamin cream (http://www.man1health.com most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to the daily penis care regimen. Penis-specific nutrients such as vitamins A, C, D and E, as well as natural moisturizers, can stimulate the regrowth of healthy, supple, responsive tissue and enhance the look and feel of the manhood; these benefits can help masturbation to feel better, not to mention making the package more attractive when a partner comes into the mix.
The skin that surrounds the penis is a bit like the plastic wrapper on a candy bar: It keeps the product inside fresh and protected from the elements, and if the wrapper is attractive enough, a consumer might be persuaded to give that product a closer inspection. Keeping that skin healthy should be at the top of any man's penis health (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) priority list, and Vitamin D could play a key role. Unfortunately, the average guy might not be getting enough of this element to meet his needs, unless he adds a supplement.
Basking in the Benefits
Producing Vitamin D is relatively easy: Men can just bare their arms to the bright sunshine for about 30 minutes twice each week. The golden rays pierce the upper layers of the skin and all of the chemical reactions take over from there. No thought, movement or action is needed at all.
Modern men might not feel comfortable stripping down to the waist and lolling about in the sunshine without sunscreen, however, as skin cancer has been tied to excessive sun exposure. It's a dangerous problem, and as a result, many men have been coached to slather on sunscreen each and every time they leave their homes when the sun is present, and those products can block Vitamin D production. Additionally, some men live in climates in which the sun just doesn't show up for weeks on end. As a result, men might have a deficiency of this vitamin, and their penile skin could pay the price.
When vitamin levels are running low, the body has to make key decisions about where to apply the supplies it does have, and the penis might lose out in these equations. Vitamin D is needed for vital structures, including the bones and the heart, and the body might choose these systems over the skin on a regular basis. In time, if the deficiency continues, a man might have a flaky, unresponsive tool due to this lack of nutrition.
Adding a Supplement
Since Vitamin D is so important to human health, it's been added to all sorts of products, including:

Orange juice
Vitamin pills

These supplemental items can add a Vitamin D punch to almost any diet, but they might not provide the most direct route to penile health. After all, these substances must also work their way through the digestive tract, and they might also be diverted to other body systems at almost any point in the process. Oral supplementation can also be dangerous for people who hope to ensure robust health by loading up on vitamins.
Vitamin D is fat soluble, meaning it doesn't tend to leave the body with ease. People who load up on the vitamin by taking mega-doses on a regular basis could end up with too much, and they could develop serious health problems as a result. In fact, people who take in huge amounts of oral Vitamin D could develop calcium deposits in their blood. It's a rare side effect, but it's certainly possible for people who go overboard with the vitamins on a regular basis.
Sliding to Good Health
A topical application of Vitamin D allows men to put the nutrition right where it's needed most, and the risk of overdosing with a topical cream is incredibly small. The body just doesn't tend to absorb toxic amounts of vitamins through the skin, so applying the products topically seems to provide the safest route to robust health.
A penis health creme fortified with Vitamin D (http://www.man1health.com most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) contains all of the nutrition a man needs for robust penis health, and it's fun to apply. A small amount can just be rubbed into the skin of the penis after a warm bath or shower. Good health never felt so good, and a penis health creme can make it all happen. 
Everybody knows that vitamin C has immune-boosting properties. In fact, it seems that one cannot get so much as a sniffle without a well-meaning friend reminding them to take some vitamin C.  Vitamin C also has lesser-known properties that make it a penis-friendly vitamin, and one that should be stocked up on every day – not just during cold and flu season.  Learn more about how vitamin C can be integrated into the daily routine for penis health (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) and better sexual function.
How vitamin C maintains penis health
Vitamin C is an essential vitamin that the body uses to repair tissue, improve the health of the blood vessels and keep all systems healthy.  It is also a water-soluble vitamin, which means it dissolves in water and is not stored by the body, unlike some other nutrients.  Vitamin C easily passes out of the body via urine, making it even more important to consume foods high in vitamin C daily. Vitamin C works all throughout the body, and especially benefits a man’s sexual health in numerous ways.
Keeps the heart healthy: Vitamin C is important for the maintenance of a healthy cardiovascular system, so it is intuitive that the vitamin also plays a key role in penile functioning.  Proper blood flow is mandatory to achieve a solid erection and the circulation to the area suffers if one’s ticker is not functioning effectively. A healthy heart is the first step to a healthy penis.
Healthy blood vessels:  Just as a healthy heart is important to maintaining penis health, so to is the health of the blood vessels that supply the blood to the manhood.  Vitamin C helps to repair and maintain the health of the delicate tissues, blood vessels, and even any skin that becomes damaged or injured. Keeping the blood vessels strong and healthy can help allow the blood to flow more freely to the penis, allowing for healthy engorgement.
Antioxidant Properties:  Vitamin C is one of the elusive and sought after antioxidants, which help attack cancer-causing free radicals in the body. In terms of the penis, it helps keep the skin of the penis healthy and may help fight against cancer that could invade the reproductive organs.
Keeps the skin healthy: The skin of the penis is, perhaps, the most delicate skin on the body of a man. Even the most diligent self-care routine leaves bacteria – which love to grow in moist, warm areas – on the skin. This bacteria can lead to rashes, itchiness, and even a burning sensation. Vitamin C can help stave of infections that lead to that oh so uncomfortable itch.
How to take vitamin C
Doctors recommend adult men over age 19 get 90 mg of vitamin C per day. Of course, the best source of the vitamin is the natural variety from fruits and veggies, but for men who can’t seem to squeeze enough of the good stuff into their diets, there are dietary supplements available to help up the dose of vitamin C. Some men prefer to take multivitamins, which contain all the recommended vitamins needed daily, while others choose a vitamin C only supplement to hit their daily intake.
Alternatively, for men who are seeking to maximize the penis health boosting benefits of vitamin C, a specially formulated penis vitamin creme (http://www.man1health.com/ most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) may be the best option.  An all-natural vitamin creme can be applied directly to the skin of the penis, allowing for maximum absorption and effectiveness. Such a formula should be used daily as part of the grooming routine and should be applied after getting out of the shower, and while the skin is still slightly damp, to help lock in moisture.
At one time or another, almost every man on the planet will need the help of a doctor for a penis problem. A man's equipment is delicate, and it's often exposed to a significant amount of use and abuse; as a result, all sorts of things can go wrong in all sorts of ways. Men who need help may be stymied by the sheer number of people who are ready and willing to help them with their penis health (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) problems, and they may have no idea who to call first. The following paragraphs outline the vital players on a man's intimate healthcare team.
Physicians: The First Stop
A general physician is an excellent ally for a man with any health-related problem, including those issues that strike intimate tissue. These medical professionals are trained to look over a person's health from a holistic perspective, and during a visit, a doctor like this might take all sorts of measurements, including assessments of:

Blood pressure
White blood cell count
Blood sugar levels

Any of these factors could play a role in penis health, and a quick screening could help a guy get back to business in no time at all. Some doctors are even comfortable with diagnosing and treating minor skin ailments that can strike in sensitive areas. It might be unusual to think of visiting the same person for a penis problem that a man might see for strep throat, but a general practitioner really could provide one-stop shopping for problems downstairs. If the issue is just a little more complicated and a little more involved, a general physician might provide a man with a referral to a specialist that can help.
Urologists: For Interior Problems
Below-the-belt problems that involve deep tissues are the specialty of urologists. These medical professionals know all about how the reproductive system works, and they also have in-depth knowledge of the systems the body uses in order to remove waste. Men who have questions involving function rather than issues of appearance might get the help they need from a visit to the urologist.
Urology appointments usually begin with a thorough exam, and the doctor might also look over the records the general practitioner took during that appointment. In some cases, a urologist can provide a quick solution with salves, medications or exercises. Sometimes, however, urologists need to do more intensive testing before they can come to a definitive diagnosis.
Dermatologists: For Exterior Issues
Some manhood woes involve the wrapper of skin around the penis. Welts, lumps, bumps and itching can all have their roots in skin tissues, and finding the answer to these problems can be a little difficult, as the problems can have so many causes. Sometimes, multiple factors are at play. Dermatologists are comfortable with the detective role, and they can perform a variety of tests to determine what might be invading the skin and what might best be done about it. Creams and lotions often play a prominent role, but oral medications aren't unheard of.
The Self: Prevention Starts Here
While medical professionals are ready and willing to help men with penis woes, men who take proper care of their tools may not have a need for multiple visits. These men might take care to wash without harsh detergents and they may have a deep commitment to using gentle sex techniques that don't tend to result in damage. Men like this may also use a penis health creme (http://www.man1health.com/ most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) on a daily basis, ensuring that their delicate tissues have the nutrition and moisture they need to fend off damage. 
It is not uncommon for a man – or a woman for that matter – to be nervous about a sexual experience, particularly if it is with a new partner.  A man may be worried about his skills in the sack, self-conscious about being naked, or just plain afraid his partner won’t be satisfied with his love stick.  Whatever the reason for the nerves, some people turn to alcohol or other drugs as a sexual stimulant as they believe it will allow them to relax and perform better.
 Unfortunately, this practice can actually have the opposite effect on one’s libido and has potentially risky side effects.  Perhaps rather than stressing about a new relationship, it is better to take it slow and be sure both partners are ready for the next step.  Additionally, striving to keep the penis in tip top condition with a daily penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) routine may help reduce feelings of self-consciousness and increase feelings of confidence while naked.
Alcohol and Sex
While it is true that alcohol can reduce one’s sexual inhibitions, potentially making one feel more adventurous or even sexy, it is not the best answer in terms of dealing with issues of sexual anxiety.  Alcohol is a depressant, which means it slows the body and brain down, diminishes cognitive reasoning and, if consumed in excess, can lead to passing out or even blacking out.  The combination of those elements does not seem good when it comes to the sexual experience; alcohol can even have detrimental or dangerous consequences, including the following:

Poor judgment: Perhaps the biggest risk of too much alcohol before getting frisky is the impairment on one’s judgment.  An individual who always uses condoms may allow them to go be the wayside because they aren’t thinking beyond the moment. Alternatively, the impairment may cause the condoms to be used improperly, thereby increasing the risk of infection transmission or pregnancy.


Pushing Boundaries: Even if a person is fairly certain they wish to engage in sex with their partner, alcohol can blur the decision-making process, which may lead to regrets in the future. Two drunken individuals may not be communicating with each other properly and may inadvertently cross one another’s sexual boundaries. Sadly, alcohol has often played a role in unwanted sexual advances or engaging in sexual acts that one normally would not participate in if they were clean and sober.


No Memory of Event:  In cases of individuals using alcohol to excess, it is not uncommon to black out and have no memory of the events that transpired the night before.  This is particularly dangerous when the question of sexual activity comes into play.  If individuals are unsure if they had sex, they certainly cannot be sure if they used protection, which definitely increases the risk of infection or pregnancy. 


Sexual Dysfunction: Often known by the slang term “whisky dick,” too much alcohol inhibits one’s performance dramatically.  Alcohol reduces sensations in the nerve endings, making it more difficult to achieve an erection, let alone orgasm.  Sadly, the likelihood of the very thing a man is most worried about happening– poor sexual performance – increases with each alcoholic beverage he consumes.

Boosting Self-Confidence
Men who are seriously worried about disappointing their partner may want to consider expressing these concerns prior to “the big night.” There is a good chance she may be experiencing some of the same anxieties, so simply talking them out may make the situation more comfortable for both parties.  Additionally, taking steps to feel more confident in the appearance of one’s penis may translate into self-confidence in the bedroom.  Utilizing a high-quality penis health creme can help revitalize the skin of the penis while keeping the skin smooth and supple (http://www.man1health.com most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil).  Selecting a formula made with vitamin A can also help fight odor-causing bacteria and keep the penis fresh and clean all day long.
It might sound corny, but a man's penis is as individual as his fingerprint. The tool he was born with, the care he's given to the equipment, and the ways in which he's used his body in the past can all lead up to a very specific sensory map. As a result, every guy might have specific parts of the penis that are intensely pleasurable, even when other men can touch that same spot on their own bodies and feel nothing at all in response. Men who know their bodies and what they like best might be able to experience intense sensations with very little work and pressure at all, and this could help them to avoid some nasty injuries that only time and focused penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) can heal. These are a few common areas that men tend to find pleasurable; experimentation can help a guy (or his partner) find the right spot for his attention.
Starting at the Top
The very peak of the penis, also known as the head, is packed full of sensory cells, and the smooth skin that covers that area allows all of those little nerve fibers to transmit touch signals to the brain. Most men focus their attention on the head of when they're ready for pleasure, but there are specific portions of the head that might merit a little more exploration.
On the underside of the penis, a tiny band or ridge of tissue connects the head to the shaft. For some men, this small bit of tissue contains more sensory cells than any other part of the package, and just applying mild feather touches can bring them to the peak of bliss. There are some men, however, who find this area to be so sensitive that even gentle touches cause a sensation more akin to pain.
The ring of tissue that surrounds the tip might be a better choice for men with super-sensitive tissues. This ridge also contains a dense concentration of sensory cells, and it tends to puff up and spread out during an erection, allowing those cells the maximum amount of exposure to touch and movement. Swirling a finger around this ridge could bring intense sensations to some men.
Hidden Pleasures
The penis doesn't end at the tip. In fact, there are plenty of sensitive parts of this organ that aren't located near the head at all, including:

The soft underside at the base
The area between the scrotum and the anus
The foreskin, or the scar left behind after a circumcision
The scrotum

Some portions are designed to respond to touch, while others are receptive to movement. Some areas prefer light strokes, while others seem to come alive when supplied with deep and lasting pressure.
Why Play?
Men who learn the ins and outs of their sensitivity aren't perverts with scads of time on their hands. They're connoisseurs of their own bodies, and they may be able to avoid very real damage down the line.
A lack of knowledge can lead to frustrated, tight, dry masturbation sessions that seem to last for hours and lead to no pleasure at all. Once the fury is over, a man could be left with tissue that's scraped and abraded, and as it heals, it might be forever scarred. Skin like this isn't able to transmit signals of pleasure effectively, and the next masturbation session might take even longer as a result. Men who know their bodies, on the other hand, can become efficient pleasure machines who survive their masturbation sessions with their sensitivity intact.
Men who have already lost a bit of the magic touch due to damage might consider adding a penis health creme (http://www.man1health.com most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) to their daily routines. These products can boost moisture levels in sensitive skin, and repair tissues that are cracked and dry, leaving a man ready for pleasure once more. 
As legions of mothers and wives can attest, men aren't known for their tidiness skills. In fact, the average guy can likely handle all sorts of conditions that a woman would find absolutely intolerable. Even the most slovenly man might pay attention to matters of hygiene, however, when it's date night and action is imminent. Some optimistic men might even scrub downstairs on a daily basis, remaining prepared in case something wonderful and unexpected happens. While daily washing like this can be beneficial, it can also be catastrophic for penis health (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php), if it's done improperly, leading to an itchy, red penis. Following a few basic steps can help men to amend their ways.
Choosing the Right Tools
The typical shower stall is full of all kinds of implements a man could wield on his equipment, including:

Perfumed soap
Body wash

All of these items could do major damage to penile skin and the little flora that inhabit this tissue. Bombing the area with detergents and scraping at the cells with foreign objects can remove important lubrication and replace that beneficial matter with scratches and pain. Only two ingredients are needed for proper cleaning: hands and warm water. Everything else should be banned from the groin.
The Proper Technique
Men who have been circumcised can rinse the area with warm water and use their fingers to remove any germs and contaminants. Men who are uncut have a few more steps to follow, but the entire procedure shouldn't take more than a few moments. A rinse of the exterior starts the process, and when the skin is warm and relaxed, the foreskin should be retracted as far as is comfortable. Then, a gentle rinse and a mild massage with the fingertips should be sufficient to remove any dead skin cells and bacteria. The foreskin can then be pulled back into place.
It's worth reiterating that harsh soaps and deep scrubbing have no place in this procedure. Detergents can cause damage that can lead to dry, itchy penis skin. Scrubbing can cause mild scratches that can allow infections to bloom, and this can also lead to itchy penis skin. Using the fingertips and water allows the water-soluble excess tissue to float down the drain, while leaving beneficial bacteria in place. It's a much more helpful and healthy system.
Finishing Up
A damp crotch can lead to funky, cheese-like odors, so it's best to dry off when the bathing part of the routine is complete. A quick pat down with the towel should be sufficient, and there's no need for uncut men to retract the foreskin as they dry off. Removing the water from the exterior should do the trick. Similarly, there's no need to dust off with talcum or follow up with perfumed sprays. These additives can also cause itchy penis skin as they grind away into delicate tissues, and in some cases, perfumes contain drying agents like alcohol that can cause penis skin to dry out and peel off.
A penis health creme (http://www.man1health.com/ most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) might be an excellent way to end a bout of grooming, however, as these products have been specifically formulated to cause no irritation in penile tissue. The emollients in these products can also help to lock in the moisture from the shower, allowing the tissue to remain moist and hydrated, ready to spring into action. These products also contain vitamins that may keep bacterial colonies in check, which could result in a decrease in nasty odors. For men who want to bump up their hygiene routine without causing damage, a penis health creme provides an attractive solution. 
What are the various methods of birth control available?
Children can bring much joy into the lives of the parents who raise them – joy which many couples take pains to delay until the time is just right. Luckily, there are many methods of birth control available to choose from – some hormonal and some not. Moreover, some types of birth control provide additional protection from sexually transmitted infection’s (STI’s), while others do not.  While preventing pregnancy is certainly important to many men, maintaining penis health (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) is important to every man and should be part of the decision as well.  In fact, combining birth control methods such as an oral contraceptive and a condom, provides maximum protection from both pregnancy and infection.
8 Common Methods of Birth Control
The Condom:  Condoms are worn over the penis and prevent sperm from entering the uterus.  They are available in latex or polyurethane; it is important to note, however, that lambskin condoms, while effective at preventing pregnancy, are found to not be as effective against infections.
The Pill: One of the most common types of birth control is an oral medication known as “the pill.” The pill is 99% effective against pregnancy when taken properly.  The pill uses the female hormones estrogen and progestin to prevent pregnancy. The pill is available in combination (estrogen and progestin), mini pill (progestin-only pill), and the extended cycle pill, which changes the frequency of the period to every three months or longer.
The Diaphragm: The diaphragm is a dome shaped contraceptive device that is made from rubber.  It is inserted into the vagina where it covers the cervix, preventing sperm from entering. Used in conjunction with spermicide, it is designed to non-hormonally prevent the sperm from fertilizing an egg.
The Ring: Named for its ring shape, the vaginal ring a flexible plastic ring that is inserted into the vagina. The ring works in the same manner as the pill, by releasing hormones into the woman’s body.
The IUD: An intrauterine device (IUD) is a copper device that is surgically implanted in the uterus to prevent pregnancy. IUDs are implanted by a doctor, are more than 99% effective and can remain implanted for 10 or more years.
The Female Condom:  A female condom is inserted into the vagina where it covers the cervix to prevent the passage of sperm to the egg. Made from a soft plastic known as polyurethane, the female condom is prone to slipping and is not as effective at preventing infection or pregnancy as male condoms. However, this method may be preferred by individuals who have a latex allergy or sensitivity.
The Patch:  This method of birth control uses a hormone-releasing patch that can be placed on the body. It stays in place for a week at a time and relies on the same combination of hormones as oral contraceptives.
The Implant:  Another method of birth control, considered to be slightly more permanent based on its design; the device is implanted under the skin on the upper arm. The implant is about the side of a matchstick, is nearly 100% effective, and stays implanted for about three years.
The Healthy Penis
Using proper protection is an integral part of one’s overall penis health and wellness. A condom is the most effective way – apart from abstinence -- for a man to protect himself from STI’s and also from getting his partner pregnant.  Additionally, the use of a high-quality penis vitamin formula helps keep the penis functioning at its highest possible level (http://www.man1health.com most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). When applied directly to the penis, the vitamin formula can help improve penis health by rejuvenating the skin of the penis while improving circulation and enhancing sensitivity of the area.
According to popular belief, the average man is ready at a moment’s notice to spring into action – even the slightest of breezes may be enough to set off a sensual response. However, while few men will openly admit it, guys are almost as likely as women to experience periods of low sex drive, where they just can’t seem to muster enough interest to get things started – never mind take them to a glorious finish.
Although men tend to judge themselves by their sex drive and ability to be ready at any time, low sex drive does not have much to do with a man’s virility; in general, it is related to something else that is going on in his life. Often, addressing the underlying problem and practicing adequate penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) can be effective in overcoming this distressing issue.
What low sex drive might mean
A man who is not feeling the urge quite as often as his partner wants might be experiencing any of the following:

Too much stress – Men who are stressed out over their jobs, finances, family issues, or relationship problems are generally flooding their own bodies with stress hormones, which have a tendency to counteract the “feel-good” neurotransmitters that produce feelings of desire. Learning to cope with stress in a healthy way can help to alleviate the effects of daily life on the libido.


An underlying health problem – Men who are affected by health issues such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, nerve damage, low testosterone, depression, or a host of other problems might not be firing on all cylinders. Identifying and treating these conditions can often help to reverse the problem, putting men back into action.


Emotional issues – Men who have been raised in a religiously conservative household or who have been shamed about sex related issues may experience feelings of guilt when it comes to sex; this can ultimately affect the libido and lead to problems with erectile function and intimacy. In some cases, a close relationship with a partner can help, but in most instances, counseling may be needed to build a healthy urge for sex.


Medications and other substances – Certain medications, as well as nicotine, alcohol and recreational substances, can diminish a man’s drive, as well as causing problems in terms of erectile function. Quitting smoking, limiting alcohol intake, avoiding illicit substances and changing medications are all indicated in this event.

What reduced libido usually doesn’t mean
Men who are experiencing low sex drive can – in most cases – reassure their partners that it is not lack of attraction or infidelity that is causing the drop in interest. Many women tend to feel that their partner’s lack of interest means that he is not sexually attracted to her any more; this can lead to relationship problems if not addressed in a positive manner.
Men can let their partners know that the problem is not because of lack of affection or attraction, and couples can often work together to find the real source of the problem.
Penis TLC for increased confidence
Like their female counterparts, men are more likely to feel sexy, attractive and ready for action if they feel good about how they look. In order to feel his best, a man’s overall health and physical fitness is important, of course. This doesn’t mean he has to be a GQ model – taking care of himself by eating right and getting a moderate degree of regular exercise can create feelings of well-being that are conducive to a healthy sex drive.
A little attention to penis grooming can also add to a man’s level of self-confidence and enhance his level of interest in some bedroom action. Keeping the pelvic area clean and neatly trimmed can go a long way in this respect. Adding a specialized penis health creme (http://www.man1health.com/ most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) formulated with male-specific nutrients promote an attractive look and feel, as well as boosting pleasurable sensation.
It’s no secret that the penis changes as a man gets older, but how to control these changes and maintain optimum penis health is often something of a mystery. Unfortunately, not all boys are taught about the ins and outs of the penis, and as a result, they don’t always understand how to care for it properly. By learning about how the penis develops over time, as well as the do’s and don’ts of appropriate penis and foreskin care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php), men can avoid some common, yet unpleasant problems and maintain penile function well into the golden years.
The childhood penis
When a male infant is born, the glans, or bulb at the end of the penis, is covered by a specialized layer of skin, known as the foreskin or prepuce. While this skin is like the surrounding dermal tissue on the outside, the inside is more like the insides of the cheeks and mouth – it is actually a delicate mucus membrane, and not skin at all. As a matter of tradition, many parents elect to have their male children circumcised – a surgical procedure by which the foreskin is removed.
However, as this procedure is not deemed medically necessary, fewer parents are opting for removal of the prepuce. Contrary to what many believe, the uncircumcised infant penis does not require any specialized care. Cleaning the penis is as simple as bathing with soap and water; the foreskin should not be forced back, and nothing should be inserted underneath for the purpose of cleaning.
Over time, the membrane joining the foreskin to the glans will be shed naturally; small globules of skin will roll away, often accumulating underneath the foreskin. Again, there is no need to reach under an unretracted foreskin to clean these away. Forcing the sheath back can cause bleeding and scarring, which can result in adhesions that will cause problems later in life.
The penis during puberty
Most boys will be able to retract their foreskin fully by the age of about 5; however, for many children, this will not happen until later in the teen years, usually when a male begins to discover his own body. At this time, boys should be taught to wash away the smegma that has accumulated underneath.
Pubescent boys may begin to experience growth of the penis at this time and may gain their full size, although there is no need to worry if a 15 year-old does not have the appearance of a fully grown man. Many men continue to grow into their twenties, so there is no firm calendar date by which a male should expect to reach his full size.
The adult penis
As men age, the tone and texture of the penis skin may change, aging like the rest of the body. Along with thinning and wrinkling of the skin, the veins under the skin may become more prominent; and the worn nerve tissue may become less sensitive to touch. Circulation to the penis may also diminish, and in some cases, this may lead to some degree of penile shrinkage; excess abdominal fat may also obscure the penis, causing it to appear smaller than it really is.
However, with the right care, men can reduce these signs of aging, encouraging the growth of healthy new tissue to replace old cells as they die off in order to keep the penis soft, supple, smooth and responsive. Applying a specially formulated penis nutrient cream (http://www.man1health.com most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) after a daily shower helps to provide the nourishment needed to rejuvenate the penile tissue right where it is needed most.
Summer is a time for love, and many a man has a plan or two up his sleeve when it comes to summertime romance – whether they are looking forward to a special getaway with a partner or hoping to meet someone new and interesting.
But as much fun as warm-weather activities can be, they can take a toll on the penis, and men might find that their package is not quite up to snuff when it comes time to drop his shorts. Fortunately, with the right approach to penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php), a little fun in the sun does not have to lead to an unsightly penis rash or unhealthy, peeling skin.
Some of the common causes of summertime penis rash are described here, as well as tips for banishing them, or avoiding them altogether.

Heat rash – While the sight of a penis rash on a hot day can send a man into panic, one of the most common causes is also one of the least worrisome. Sweating, combined with the natural warmth of the pelvic region, can lead to heat rash, which appears as a scattering of red dots or bumps on the skin. Wearing loose-fitting clothing, washing every day, and applying a moisturizer or powder to the area can help to eliminate an unsightly red penis rash.


Dermatitis – With less clothing comes more potential for contact with the outside environment, and more than one man has had an embarrassing encounter with poison ivy, poison oak, or other plant-based irritants. Certain sunscreens and other lotions may also cause an unpleasant skin reaction resulting in a penis rash. After coming in contact with a potential irritant, it is important to wash the area thoroughly to remove any traces of the offending substance; applying an anti-itch cream and letting the area heal is generally all that is needed.


Skin allergies – Latex allergies are common and can develop even in men who have previously used latex condoms without incident. Men who experience itching, redness or a rash after using a condom should avoid latex, looking for an alternate material instead.


Sunburn – Men do not have to sunbathe in the nude to sustain a sunburn in this most delicate of areas; the sun’s UV rays are perfectly capable of burning right through the clothing. Even men who plan to stay covered up should slather on the sunscreen to avoid a red penis. Choosing beachwear made with UV-blocking fabrics is also a good idea.


Jock itch – The fungus responsible for jock itch thrives in warm, moist conditions, making a sweaty pelvic area an ideal haven for growth. To avoid developing an itchy, spreading rash, men should refrain from sharing towels, clothing or other personal items. Keeping the area clean is also a must, and applying an anti-fungal medication if an infection does appear can help to clear it up.


Yeast infection – Like jock itch, the Candida yeast that causes yeast infection likes warm weather. Adding a damp bathing suit or a sweaty pair of shorts to the mix makes for the perfect environment for yeast overgrowth. Men who develop an itchy rash, peeling skin and/or a thick, whitish discharge should see a doctor for diagnosis; over-the-counter antifungal creams are generally effective for treating this condition.

Healthy penis care tips – the benefits of skin nutrients
Like the rest of the body, the penis requires good nutrition to resist infection, rebuild damaged cells and stay fit and functioning well. Applying a penis health formula  (http://www.man1health.com most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) after a daily shower can help men to ensure that their penis receives the direct benefits of skin-friendly vitamins, antioxidants, and moisturizers needed to smooth the skin, protect against environmental damage, and heal damaged dermal tissue.
According to our cultural mythology, the average male is like a raging bull in terms of his sexual desire; men are viewed as having an unending libido. A great majority of men identify their virility with their sex drive, so it is not surprising that few are willing to confess the truth – that they, like their female counterparts, may experience flagging desire that may or may not have to do with age, hormones or relationship issues.
The good news is that, in the first place, men who don’t feel the urge as frequently as they believe they should are in good company; at least 20 to 25% of all American men confess to decreased interest in sex. In the second place, in most cases, this problem is reversible. With the right attention to physical and mental health, as well as a little penis TLC (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php), many, if not most men can rediscover their latent passion.
Some of the common causes of reduced sex drive are described here:

Cardiovascular health – Men whose cardiovascular system is not functioning at its best are likely to feel a sense of fatigue and overall lack of well-being that can contribute to low sex drive. Keeping track of heart health and following the doctor’s recommendations for treatment can help to improve things in the libido department, as well as increasing a man’s general level of health.


Diabetes – The effects of diabetes on the health are far-reaching, and sexual function is often a casualty of this dangerous disorder. Erectile dysfunction and low libido are often the result of poorly controlled blood sugar levels; therefore, managing diabetes is key to restoring optimum sexual function.


Obesity – Aside from the risk of developing diabetes, men who are seriously overweight are often just too low in energy to experience much interest in sex. Being overweight can also interfere with a man’s hormone levels and self-esteem – two more problems that can diminish his desire. Losing weight can promote an overall sense of well-being and confidence, as well as increasing circulation to the pertinent parts.


Low testosterone – Low levels of male hormone are often linked to decreased desire, although low-T, as it is often called, is not always to blame. A high level of irritability, weight gain, confusion, and difficulty making decisions may also signal a decreased level of testosterone; treating the underlying cause may help to reverse these effects.


Depression/anxiety – Mood disorders such as depression and anxiety are frequently linked to loss of desire. In addition, the medications often used to treat these conditions are often to blame for reduced sex drive. Men who are being treated with medications for these conditions should talk to their health care providers about potentially changing their medication.


Stress – While located near the end of this list, stress is perhaps one of the most frequent culprits in decreased libido levels. Often, learning to manage stress, or simply finding a way to eliminate the stressor, can help to restore a man’s interest in extracurricular activities.


Relationship problems – Finally, when it comes to intimacy, it stands to reason that a man who is experiencing relationship conflict may not feel like getting romantic with his partner. Addressing relationship issues – or even opting out of the relationship, if necessary, may be called for if this is the case.

Maintaining game-ready equipment
Even the most impassioned of men are in for a problem if their penis is not ready for action when they are. Dry, flaky or irritated penis skin, or a member that just isn’t all that responsive to touch, is unlikely to perform well when it comes down to game time.
Treating the penis right can help to improve its appearance and sensitivity, which in turn can give its owner a boost of confidence that can further improve his libido. To keep the penis healthy, supple and responsive, it should be kept clean – men who are uncut should be sure to clean under the foreskin, especially. Wearing underwear that is snug but not too tight can help to protect the package while allowing adequate circulation.
And finally, keeping the penis well-nourished by adding a high-quality penis vitamin cream (http://www.man1health.com most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to the daily penis care regimen can leave the skin smooth, well-hydrated and ready for action.
Dry, peeling penis skin can send any man into a state of panic, especially when there is no obvious cause. Flakes of skin falling away from the Johnson are not only unattractive, they can appear as a sign of poor health, not to mention causing serious discomfort.
Fortunately, in most cases, the underlying issue can be easily addressed. With the right treatment and a good understanding of proper penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php), the problem can be banished in a matter of days, leaving the skin soft, smooth and attractive.
Common causes of flaking, peeling penis skin

Yeast infection.Candida yeast infections, also known as thrush, are one of the most common causes of peeling, itchy penis skin. Other symptoms of yeast infection include red bumps or sores, a burning sensation during urination, severe itching, and a whitish, lumpy discharge. Most yeast infections can be treated with topical anti-fungal creams. Although not considered a sexually transmitted infection, Candida is highly contagious and can easily be passed from one partner to another, so men who develop a yeast infection should encourage their partners to be treated, as well.


Balanitis. This condition refers to any inflammation of the glans – or head – of the penis. The inflammation may be related to yeast infection or poor hygiene. Keeping the area clean is essential, especially for men who are uncircumcised, and topical creams may be used to treat the pain, itching and flaking caused by the infection.


Phimosis. Men or boys who are unable to retract the foreskin may be diagnosed with phimosis. The tight foreskin may develop a dry appearance, especially if it is stretched during an erection or as a result of masturbation or sex. Phimosis can often be treated by gently pulling the foreskin back a little at a time; applying a high-quality moisturizer can be of assistance in this process. In some cases, doctors may recommend circumcision as the best solution.


Sexually transmitted infections. Certain communicable diseases can cause dry penis skin that flakes and peels. Men who are sexually active should be tested for STIs on a regular basis and follow through with any recommended treatment.


Dermatitis. A skin sensitivity to something in a man’s environment – from laundry detergent to fragrances to latex condoms or spermicides – can cause the skin to become irritated, itchy, and dry. Avoiding potential skin irritants can eliminate this problem, and using a soothing vitamin cream when irritation does occur can help to clear up any issues.


Psoriasis or eczema. Men who have psoriasis or eczema elsewhere on their bodies may also develop dry, scaly or red patches of skin on the penis. Vitamins A and E are often used as natural solutions for these issues; hydrocortisone creams are also frequently prescribed, but caution is advised in this case, as steroid creams can cause thinning of the delicate penile skin.


Friction. Dry masturbation or sex is a leading cause of peeling, stressed skin. Using a personal lubricant (one designed for the purpose) can reduce the occurrence of dryness and irritation of the penis.

Any unusual penis symptoms are best tended to by a doctor who has experience in men’s issues, especially if the owner of the package is not sure what is causing the problem. In some cases, such as communicable diseases, prescription medications may be required to clear up the problem.
Dry penis skin should be allowed time to heal; abstaining from sex until the cause of the issue has been identified can prevent further damage and discomfort. In addition, applying a penis moisturizing cream (http://www.man1health.com most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing penis-specific nutrients such as vitamins A and E can help to nourish the skin and speed the healing process. A good penis cream containing natural moisturizers such as Shea butter is ideal for even the most sensitive skin; applying the cream after a shower is best, as this allows for rapid absorption for maximum benefit.
Most men are intimately familiar with the landscape of their equipment, tending to carefully scrutinize it for any unsightly or out of place lumps, bumps, or red spots.  While a sudden development in that area may send some men running for the clinic, there are certain bumps that are nothing to sweat about.  Three common – and more importantly benign – bumps to be aware of are detailed below, along with penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) tips that can help to banish unsightly bumps and blemishes.
Benign Bumps of the Penis
1)      Penis Pimples: While everyone hopes to leave acne in their adolescent past, the fact of the matter is, the occasional penis pimple can crop up at any time.  Though unpleasant – and possibly a bit painful – a penis pimple is no more harmful when found on the nether regions than when found on the face.  The biggest worry of a penis pimple is likely embarrassment, particularly if one has plans to be getting up close and personal with a partner. A pimple will appear as a red bump, though occasionally it may have a white head on it, and may produce slight discharge. 
Tempting though it may be, a penis pimple should not be popped or squeezed, as that merely causes more bacteria to be released in the area – and potentially more pimples to be formed.  Simply wash the area daily with a gentle cleanser and it should clear up on its own soon. Harsh acne medication should not be used on the penis as it may cause irritation or even infection if it should find its way up the urethra. Natural vitamin A is a better treatment for the area, as it is non-irritating and fights pimple-causing bacteria.
2)      Ingrown Hair: Believe it or not, an ingrown hair can create a very large, surprisingly painful lump virtually overnight, which is certainly cause for alarm in most men.  The lump is likely to be red, filled with white pus and may be tender to the touch. Men who shave the area or have particularly coarse, thick public hair tend to be more prone to this type of bump. An ingrown hair should not be squeezed, as that may exacerbate the irritation; it is likely to clear up on its own in several days. 
Vitamin A is also a good treatment for this type of lump as it helps fight the bacteria that may be lurking in that inflamed hair follicle.  To avoid creating the problem in the future, always shave with the grain of the hair – not against it – and use a loofa to gently exfoliate the area in the shower.
3)      Cysts: Though the word itself sounds a bit scary, a cyst is really nothing more than a fluid-filled nodule that, unfortunately, sometimes appears on the penis or scrotum.  They are usually small – about the size of a pea – and can show up as a single lump or a patch of bumps.  A cyst can be filled with fluid or a cheesy substance that is about as pleasant as it sounds.
A cyst should go away on its own eventually, though some men choose an elective procedure to have it surgically removed. This can occur if the cyst is particularly large and uncomfortable, or if cosmetically it is bothering the owner.
Maintaining a Healthy Penis
Many of the benign lumps and bumps occur naturally due to location of the area. Let’s be honest – a man’s junk is sweaty, hot, and full of bacteria, making it the perfect breeding ground for all sorts of mystery bumps.  Luckily, practicing a good hygiene regimen can reduce the occurrence of some of these nuisances. Obviously, washing the area daily in the shower is rule numero uno, but some men’s skin naturally produces more pore-clogging oil, so a second wash may even be necessary to keep bumps at bay.  Following the washing routine with an all-natural penis vitamin creme, (http://www.man1health.com most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) particularly one containing the bacteria-busting vitamin A, can help make below the belt blemishes a thing of the past.  Simply wash, pat dry, and apply.
These days, many men are beginning to take charge of their health, and what better place to start than down below.  Penis health is an often-overlooked area of men’s health; but unfortunately, the well-being of the little guy is not guaranteed. Most men are unsure how to best care for the penis; it seems that wash, rinse, repeat is about as sophisticated as some men like to get with their grooming habits.  There are numerous essential vitamins and minerals that improve the vitality of penis function and should be added to the daily penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) routine. Find out what they are and how to integrate them into a healthy lifestyle.
Natural Ingredients for Penis Health
Vitamin E:  Perhaps the most well-known skin care vitamin, vitamin E has rich moisturizing properties that protects the penis skin from becoming dry, cracked and irritated.  The skin of the penis is very delicate and susceptible to irritation and itching, vitamin E can calm the skin, leaving it hydrated and youthful.
Shea Butter:  Women have been privy to the powers of Shea butter for ages, while men are only just now coming around and realizing that rough, cracked skin is not always appealing. Shea butter provides deep moisture that rejuvenates skin cells and helps the penis retain moisture so that it stays smooth and supple – the way it is meant to be.
Acetyl L Carnitine: An important supplement, Acetyl L Carnitine protects the penis from accidental nerve damage, which can occur from the normal wear and tear of the average sex life.  It is especially useful with combined with Alpha Lipoic Acid, as it helps reverse nerve damage and keep the penis cells healthy and functioning.
Alpha Lipoic Acid: Known for its antioxidant properties – meaning it helps fight cancer causing free radicals – Alpha Lipoic Acid slows the aging of the penis cells to reduce signs of premature aging. Combined with Acetyl L Carnitine, it can help prevent excessive wrinkling of the penis area, keeping the penis healthy and younger looking.
L-Arginine: Everybody knows that a rich supply of oxygen is essential to life and the functioning of our internal organs.  L-Arginine helps increase the availability of oxygen to the penis by keeping the tiny capillaries and blood vessels healthy and allowing increased blood flow to the area. 
Vitamin A: Vitamin A helps target bacterial growth – common in the hot, moist crevices of the genital region – eliminating unpleasant penile odor that no man wants to experience. 
Vitamin B5:  Vitamin B5 is essential for cell metabolism; it also helps to maintain the proper functioning of the penis. Vitamin B5 is vitally important to the health and functioning of the penis.
Vitamin C:  Vitamin C – most often associated with fighting the common cold – packs a powerful punch in the world of penis health as well.  Vitamin C helps boost collagen production, which in turn increases firmness of the penile tissue, thereby promoting overall erectile function.
Vitamin D: Not just for healthy bones, vitamin D has been proven effective in fighting diseases and helping the cells to function properly.  It is a much-needed vitamin for a healthy package.
Keeping the Penis Healthy
No matter how healthy an individual’s diet, it is unlikely they will be able to ingest all the vital nutrients and minerals the body needs to function at its highest level every single day. That is why many people choose to take supplements and vitamins to boost their immunity and wellness.  While taking a multivitamin may provide the body with some benefits, not all of the nutrients are absorbed into the body.  Thus, for maximum concentration and effectiveness, a penis health formula containing the components listed above may be the best option.  A high-quality penis oil, made from natural ingredients (http://www.man1health.com most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) allows the user to apply the formula directly on the penis for maximum absorption and effectiveness.  Daily use may help improve the health and functioning of the penis while simultaneously increasing sensation and sensitivity.
A quick self-exam, performed as part of a routine penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) regimen, could help men to spot penis lumps and bumps when they're small and easy to treat. When a man's searching fingers find those pesky protrusions, however, he might react with sheer panic and fright. It's reasonable to be concerned, but it's also worthwhile to take a deep breath and follow these three simple, commonsense steps. Doing so could lead to penis health in no time at all.
1. Don't Try to Pop It.
Pinching, poking or squeezing a penis bump is never a good idea. In fact, it could lead to catastrophe. The skin around the penis may be contaminated with splashes of urine or tiny colonies of bacteria, and poking a hole in the skin could allow wriggling bacteria and germs to enter the body where they could do a significant amount of damage. Additionally, some lumps and bumps on penis skin aren't caused by any kind of blocked pore or subsurface invader. Instead, these bumps might be caused by infections or damaged tissues, and piercing these layers could lead to even more problems down the line.
2. Visit a Doctor.
Searching the Internet, phoning a friend or even showing a girlfriend a penis bump might seem reassuring, but often, it's impossible for people without medical degrees to know what's causing a skin issue. Sometimes, even doctors can't tell why tissue is inflamed until they run a few tests and consult with a laboratory on the results.
At a doctor's appointment, men should be sure to:

Describe how the bump has changed, if at all, since it was first noticed
Detail any recent sexual activity
Bring along any prescriptions or vitamins that are part of daily life
Describe any sensations of pain associated with the bump

In some cases, changes in diet or medications could make the lumps and bumps fade. In other cases, creams or pills might be needed in order to combat the problem. And sometimes, the bumps are completely harmless, and a man is advised to just use reasonable care in order to keep his penis healthy.
3. Practice Proper Penis Care.
No matter the cause of penis bumps, they can serve as a wakeup call that a man's penis care technique isn't quite what it should be. For some men, this means they're not staying safe during sexual activity.
Some sexually transmitted infections manifest as lumps and bumps on the penis. While a condom can't provide 100 percent protection against this problem, barriers can keep some delicate tissue under wraps, so it won't slide up against the infected tissue of a partner. Men who are lax about condoms might need to revise their policies, and penis bumps could provide that prompt.
Raw, irritated skin bruised through poor handling and a lack of nutrition can also erupt into bumps. The skin loses its smooth appearance when it's maltreated, and it can heal into all sorts of funky shapes. A penis health creme (http://www.man1health.com most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) could be of vital help here. These products contain the vitamins and nutrients that starved tissues need, and the dermal application means that all of the goodness goes into the tissues directly, without taking a long journey through the body first. Products like this also contain vital emollients that can allow hardened skin to soften and smooth out. With just a few applications, a man is sure to feel the difference, as might his partners. 
A quick self-exam, performed as part of a routine penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) regimen, could help men to spot penis lumps and bumps when they're small and easy to treat. When a man's searching fingers find those pesky protrusions, however, he might react with sheer panic and fright. It's reasonable to be concerned, but it's also worthwhile to take a deep breath and follow these three simple, commonsense steps. Doing so could lead to penis health in no time at all.
1. Don't Try to Pop It.
Pinching, poking or squeezing a penis bump is never a good idea. In fact, it could lead to catastrophe. The skin around the penis may be contaminated with splashes of urine or tiny colonies of bacteria, and poking a hole in the skin could allow wriggling bacteria and germs to enter the body where they could do a significant amount of damage. Additionally, some lumps and bumps on penis skin aren't caused by any kind of blocked pore or subsurface invader. Instead, these bumps might be caused by infections or damaged tissues, and piercing these layers could lead to even more problems down the line.
2. Visit a Doctor.
Searching the Internet, phoning a friend or even showing a girlfriend a penis bump might seem reassuring, but often, it's impossible for people without medical degrees to know what's causing a skin issue. Sometimes, even doctors can't tell why tissue is inflamed until they run a few tests and consult with a laboratory on the results.
At a doctor's appointment, men should be sure to:

Describe how the bump has changed, if at all, since it was first noticed
Detail any recent sexual activity
Bring along any prescriptions or vitamins that are part of daily life
Describe any sensations of pain associated with the bump

In some cases, changes in diet or medications could make the lumps and bumps fade. In other cases, creams or pills might be needed in order to combat the problem. And sometimes, the bumps are completely harmless, and a man is advised to just use reasonable care in order to keep his penis healthy.
3. Practice Proper Penis Care.
No matter the cause of penis bumps, they can serve as a wakeup call that a man's penis care technique isn't quite what it should be. For some men, this means they're not staying safe during sexual activity.
Some sexually transmitted infections manifest as lumps and bumps on the penis. While a condom can't provide 100 percent protection against this problem, barriers can keep some delicate tissue under wraps, so it won't slide up against the infected tissue of a partner. Men who are lax about condoms might need to revise their policies, and penis bumps could provide that prompt.
Raw, irritated skin bruised through poor handling and a lack of nutrition can also erupt into bumps. The skin loses its smooth appearance when it's maltreated, and it can heal into all sorts of funky shapes. A penis health creme (http://www.man1health.com most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) could be of vital help here. These products contain the vitamins and nutrients that starved tissues need, and the dermal application means that all of the goodness goes into the tissues directly, without taking a long journey through the body first. Products like this also contain vital emollients that can allow hardened skin to soften and smooth out. With just a few applications, a man is sure to feel the difference, as might his partners. 
Sailors of the past, adrift on the sea for months at a time with no fresh fruit in sight, knew that fruits such as oranges could prevent unpleasant deficiencies that could lead to bleeding gums and sores under the surface of the skin. And mother was right when she insisted that her children drink up their orange juice to keep away colds, flu-like symptoms and other childhood ailments. All in all, the benefits of vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, are well known in the medical community and beyond, not all men realize that failing to stock up on Vitamin C could have an impact on penis sensation and appearance. Rectifying this issue should be an integral part of a man's penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) regimen.
Plumping and Firming
Beneath the pitted, hairy surface of the skin lies a thick carpet of collagen, made up of amino acids. This substance holds disparate types of tissue together, but it also works to plump up the skin and keep it cushiony and soft. With time, however, the body produces less and less of this material, and wrinkles begin to form due to the loss of cushion. Skin like this tends to buckle and bend, and sensory cells can get hidden in the rolls of wrinkled skin.
Vitamin C can prompt the body to produce a bit more collagen, and this can allow those rivers of wrinkles to smooth and fill in. The hidden sensory cells may be turned back out to face the stimulus from outside, and a man might be able to feel much more down below as a result.
Increasing Hydration
Soft and smooth skin is responsive because all of the tissues on the surface are just a little bit moist. Unfortunately, without proper amounts of Vitamin C, the skin can lose a significant amount of moisture due to evaporation, and the upper layers of the skin can dry up and flake away in the breeze. The only sensations a man might feel from skin like this are signals of itching and pain. Pleasure might be hard to come by. Boosting Vitamin C could allow the skin to trap moisture where it belongs leaving the surface of the skin smooth and soft as a result.
Facilitating Healing
All of the skin in the human body is assaulted with damage on a daily basis, through the rays of the sun, the pollution in the air and the chemicals in the foods a person eats. Fighting back against this damage requires a significant amount of Vitamin C, as this element can help to isolate and reduce the damage inside skin cells. With treatment, skin might just be healthier, with lower amounts of damage, and penile sensation can benefit as a result.
Upping the Levels
Vitamin C is available in a variety of foods, including:

Citrus fruits
Red bell peppers
Kiwi fruit

Sprinkling these foods into a diet could help a man to boost his available Vitamin C levels, but this kind of dietary amendment must be done each and every day. This element isn't stored well within the human body, so whatever cells can't use at the moment gets sent to the digestive system for removal. Men who just add a few items to a salad once per week may not be getting the full nutrition they need for robust penis health and sensitivity. That's why a penis health creme containing Vitamin C could be so important.
The body is able to absorb Vitamin C directly through the pores of the skin, and products that are applied directly to the skin tend to be used right where they're placed. The body won't steal the vitamin from the penis to use on the nose or the top of the head; the product will stay right where it's applied. A quality creme (http://www.man1health.com most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) could help to boost collagen production and increase sensitivity, and the results could be felt right where a man needs help the most. 
How does one overcome sexual anxiety?
Sexual anxiety can be the 1,000-pound pink elephant in the room.  It is something most men don’t want to talk about, nearly all men will deny ever having experienced, and yet will affect virtually everyone at some point in their lifetime. Anybody who claims they have never been nervous about having sex is either lying or lives with a healthy dose of narcissism. While sexual anxiety can range from having a few butterflies in the stomach to a crippling emotional condition warranting assistance by a professional sex therapist, there are ways to ease the anxiety and make sex more enjoyable. Taking charge of one’s sexual life in terms of emotional health, penis health (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) and physical health can help lead to a more satisfying love life all around.
What is sexual anxiety?

Also known as performance anxiety, the crux of the problem begins with overanalyzing and putting too much pressure on one performance, which can ultimately lead to a poor performance come show time. Many men seem to equate bringing about female orgasm with masculinity and worry that if they do not measure up to a woman’s standards, they will be seen as less of a man. Society’s ideals of male sexuality are constantly bombarding the typical man, often creating unrealistic expectations of what a man should look like and how he should perform in bed.  Magazines are splashed with 6-pack abs and mind-blowing sex tips every man should know.  Often, turning on the TV will find a steamy between-the-sheets session between two impossibly good-looking people -- who seem to have endless stamina and passion for one another -- as their sweaty bodies cascade in orgasm after orgasm. And that is happening in the PG world, never mind the way that the adult film industry portrays male sexuality.
For some men, all this media input skews their perception of their own bodies, leading them to believe that they cannot live up to their partner’s expectations.  Thus, when it comes time to knock boots, some men become self-conscious and hyper-focused on what they are doing rather than what they are feeling, which is a recipe for an unsatisfying experience.  In some cases, this performance anxiety can even lead to prolonged dysfunction.
How to overcome sexual anxiety
Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer.  Part of solving the problem is getting to the root of the problem, so often self-exploration is needed to determine the underlying cause.  Men can ask themselves, “What am I afraid of?” or “What is making me feel nervous?” to help determine what may be the cause of the anxiety leading up to a sexual encounter.  Below are a few quick tips to help curb sexual anxiety; however, men suffering from long-term, severe cases should consider professional help.

Relax: It is pretty hard to enjoy oneself during sex when simultaneously analyzing one’s body fat content and trying to recall the last 20 moves in the Kama Sutra. Remember, nobody’s perfect, so try to put insecurities aside and have fun.


De-stress: Anxiety begets anxiety.  Work, family and money stressors can be carried over into the bedroom without even trying. Make a conscious effort to leave anxiety at the door and mentally “check-out” during intimate moments.


Exercise: It may sound simplistic, but exercise releases feel-good endorphins into the brain, which help to combat anxiety.  Additionally, working out may provide a jolt of self-confidence in the bedroom, making it easier to be naked and vulnerable with a partner.


Breathe: Obviously people are always breathing, but purposeful deep breaths slows down the nervous system and fights anxiety. Breathing in for the count of 4, holding it for the count of 4, and breathing out for the count of 4 can actually help boost relaxation. Really, try it.


Talk about it:  Sexual anxieties may be the last thing a man wants to talk to his partner about, but chances are she has already noticed something is going on.  It is best to get it out in the open, as she may just have a response to help solve the whole problem. It is also important to communicate, because ones’ partner may misread anxiety cues -- such as avoidance of intercourse -- as a sign of infidelity or rejection of her body, leading to additional issues down the road.


Penis care: Keeping a healthy penis can increase body confidence and may even help with stimulation and sensitivity, making sex more enjoyable.  Using a daily penis vitamin formula (http://www.man1health.com most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can keep the penis skin smooth and attractive while fighting odor and increasing circulation to the area.  A healthy penis can go a long way towards feeling good about one’s prowess, and that may just translate into decreased anxiety in the bedroom.
Most young boys are subjected to the dreaded birds-and-bees conversation early in life. That same information is also typically provided in school, during embarrassing sex education classes. By the time a guy reaches adolescence, it's often assumed that he knows everything there is to know about sex and pregnancy. Even so, myths about how babies are made, and how penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) plays a role, are rampant among young men. Clearing up those myths could help to avoid unplanned pregnancies, not to mention unpleasant penis problems.
Myth: Pulling Out Early Prevents Pregnancy.
A typical male ejaculation results in the release of hundreds of little swimmers, but only one of these is needed to fertilize a waiting egg. Men who rely on the pullout method may be able to keep the majority of their sperm cells from entering the bodies of their partners, but even one little cell left behind could be enough to do the trick. As a result, pulling out just isn't a method that's associated with a high level of success. Furthermore, the fluid that is often referred to as “pre-cum” may also contain sperm, so the assumption that if no ejaculation takes place, then no pregnancy will result is false.
Myth: Upright Sex is an Effective Form of Birth Control.
The idea behind this myth is that sperm won't move uphill in order to reach their ultimate destination. Unfortunately, these little cells are great swimmers, and they have absolutely no problem with moving uphill, downhill or even sideways in order to find an egg. They can also make the journey within seconds, so changing position right after sex or trying to push out, or flush out, the seminal fluid also won't help to keep pregnancy from occurring.
Myth: Having Sex in Water Washes Sperm Away.
Two bodies that are locked together during sex are incredibly efficient baby-making machines, and no amount of water will stand in their way. Sitting in a bathtub or a hot tub during sex may help them to feel more relaxed and perhaps a little bit cleaner, but this has no impact on the ability of sperm to move from a man's body to a woman's body. There is a bit of good news here, however. Many people have expressed concern that sperm could swim in hot water from one body to another, leading to unwanted pregnancies just from sharing a jacuzzi. However, sperm require a fairly specific environment to survive, and the temperature and chemistry of hot tub water is unlikely to allow them to survive such a journey. Therefore, men who worry about inviting their female partners into their pools or hot tubs due to the activity that's taken place in there in the past may not have much cause for concern.
Myth: First-Time Sex Can't Lead to Pregnancy.
Sex can seem incredibly complicated, as there are so many positions to study and so much legwork to do before the action even begins, but the actual act of fertilization is really quite simple. In fact, much of it doesn't require planning at all. Even really terrible sex that both people don't enjoy, performed for the very first time, can result in a pregnancy.
Myth: Frequent Masturbation Can Reduce Pregnancy Risk.
Some amount of sperm is released each time a guy climaxes, and men who want to reduce their chances of fatherhood may believe that spending quality time alone on a regular basis can help to reduce the amount of seed they release. It's worth repeating that only one little sperm cell is needed in order for a pregnancy to take hold. Masturbating may reduce the number of cells, but it can never reduce that figure to zero. Frequent masturbation can, however, cause penis damage, including:

Chafed skin
Reduced sensitivity
Increased scar tissue
Curved or bent erections

However, these issues can be alleviated through use of a penis health creme (http://www.man1health.com health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). A quality penile creme containing penis-specific nutrients and moisturizers can soothe abused skin and boost cellular health, allowing for a smooth, responsive tool that's ready for safe, protected sex.
Prostate cancer is the second most common form of cancer to affect men, after skin cancer; in the United States alone, this aggressive cancer claims the lives of over 30,000 men per year. However, when it is caught in the early stages, prostate cancer is generally treatable through chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or complete removal of the prostate.
Prostate removal, which is frequently performed via a procedure known as radical prostatectomy, is recommended in approximately 60% of cases, particularly when the cancer has not yet spread to other organs. However, prostatectomy side effects can be significant, ranging from loss of bladder control to erectile dysfunction. Before deciding to go this route, men should be aware of these, as well as basic measures for penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) that may help to limit their loss of sexual function.
Common prostatectomy side effects:

Urinary incontinence. During removal of the prostate, it is not uncommon for damage to occur to the urinary sphincter, the muscle that controls the opening and closing of the bladder. As a result, many men experience some degree of urinary incontinence following the procedure. While some may have only mild leakage, others can experience full loss of control over their bladder, which may have a significant impact on their lifestyle.

Some patients are able to regain normal function by practicing pelvic floor exercises; in some cases, adapting the consumption of fluids may be necessary. For more severe cases, medications or additional surgeries may be necessary to repair the damage.

Infertility. With radical prostatectomy, all of the prostate gland is removed, along with the seminal vesicles, and in many cases, the nearby lymph nodes. Because the prostate is responsible for the production of semen and sperm, prostatectomy always results in infertility.


Erectile dysfunction. The nerve tissue that is responsible for sending messages from the brain to the penis in order to trigger erections is sometimes damaged during prostate removal; it is not uncommon for men to encounter temporary or permanent erectile dysfunction following surgery. In some cases, the nerve tissue may regenerate, although this can take months or even years. In other instances, men opt for medication or penile implants to improve their erections.

Increasing penis sensation
Men who undergo prostatectomy should have realistic expectations following surgery; it would be misleading to claim that any device or product can eliminate the side effects of radical prostatectomy. However, with some attention to self-care, many men can continue to enjoy a healthy sex life in the years to come.
In order to improve their prospects for sexual function, men should do the following:

Promote healthy circulation. Regular exercise, a heart-healthy diet, and appropriate clothing (not too tight, not too loose) can improve blood flow to all parts of the body, including the penis, allowing for oxygenation of the nerves, skin and blood vessels. Oxygen is important in the repair of damaged tissue and regrowth of healthy new tissue, so keeping the heart pumping is essential to penile function.


Limit damaging activities. Unhealthy lifestyle choices such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and use of recreational substances can contribute to erectile dysfunction; all men should avoid these habits.


Nourish the penile tissue. Like the rest of the body, the penis needs adequate nutrition to function at its best. Some of the important nutrients needed for penis health can be found in a healthy diet; however, even men who eat right often do not get enough of certain vitamins and amino acids to benefit the penile tissue. Applying a high-quality penis health creme (http://www.man1health.com most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can provide the skin of the penis with these vital nutrients, keeping the penis healthy, resilient and responsive.
For many men, a big concern when it comes to sex is not being able to last long enough to fully enjoy the range of sensation that an intimate encounter has to offer; men may also worry that they come too soon to give their partners pleasure. On the other hand, there are plenty of men who have the opposite problem. While they may have no difficulty getting it up, taking things to the final moment of release can last for an inordinate amount of time, leaving both partners frustrated.
Rather than having a bored partner who spends more than half of a lovemaking session counting the cracks in the ceiling and wishing he would get there already, men who have issues with delayed ejaculation can overcome the problem by understanding the cause. With the right approach to self-care and penis health, men may find themselves getting over the top with much less effort, leaving their partners panting for more instead of wishing they would get it over with already.
Symptoms of delayed ejaculation
Men who have delayed ejaculation problems may need thirty minutes or longer to reach climax; some men may be unable to do so at all. In some men, this condition is lifelong; in other words, it has been present since birth. In other men, the condition develops over time; this is known as acquired delayed ejaculation.
According to mayoclinic.com, delayed ejaculation can be generalized – meaning that it happens all the time. On the other hand, it may be situational; i.e., it only occurs with certain partners, in a particular situation, or with certain techniques. For instance, some men may not be able to come during oral or vaginal sex but have no problem with manual stimulation.
Common causes and how to deal with them
Causes of delayed ejaculation may be physical, emotional or both. Some of the most prevalent physical causes include surgery, damage to the pelvic nerves, congenital (birth) defects, loss of penis sensation, or reactions to certain medications.
Emotional factors are complex and sometimes difficult to pin down, but they can stem from childhood issues related to sex – guilt, shaming, fear of being caught in the act – or from intimacy issues. Mood disorders such as depression and anxiety can also lead to delayed ejaculation problems.
Dealing with the inability to come within a reasonable amount of time can require patience, practice and an understanding partner. In some cases, treating an underlying health issue such as diabetes can do the trick, whereas in other instances, counseling and/or medication therapies may be required to deal with emotional or psychological barriers.
Experimenting with different techniques and positions may also heighten sensitivity in some men, decreasing the time needed to reach the ‘O’ moment and making the act more pleasurable.
Penis care and feeding
In order to function at its best and experience all that sexual stimulation has to offer, the penis should be the picture of health. Smooth, supple penis skin is not only more attractive to a potential partner; it is generally more responsive. To achieve the optimum healthy, youthful condition that can lead to the best possible sex, regular attention to self-care is needed. Example: http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php
Washing at least once a day is recommended in order to remove any built-up grime, sweat, dead skin cells and body fluids, with special focus on the area under the foreskin. Using a condom may not be ideal for the main who already feels like his sensitivity is not up to par, but disease prevention is most important. Men who have sensitivity problems may consider purchasing thinner, sensation-enhancing condoms for better results.  common among uncircumcised men.
In addition, applying a high-quality penis nutrient cream (http://www.man1health.com/ most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) once or twice per day can provide the skin of the penis with the vital nourishment that is needed to keep the penis healthy, supply and responsive to touch.
Men who are experiencing loss of penis sensation may feel like they are abnormal; after all, the penis is supposed to be the center of all pleasure… right? For any male who feels like his equipment is not up to par, a sense of isolation and hopelessness is not uncommon, as talking about this problem can feel like an admission of lack of manhood. However, loss of penis sensation is much more common than most people think, and it generally has nothing to do with a man’s virility. Instead, underlying health problems are often at the root of lack of penile sensitivity, and addressing these issues can reverse the problem. 
Some of the common causes of loss of sensation are described here, along with effective approaches to managing the problem. In addition, some tips for proper penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) are included to help all men look after the family jewels.
Common issues that affect penile sensitivity –

Diabetes. Diabetes is an autoimmune disorder that involves an inability to process blood glucose (sugar) properly. While the effects on the body are complex, when it comes down to penis health, they can be boiled down to this: excess sugar in the blood stream acts as a toxin that damages nerve tissue. Often, the nerve pathways between the brain and penis are affected, and the transmission of sensation from the penis to the brain is interrupted. This leaves men with loss of sensitivity in the penis.

The most effective way to deal with this issue is to manage the diabetes properly, following a doctor’s instructions concerning diet, exercise, weight loss, and – if needed – medication.

Infection. Internal yeast infections have been linked to temporary loss of sensation in some men. Clearing up the infection should help to restore adequate sensation; men who suspect a candida infection should consult a doctor for appropriate treatment.


Cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease affects overall penis function, especially when it comes to matters of impotence. In terms of penile sensitivity, reduced circulation to the penis can leave the skin and nerve cells starved for oxygen, impairing their function and limiting penis sensation.


Overuse. Dry masturbation or sex can stress the outer layers of penis skin, causing a layer of keratinized, toughened tissue to form. Over time, this can dull the sensory ability of the penis, leading to decreased sensation and increased time needed to reach climax. Keeping the skin soft, well-hydrated and nourished with skin-friendly vitamins and other nutrients can help to alleviate this issue.


Past sexual abuse. Men who have experienced past sexual abuse may develop psychological barriers that prevent them from experiencing any pleasure related to sexual stimulation. Dealing with these issues through counseling may help some men to re-establish a physical-emotional connection that will allow them to enjoy sexual activity.


Depression. Depression has been linked in many cases to loss of penis sensation. Treating the depression through medication and/or talk therapy may be effective in reducing the negative effects of depression, including sexual repercussions. However, some medications used for treating depression may lead to reduced sex drive. If this occurs, an adjustment in prescriptions may be necessary.


Fear of intimacy. Men who are emotionally detached or who fear intimacy with a partner, for whatever reason, may have difficulty connecting the act of sex with pleasure, and they may feel little in the way of sensation when it comes to mutual play. Dealing with this problem can range from resolving relationship issues to counseling to address underlying emotional problems.

TLC for the male equipment
Improving penile sensation can involve a number of different approaches, from addressing medical issues to counseling to daily care. Men can take care of this last aspect of penis health by attention to personal hygiene and care for the penis skin. In addition to washing daily to remove dead skin cells, sweat and other body fluids, applying a high-quality penis health cream  (http://www.man1health.com most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can provide the skin of the penis with the vitamins, antioxidants and skin-rejuvenating moisturizers it needs to stay healthy, resilient and responsive.
When it comes to penis health, an ounce of prevention is truly worth a pound of cure. In fact, men who practice proper penis health (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) care may be able to completely avoid these five common conditions that can strike a man below the belt.
1. Penile Fracture
When soft, the penis is bendable and movable. When rigid, however, the cells of the penis aren't quite as flexible as they should be, and a sudden movement in the wrong direction can lead to a break. Often, these injuries occur when men are engaged in hurried encounters in tiny spaces, like cars or closets. They can also strike men who use quick, forceful movements that hit a partner's immovable bones. Men who use a little care when they're aroused can keep these injuries from taking place. Movements should be deliberate and carefully orchestrated, so everyone knows where the action is headed, and they should take place in safe spaces, like bedrooms.
2. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
Nasty diseases can jump from person to person during a sexual encounter, and it isn't always easy to spot an infection through a quick visual inspection. This kind of problem can be avoided altogether if men refrain from intimate encounters with partners that haven't been tested for STIs, or if they stick with the same long-term partner in a committed and monogamous relationship. Guys with a little fire in their blood, however, may need to rely on latex barriers during sexual activity for some protection. Even then, however, some skin may be exposed to infection, so regular testing and treatments are called for.
3. Bent Penis
When scar tissue develops on the erectile chambers, the consequent lack of stretching ability can morph a straight penis into a bending, curving tool that can cause a great deal of pain and even interfere with the ability to engage in sex. Once again, treating the package with tender care is key. Rough masturbation techniques, in particular, can be deadly for the penis. Using proper lubrication and an ample amount of time can keep pockets of scar tissue from forming. Masturbation like this can also be much more pleasurable than furtive, burning episodes that leave only pain behind.
4. Balanitis
Balanitis is a fancy word that describes inflammation on the head of the penis, and it's commonly caused by:

Yeast infections
Harsh detergents
Perfumed lotions
Poor hygiene

A few colonies of germs allowed to spread in penile tissue can grow and grow until they cause severe discomfort, and harsh cleansing methods can irritate the skin yet further. A daily wash with warm water and hypoallergenic soap can keep this problem from occurring.
5. Sensitivity Loss
The ability of the penis to detect a gentle touch or a soft breeze is legendary, but unfortunately, that ability can fade with time. Rough treatment is sometimes to blame here, as men can pull and tug on their equipment and toughen the outer layers of skin in the process. Sometimes, however, poor nutrition is to blame. Penile tissue needs a variety of vitamins and minerals in order to stay moist and sensitive, and often, a man's diet isn't as healthful as it should be. Taking vitamins orally may not help, either, as the body may choose to apply those nutrients to help other tissues before it assists the penis. A penis health creme (http://www.man1health.com most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) could be a vital help here. These products allow a man to deliver vital nutrition directly to the starved tissues that need it most. Using a penis health creme as part of a regular part of the grooming process could allow a man to keep his sensitivity, well into his golden years. 
Most men may think they are experts when it comes to owning – and most likely, using – a penis.  However, just because a penis is attached to one’s body does not necessarily mean every man is deserving of a PhD in penisology – if there were such a thing.  Though there are certainly some interesting factoids about the penis that every man does not need to know, some information is critical to maintaining the penis health (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php).  After all, what is the point in having a penis if one is not going to take care of it?  Read on to discover important penis facts every man should know – with a couple of interesting ones mixed in just for fun.
1)      Smoking can reduce one’s penis length by as much as a centimeter! Everybody knows that smoking hurts the circulatory system, but most men fail to think of that one important little area that relies largely on adequate blood flow to perform its duties. If that tidbit were included on the warning label, chances are that there would be more men working on becoming non-smokers.
2)      The average male orgasm lasts only 6 seconds, whereas the average female orgasm can last 23 seconds. Isn’t funny how so much time, effort and thought can go into working towards those 6 short seconds?
3)      Though sometimes referred to as a boner, there is no bone inside a penis.  However, a penis can become “broken” when it is forcibly hit with an object –usually a woman’s pubic bone.  Unfortunately, severe cases of a penis fracture can cause scar tissue that builds up at the site of the injury, leading to a curvature of the penis.
4)      Many men report a slight curve in the penis.  Left, right or upwards, as long as sex isn’t painful and there was no injury to cause the curvature (see fact #3), this is no cause for concern.
5)       Though many men may feel it is a pregnancy failsafe to get a vasectomy, some researchers have found that 1 in 100 vasectomies fail. Pregnancies after vasectomies are possible, though typically they occur in the first several months after the procedure, before sterility has been met.  Repeated semen analysis is highly recommended until no sperm are found in the sample.
6)      When a man climaxes, the ejaculate leaves his body at an average rate of 28 miles per hour.  If it has been a long time since he last had a release, semen has been found to leave the body as fast as 43 miles per hour. Now that’s a lot of built up pressure.
7)      Too vigorous masturbation is the most common reason for a penis rupture. Improper penis care can increase the chances of this happening. Common penis injuries include soreness, chafing, bruising and tissue damage.
Maintaining Penis Health
One way to ensure the penis stays as healthy as possible is to treat it daily with a penis vitamin formula chock full of vitamins and minerals (http://www.man1health.com most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). Choosing a penis formula made with all-natural ingredients can help supply vital moisturizers to the area, which keeps the skin supple and youthful. Dry skin is more prone to painful cracking and chafing – even when treated with TLC. A formula containing vitamin E and Shea butter can help lock in moisture to the penis skin. Powerful ingredients like L-arginine, for improved circulation; Alpha Lipoic Acid, for penis health; and, Acetyl L Carnitine, for enhanced penis sensitivity, can help keep the penis healthy and may even improve one’s sex life. And that is one fact every man should know.
Can too much masturbation hurt one’s sex life?
Most men have heard the myth that too much masturbation causes hairy palms, or even blindness – which would certainly be worrisome if that were true.  Luckily, that statement holds about as much water as the idea that a woman can’t get pregnant while standing up, which is a sexual myth that is in fact false. Just for the record, a woman can become pregnant in any sexual position.  Still, the idea of too much masturbation does leave many men wondering if they are doing physical harm to themselves or their relationship.  This idea will be explored in detail below, along with a few penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) tips to deal with a sore penis and keep the manhood in its prime – regardless of how frequently it is called into action.
Penis side effects
While no major physical repercussions will likely happen from too much masturbation, it is possible to cause a minor injury during self-love.  An excessively physical or rough hand job can damage the skin to the area, particularly if there is a lack of lubrication during the self-play.  Too much force can cause bruising, chafing, redness, sore penis skin, and even tissue damage in some cases.  And, ready for the most cringe-worthy part? A penis can be “broken.” Though technically not a break, as there is no bone in the penis tissue, an erect penis can be damaged by a blunt force in such a way that the inner tissues rupture. This injury can be extremely painful in itself, and once healed, the scar tissue remains may cause a shortening of the shaft on that side, which can ultimately lead to a curvature of the penis. 
Known as Peyronie’s disease, it is not caused by too much masturbation but rather by unnecessary roughness.  Typical penis injuries of this kind are caused by an unfortunate slip during sex, which causes the penis to hit the female pubic bone at just the wrong angle. However, it is possible that a man could cause the injury to himself, particularly if he is being, shall we say, creative, with his method of self-pleasure.  So the moral of the story?  Too much masturbation may lead to chafing and soreness, which is easily alleviated with a day of rest, but no matter how often one handles the equipment, it must always be handled with care.
Relationship Side Effects
In most mature, adult relationships, masturbation is not going to cause a problem.  It is perfectly healthy for men and women alike to enjoy some alone time.  However, in cases where a man is engaging in what his partner considers to be too much masturbation, she may feel rejected, unsexy or even come to believe that she is not good enough in bed for her partner. 
If a man is repeatedly choosing masturbation instead of sexual relations with a willing partner, it may be time for him to face some hard questions.  For example, he may ask himself some of the following: Is masturbation interfering with normal life? Is there some fear of sexual intimacy with a partner (i.e. from previous sexual trauma, sexual insecurity, performance anxiety, fear of dysfunction etc.)? Is there material being used that is offensive to the partner such as pornography? Are there issues of shame associated with sexual behavior?  If any of these questions are hitting home, it may be time to speak with a therapist about these problems.
Caring for the Penis
Regardless of how much self-love a man engages in, it is important to keep the penis healthy enough for any and all sexual activity.  Certain vitamins and minerals are particularly useful in keeping the penis vital and youthful, and can even heal damaged skin and blood vessels. 

Shea butter is a natural moisturizer that helps keep the skin supple and smooth in all conditions. 


Acetyl L Carnitine is neuroprotective and can help heal and protect the penis from sexual injuries – no matter how they occur.


L-Arginine keeps the blood vessels in the penis healthy allowing for maximum blood flow and a firm erection.

Using a penis vitamin formula combining all these ingredients (http://www.man1health.com most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can ensure the penis stays healthy for all types of sexual activity.
The zipper has a remarkable ability to pull two separate pieces of fabric together and hold them together securely. It's a wonderful invention, but it's unlikely that the person who came up with this innovation really thought the application through clearly. After all, the moving teeth of a zipper can quickly snatch up delicate bits of very sensitive tissue, especially when that zipper is on a pair of man's pants. A wardrobe malfunction like this can be terrifying, and it often leads to a very sore penis, but smart penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) in the moment and gentle soothing in the days that follow can make that soreness fade to an unpleasant but distant memory .
Emergency Care
The first reaction of a man who's been trapped in a zipper is to tug the tab down and pull those pants right back off. It's a reflex, and it's understandable, but it's certainly not the best way to handle the problem. After all, pulling on the zipper means running over that tissue once again, causing yet more damage in the process.
If the zipper tab is far away from the trapped tissue, a pair of wire cutters can snip through the median bar of the zipper fastener. The tab will just slide right off, and a gentle pull can release the tissue that's been trapped. Cutting the zipped-up fabric below the trapped skin is also a good choice, as this little snip will allow the linked sides of the zipper to come apart with a gentle tug.
Men who don't have the right tools or the proper dexterity to handle these steps should feel no shame in visiting the emergency department for help. Professionals keep all sorts of cutting tools on hand for this kind of problem. The embarrassment of a visit might be worth the relief that will come when the trapped skin is freed once more. Even people who can free their own skin might need the help of a professional, however. Major wardrobe malfunctions result in major cuts, and sometimes, a few stitches might be needed. Men with major lacerations might need to spend a night in the hospital, just to ensure that no clots form.
Soothing Pain
When the clothing is gone and the tension level has dropped, a man might be left with a bit of residual pain. This can be treated with:

Over-the-counter pain medication
Cool washcloths
Soft clothing

Vigorous activity, including sex and masturbation, should be avoided until the skin has healed. Similarly, lifting heavy objects or engaging in vigorous exercise might also be unwise for men with stitches to avoid separating the sutures. The skin needs all of its energy in order to heal, so rest is a vital part of this process.
Long-Term Care
Penis skin has the remarkable ability to stretch and expand when blood flows into the area. That's what makes an erection possible; but scar tissue just isn't as elastic as skin that's never been touched by injury. While men can't turn back the clock on a wardrobe malfunction, there are some things they can do after the injury has healed in order to ensure that bands of scar tissue don't ruin their erection ability.
A penis health creme (http://www.man1health.com health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) containing Shea butter and Vitamin E can soothe rough skin and preserve its ability to stretch and expand. Products like this can also deliver vitamins directly to penis skin, providing it with the nutrition it needs to knit together properly and function beautifully. These cremes shouldn't be used on open, bleeding skin, but they can be a vital part of the healing process for skin that's on the way to wellness once more. 
A little daub of butter can transform dry toast, popcorn or baked potatoes into an instant delicacy. A different kind of butter could bring the same kind of transformation to the penis. Shea butter, made from the extract of the seeds of the Shea tree, is a key ingredient in any penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) regimen, as it can deliver healing right where men might need it most.
Nature’s Moisturizer
Shea butter originates in Africa, and here, people have used the product for centuries in order to smooth and soften skin. Making the product has also been a boon for local economies in Africa, as a team of workers is needed to make even a tiny amount of salve. Picking, roasting, shelling and grinding the nuts produces a thick and creamy paste that is then collected, shaped and hardened. It's a labor of love in many communities, and the resulting product has some amazing properties.
Shea butter is a natural fat, and as a result, it has the ability to penetrate and soften skin. The oils in the product can work like a barrier to future moisture loss, sealing in the moisture that exists and locking that fluid in place, so future damage doesn't occur. The act of smoothing on Shea butter can also be soothing to damaged skin, as each little swipe takes away dead cells that float to the top of the tissue. Removing these damaged cells allows new cells to come to the surface, and this new skin is softer and much more responsive than the dead tissue that's been pulled away.
Scientists also suggest that products with Shea butter can reduce inflammation levels in damaged skin cells. The specific amino acids inside these products can boost the body's ability to heal, and as a result, the swelling and pain associated with an injury disappears just a little bit faster. While Shea butter isn't always recommended for skin that's openly abraded and bleeding, studies like this suggest that it could be a key ingredient for skin that's knitted together and on the mend once more.
Key for Penis Health
While most men think of their penis with reverence, they may treat that same organ with a little carelessness. Harsh detergents, rough play and tight clothing can all lead to:

Tiny scratches
Patches of scarred skin
Areas of deadened sensitivity
Pockets of inflammation

Skin like this may not respond to light touches at all, or on the flip side, the skin can be intensely sensitive, to the point of pain. Deadened cells on the penis can also lead to a fishy odor, as well as a nasty, rough texture that no one really wants to interact with at all. It can be a blow to a guy's ego, to be sure, when a partner views the Penis with a bit of revulsion, but that could happen if a guy's self-care techniques aren't quite up to par.
Products containing Shea butter can help to smooth the rough patches and buff away the dead tissue. Products like this may also have an intrinsically pleasant odor that can help to dispel the whiff of decay that an untended penis can put out. In time, as the skin heals, that scent may be gone altogether.
Using it Right
Shea butter may be excellent for penis health, but it can also be just a little greasy. A guy who slathers his member in the stuff could be left with a telltale grease spot in the center of his lap, and explaining that circle to onlookers could be a little difficult. That's why most men look for a penis health creme (http://www.man1health.com most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) that contains Shea butter. These products can soften and soothe, but they also have other ingredients that can help the Shea to penetrate quickly and deeply, leaving no embarrassing spots behind. 
Men who are affected by unusual spots, penis pain, thickening of the penis skin, and phimosis – the inability to retract the foreskin – may be affected by a condition known as balanitis xerotica obliterans. While this condition is not generally serious, it can get worse without treatment and may lead to more serious complications. Not all doctors are familiar with this condition, so men who experience the related symptoms should be familiar with the disorder so that they can help their doctors understand what to look for.
Following is a brief overview of balanitis xerotica obliterans, as well as the available treatments and some tips to proper penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php).
What is balanitis xerotica obliterans?
Commonly abbreviated as BXO, this condition is considered as the male manifestation of lichen sclerosis, a benign condition that affects the skin. While the symptoms are not confined to the penis, they can be most worrying in this area, as they can cause some uncomfortable side effects.
To date, no definitive cause has been identified. However, there appears to be a hereditary component, and men who suffer from BXO are also likely to experience other autoimmune type conditions. While BXO may appear unattractive and cause issues with sex, the condition is not contagious and cannot be passed to a partner, either through sexual contact or otherwise.
Common Symptoms of BXO
The most common symptoms of BXO include white patches on the glans penis, as well as under the foreskin; a thickened ring of tissue may also form around the tip of the glans, and penis pain may also occur. Adhesions of the foreskin to the glans may also occur and lead to phimosis, a condition in which it is difficult or impossible to retract the foreskin over the crown of the penis. Erectile issues may also accompany these symptoms.
In more advanced stages, the white or grayish patches may reach the shaft, and even the scrotum. Scrubbing or otherwise attempting to move the lesions is not effective and may cause further damage to the skin.
If allowed to progress without treatment, the toughened tissue that characterizes BXO can lead to urinary stricture, blocking the elimination of urine and increasing the risk of liver and kidney damage. In addition, BXO has been linked to increased risk of squamous cell carcinoma (a form of skin cancer), although it is unclear whether the condition is causative.
Is there a cure?
Currently, there is no single cure that has demonstrated consistency in treating and curing BXO. The first step in treating the disorder generally involves topical steroid creams. While these may alleviate some of the symptoms, they are not effective for curing the disease and may cause further damage to the skin if used for a lengthy period of time.
The most effective method of addressing the problem generally involves circumcision. Removing the foreskin can eliminate the lesions and prevent them from recurring, as the urine-rich, moist environment created by the presence of the foreskin is removed. For lesions on the shaft or scrotum, laser therapy or surgical excision may be recommended.
Penis care for all men
While BXO has not been linked to hygiene issues or other aspects of penis care, all men can benefit from treating the penis right. The pelvic area should always be kept clean, using a mild cleanser to gently wash away any dirt, sweat, urine and other body fluids. Wearing underwear is always recommended to prevent rubbing and chafing, as well as to reduce the risk of injury.
While BXO is not contagious, all men who are sexually active should use a condom for every encounter, unless they are in a monogamous relationship where both partners have tested clean for any sexually transmitted diseases.
Adding a high-quality penis vitamin cream (http://www.man1health.com most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to the daily penis care regimen can improve the overall tone, texture and elasticity of the penis skin, as well as improving sensation levels in some men. While penis creams should not be applied to damaged or diseased penile tissue without a doctor’s approval, even the most healthy penis can benefit from natural moisturizers and male-friendly nutrients.
Most men are willing to try just about anything to fix – or better yet, prevent – erectile dysfunction issues. Some men even go to dangerous lengths, ingesting all sorts of performance enhancing supplements – even mixing and matching non-prescription and prescription drugs – with the hope that they will find the perfect penis cocktail.  Thankfully, there are healthy and natural ways to maintain penis health (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) and boost sexual function.
L-Arginine for Penis Health
One natural ingredient, which is highly touted for its penis-friendly properties, is L-Arginine. L-Arginine is a powerful amino acid – a building block that the body uses to make protein. It is readily available in many foods found in the typical diet including: red meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products.  Vegetarians and vegans can also reap the benefits of this essential nutrient by stocking up on soy, kidney beans and green beans.
Erectile dysfunction occurs when circulation or blood flow to the area is reduced, preventing the penis from becoming engorged with blood and causing a decrease in a man’s level of sexual function.  L-Arginine helps dilate the blood vessels, which may improve blood flow to the penis and allow for a healthy erection.  While erectile dysfunction may be more prevalent in older men, it can affect men of all ages, particularly those experiencing medical side effects or complications.
In some cases, a sluggish penis may be the symptom of a more serious condition, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, neurological issues, hormonal problems, or even drug interactions and side effects. For men struggling with erectile dysfunction, it is wise to seek a medical evaluation from a physician to help diagnose, or rule out, a condition which may require medical treatment.
Natural Ways to Maintain Penis Health
There are several simple changes a man can make to his daily routine to ensure he is keeping his penis as healthy as possible.

Exercise: Perhaps the easiest change a man can make is to get a little daily exercise.  That doesn’t mean pumping iron three hours a day – who really has time for that? A simple 30-minute walk around the block keeps the heart healthy and circulation pumping, which is essential to maintaining penis care.


Eat right: Sure, everybody splurges from time to time, and that is okay. However, hitting the fast food joint every day and only eating a vegetable when it is deep fried is no good for ones overall health – or for their penis! Eating a balanced diet – full of those green veggies – keeps cholesterol in check and provides the body with the vitamins it needs to stay healthy. Cholesterol can block arteries, thereby reducing blood flow to the most important of body parts.


Stop Smoking: In this day and age, the potential health hazards of smoking are no secret. That being said, many men do not think of the consequences of cigarettes in terms of their sex life. Smoking constricts the blood vessels all over the body, and the penis is filled with a system of very small blood vessels. If those tiny blood vessels are not getting the blood and oxygen needed, unfortunate sexual side effects are likely to follow.


Moisturize: Keeping the skin moisturized and supple goes a long way in keeping the penis healthy and youthful.  Using a high-quality penis vitamin creme (http://www.man1health.com most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) especially one containing L-Arginine and other essential vitamins and nutrients, can keep the skin smooth and youthful while at the same time helping to increase blood flow to the area. Applying the cream directly to the penile skin allows for fast absorption and maximum effectiveness of the nutrients. 
Latex has been used for decades in the manufacture of condoms; it is stretchy, durable, and highly effective for preventing the transmission of STIs and as a means of family planning. However, increasing numbers of individuals – both men and women – report adverse reactions to latex condoms and find that they are unable to continue using them without nasty side effects.
Fortunately, there are modern alternatives to latex which can provide equal protection without the associated penis pain, itching and redness. With the right approach to penis skin care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php), men can soothe an itchy penis and reduce the effects of a negative reaction, as well as choosing the best alternative to latex for future encounters.
What does a latex allergy look like?
Men who are allergic to latex may experience itching, burning, redness, and penis pain. In some cases, the member may become swollen and sore to the touch, and a red rash may appear on the skin’s surface. Women who have a sensitivity to latex may develop similar symptoms on exposure to a condom. In the case of a severe allergy, breathing problems may occur; in this event, emergency treatment is critical.
It is important to keep in mind that many other conditions may also cause similar symptoms, so evaluation by a trained medical professional is strongly urged to rule out any other problems. Also, men who have previously used latex condoms without issues may develop a sensitivity over time.
What to do when a negative reaction occurs
In case of a reaction to latex, the best bet is to wash the skin thoroughly and rinse carefully to eliminate any residual latex and other chemicals with which the condom may have been treated. Men who are experiencing a reaction for the first time should make an appointment to see a doctor.
Alternatives to latex
Men who cannot tolerate latex may choose to use polyurethane condoms instead. These are made from a plastic that does not generally cause a reaction. While it is more expensive than latex, it provides equal protection against both STDs and unwanted pregnancies.
Couples may also choose to use natural condoms made from lambskin; however, while these provide protection against pregnancy, they do not prevent transmission of STDs.
Treating the penis skin right
Treating the penis skin with a little TLC on a daily basis can help to promote overall skin health and keep the penis feeling soft, smooth, supple, and responsive to a partner’s touch. In order to care for the penis properly, men should follow these basic steps:

Wash carefully, bathing the penile skin with a gentle cleanser, not a harsh, drying soap. Men who are uncut should pay careful attention to cleaning underneath the foreskin to remove any smegma, which can be a haven for bacteria as well as irritating the glans.


Let it dry thoroughly. While it can be a habit to jump out of the shower, throw on a pair of pants, and rush off to the next activity, it is important to let the skin dry and air out. Dabbing gently with a towel and then waiting a few minutes before getting dressed is a better idea, as damp skin can draw bacteria and fungal spores which can cause itching, soreness, infection and foul odors.


Dress carefully. Clothing that is overly tight can limit circulation and lead to loss of penis sensation, while clothing that is too loose can promote rubbing and chafing. Rough fabrics or clothing that has been washed in a harsh detergent can also lead to friction that will irritate the penile skin. Men should avoid going commando (skipping the underwear) and choose undergarments that are made from soft, breathable cotton. Boxer briefs or the ever-popular “tighty whiteys” are best for cradling the package without squeezing it to death.

An additional suggestion for men who want healthy, supple penis skin is to invest in a high-quality penis health formula (http://www.man1health.com most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing vitamins, antioxidants and proteins which are noted for promoting healthy skin and nerve cells. Applying a penis cream on a daily basis, after a shower, can increase penis sensation while protecting the skin against ordinary irritants that may compromise penile health.
Nothing gets a man’s attention like penis pain. Even the most stoic or stubborn of men who would normally shrug off aches, pains and discomfort will seek help for aching or pain in the package. While some conditions that lead to uncomfortable penis symptoms are directly related to the manhood, others have more indirect causes. Understanding these and knowing what to look for can help men to narrow down the possibilities and help their doctors to pinpoint the exact cause, leading to more accurate treatment and better penis health (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php). While the following list is not comprehensive, some of the more common sources of penis pain are described here.
Balanitis – Balanitis simply refers to any inflammation of the glans penis (or head of the penis). Symptoms may include swelling, redness, soreness, tearing of the foreskin, toughening of the penis skin, and loss of elasticity of the foreskin. Balanitis can be caused by a wide range of issues. Fungal, viral and bacterial infections are prominent causes, as are eczema, psoriasis, and lichen sclerosis. Certain sexually transmitted infections can also cause inflammation of the glans. Treatment depends on the cause, so a check by a doctor is needed to pinpoint the exact source of the pain. Hygiene also plays an important role here, so keeping it clean is key to avoiding unpleasant symptoms.
Balanitis xerotica obliterans – This dermatological condition is characterized by pain, swelling, aching, and in some cases, difficulty retracting the foreskin. White patches or lumps may appear on the shaft, and some men may experience a ring of toughened dermal tissue around the tip of the penis. Erectile issues may accompany this condition. The precise cause of this problem are not known; however, hormones, genetics and autoimmunity may play a role. Treating this problem can be difficult, as no consistently effective solution has been found. Some patients benefit from steroid creams, and in other instances, laser therapy may be recommended. Men with related symptoms should consult with a trained urologist to develop a treatment plan.
Inguinal hernia – This condition occurs when part of the intestines protrude through the walls of the abdomen, usually in the groin area. Symptoms may include lumps, bumps, abdominal pain, and aching penis, as well as intestinal blockages. Treatment generally involves a surgical procedure.
Sexually transmitted infections – Any number of STIs can cause pain in the penis, as well as itching, burning, an unpleasant discharge, fluid-filled sores and painful urination. Men with any of these symptoms should abstain from sex until the condition has been properly diagnosed by a doctor; any sexually active individuals should be tested regularly for communicable disease.
Daily penis care
Men who are experiencing sharp penis pain, chronic aching, or pain following an injury should seek immediate medical attention. In any case, penis pain that does not go away or is severe should be diagnosed by a qualified medical professional.
However, even healthy men can benefit from the right attention to penis care, and making hygiene and nutrition a priority can help to prevent many common problems that can lead to pain and discomfort.
Washing regularly and removing any built-up material (smegma) from underneath the foreskin is a step that cannot be missed. Drinking an adequate amount of fluids, eating right, getting plenty of rest and exercising are all important to every aspect of a man’s health, including nerve and circulatory function – both important to a healthy and happy penis.
Men who want to make the most of penis sensation, keep the skin looking youthful, and prevent surface injuries may consider purchasing a quality penis health formula  (http://www.man1health.com most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) which contains penis-specific nutrients targeting skin, nerve and circulatory health. A crème that contains natural moisturizers such as Shea butter can help to reduce the effects of chafing, rubbing and other minor skin damage that may lead to ongoing penis pain, as well as keeping the skin touchably soft and smooth.
There’s no question that the penis skin takes more abuse than almost any other part of the male body, and all of that rough handling – from dry manual stroking, vigorous sex, or just rubbing against a pair of tight jeans – can cause the skin to become chafed, irritated, and  sore. Dry penis skin can be a serious cause of itching and discomfort, not to mention making a man self-conscious about dropping his pants in front of a new partner.
Unfortunately, many men choose to live with the irritation because they are unsure of what to do about it and too shy to ask. Others head for the bathroom and grab whatever body moisturizer or hand lotion they can find, hoping that will do the trick. But the skin of the penis is delicate, and many ordinary creams and lotions can actually cause more harm than good, or simply do not contain the ingredients that are most effective for nourishing starved penis skin (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php). Men who want to take care of a dry, itchy penis should be aware of these natural ingredients:
Shea butter: Derived from the African Shea tree, Shea butter has been used for centuries by native healers for treating everything from burns to wrinkles to scars. The oil of the Shea tree has more recently been discovered by dermatologists, who tout its moisturizing properties. Shea butter is one of nature’s finest natural care products for treating dry skin issues, and it can be found in many high-quality skin care products. This botanical oil is also safe for most skin types, so even the more sensitive skin of the penis can benefit from Shea tree oil.
Vitamin E: Vitamin E is an essential nutrient when it comes to maintaining healthy, supple skin and supporting the underlying connective tissue. In addition to its skin-building and moisturizing properties, Vitamin E works well in conjunction with products such as Shea butter, as it creates a natural moisture barrier that prevents dehydration of the skin.
Vitamin D: Vitamin D is needed for overall skin health and the repair of damaged tissue. This nutrient is often regarded as a “miracle” vitamin, because it is essential to many of the cellular processes that take place in our bodies, including the formation of healthy skin.
Vitamin C: This ingredient is also vital to skin health, especially in the case of the penis, which is often exposed to a high level of friction. Vitamin C works to reduce the keratinization of stressed skin, a process that is meant to protect the body from external injury but can result in tougher, less-responsive skin on the penis.
Vitamin B5: Also known as pantothenic acid, this vitamin is also required for proper cell metabolism and the formation of healthy tissue. Vitamin B5 is an important ingredient to include as part of any penis care regimen.
How to put these nutrients to work to clear up dry penis skin:
While many of these nutrients and natural emollients can be found in other creams, not all of these products are designed for the delicate penile skin; and even those vitamins which are easily obtained as part of a healthy diet are not always designated by the body for use by the  manhood.
Using a quality penis health creme (http://www.man1health.com/ most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing these vital ingredients – one which can be applied safely on a daily basis – is an ideal solution for maintaining healthy, smooth and responsive penile skin. Applying a nutrient formula after a daily shower, when the skin is warm and responsive, can aid in absorption and help to provide maximum benefit.
Do Condoms Make Sex Less Enjoyable?
Many men protest the use of condoms during sex.  Women are often told by their partners that sex just doesn’t feel as good when they are using a condom, or that it is unfair to make them wrap it up.  This male attitude may cause women to feel pressured to not use a condom, which opens the relationship up to unwanted pregnancies and even Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s). However, the fact of the matter is, condoms are a vital component of a man’s penis health (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) and are meant to protect the man just as much as the women. So in most cases, men and women should abide by the rule No Glove, No Love.
About Sensitivity
Yes, condoms can reduce sensitivity, which for most men may seem like a bummer.  However, looking at it from the other side -- condoms reduce sensitivity -- which can actually help a man engage in longer, more vigorous sex, so there is an upside to the situation.  Condoms may reduce the occurrence of premature ejaculation in some men. Additionally, there are condoms on the market boasting increased sensitivity while still maintaining durability, so men should experiment until they find a condom that has a more enjoyable feel for them and their partner.
About Protection
The bottom line is that men who are having sex – especially with multiple partners – need to wear a condom.  The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates around 50% of the U.S. population will contract an STI in their lifetime. The annual incident rate of infection continues to go up each year, meaning the risk of unprotected sex is simply too high. Not so fast, older gentleman; STI’s are a problem for men of all ages, not merely an issue for men in their late teens and 20’s. No man is immune from STI’s, regardless of his age. In fact, new infections commonly occur in men over 50.
Condoms are integral in protecting one against unwanted or unplanned pregnancies.  Don’t believe every old wives tale being floated around; some of the more creative birth control methods (read: the pull-out method), are not effective at preventing pregnancy. Even if one’s partner is on oral contraception, or the pill, there are plenty of babies being born each year to prove that there is only a 99% success rate, if even if used perfectly. 
Another way to frame condom use in a positive light is that both parties find it easier to relax and enjoy the experience.  Many individuals report worrying during sex about unwanted pregnancies and the risk of infection -- and those are not very sexy thoughts to be having.  A condom may make it easier to put those fears to rest and concentrate on the activity at hand.
Is it Ever Okay to go Au Natural?
Yes. There are times when condoms can go by the wayside, but only if certain conditions are met.  First, both partners have to be 100% monogamous – meaning neither is getting action on the side.  Both partners should have been tested recently for all STI’s, including HIV/AIDS, and have a clean bill of health.  Even if both partners are showing no signs of infection, get tested! One or both parties could be carrying an infection, but simply be asymptomatic; these individuals can still pass on infection without having symptoms present.
Keep the Penis Healthy
Condoms are just one way for men to keep the penis healthy.  Engaging in cardiovascular activity, eating right and not smoking all keep the body’s circulatory system healthy, and that is key to an active sex life.  Adding a penis vitamin lotion to the daily grooming routine (http://www.man1health.com most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can also keep the skin of the penis healthy. As an added bonus, a formula including Acetyl L Carnitine may also increase penis sensitivity, helping to counter problems associated with condom use.
The foreskin is more than just an extra flap of skin at the end of the penis. This bit of tissue, also known as the prepuce, plays an important role in penis health. From birth, it protects the glans penis (or head) from the outside world, helping to prevent injury and preserving sensitivity.
While circumcision, or surgical ablation of the foreskin, is common practice in a number of cultures, most males retain their foreskin. In order to prevent problems from developing and keep the skin clean and healthy, recognizing potential problems and carrying out adequate foreskin care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) is an important part of every man’s personal hygiene regimen.
General foreskin care
In babies, there is no need to wash under the foreskin; the area should simply be cleaned like any other part of the body. Changing wet or soiled diapers right away is important to prevent these materials from irritating sensitive skin.
As the foreskin begins to separate from the glans, younger boys can be taught to clean underneath to remove any built-up body fluids and dead skin cells that may accumulate. The foreskin should never be retracted forcefully, as this can result in tearing and the formation of scar tissue.
For most children, the foreskin retracts by age 2, although it is not uncommon for parts of it to stick; this is usually resolved by the time the child reaches puberty.
Older teens and adults should retract the foreskin fully and clean away any smegma each time they shower. The skin underneath should be allowed to dry thoroughly before replacing the sheath, as damp skin is more prone to bacterial and fungal infections.
Common problems that can affect the foreskin
Some of the most common issues that can affect the prepuce are as follows:

Phimosis – the foreskin cannot be retracted fully. This can result in chronic infections, tearing and pain during intercourse, and impaired urination. Men can often resolve the problem by gently retracting the skin a little bit at a time – in the shower is a good idea – until the sheath can be pulled back normally. In some cases, surgical treatment may be the best option.


Paraphimosis – the foreskin becomes stuck behind the crown of the penis. This is generally treated as an emergency condition, as the trapped skin may cut off circulation to the glans.


Zipper injury – nearly every male will experience this painful problem at least once. Catching the foreskin or any other part of the penis in a zipper can be excruciatingly painful, but rarely causes serious problems. Men who catch a bit of skin in their jeans should never try to pull it out forcefully; oiling the zipper and skin and waiting for it to slip out on its own is the best option.


Balanitis – Irritation and infection of the glans can occur when the area under the foreskin is not kept clean and dry.


Inflammation – Rough masturbation, lack of lubrication during sex, or forcing the skin back can result in a red, swollen, painful foreskin. Certain chemicals, such as those found in some soaps or detergents, may also cause inflammation. Using a personal lube, moisturizing the penis, and using natural detergents and personal hygiene products can help to reduce recurrences of this problem.

Boosting overall penis health
In addition to normal care of the prepuce, men can take steps to keep the foreskin especially supple and maintain its elasticity, as well as preventing the cracking and drying that are common among uncircumcised men. Investing in a high-quality penis vitamin cream (http://www.man1health.com most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can provide the skin of the penis with the vital nutrients and soothing emollients it needs to stay healthy, resilient and responsive.
While the idea of a penis tattoo may cause most men to physically cringe, there are some willing to brave the needle on their nether regions. While the process of a penile tattoo is no different than getting one on any other body part, there are potentially serious risks involved.  So while it is always a good idea to “think before you ink,” this mantra may be especially true in this scenario. In any case, men considering a penis tattoo need to be aware of the risks and side effects, as well as the best penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) methods post-procedure.
Potential Risk of Penis Tattoos
Infection:  As with any tattoo, there is a risk of infection. The actual process of tattooing involves a needle piercing the skin and injecting ink into the body.  The risk for infection is, of course, exacerbated by unsanitary conditions and dirty equipment. Tattooing of any kind should always be done by a professional in a clean environment with new, sterile needles.
Skin Damage:  A penis tattoo can easily lead to scarring of the delicate skin and underlying connective tissue.  Think about the skin on the penis compared to, say, the arm, which is overlying a thick layer of muscle. The skin of the penis is much more fragile in nature and thus, more susceptible to scarring.  Individuals who have a history of keloid scarring on other areas of their bodies – scars that are abnormally raised and spread beyond the site of the skin trauma – are well-advised not to get tattoos anywhere, especially on the penis.  The act of tattooing is highly likely to cause the raised scar in those individuals, which is not something most men want on their penis.
Permanent Erection: Also known as priaprism, the condition is not as much fun as it may sound.  Priaprism occurs when blood is physically unable to exit the penis, causing painful engorgement and potential nerve damage if left untreated.  Documented cases of penis tattoos leading to this condition are thought to be caused by a needle penetrating the penis too deeply, creating a fistula in the penis. Not only is this a painful condition that interferes with ones sex life, it is one that likely needs surgical intervention to be treated.  While not all penis tattoos lead to priaprism, it is a very real risk, particularly with a tattoo artist who is less experienced with tattooing that specific body part.
Nerve Damage: Even if a needle slip does not cause priaprism to develop, it may still lead to permanent nerve damage in the area.  The penis is a veritable roadmap of nerve endings and, unfortunately, a minor slip of the wrist could leave the wearer of the tattoo with unpleasant nerve damage to go with it.
Post-Tattoo Penis Care
There are ways to prevent or reduce unpleasant side effects of a penis tattooing.  Be sure to keep the entire area clean while it is healing and always maintain proper hygiene to reduce the risk of infection. Do keep a close eye out for signs of infection and seek medical attention if pain, bleeding, redness, or soreness persists beyond a reasonable period of time.
The success and safety of a tattoo originates with the tattoo artist one chooses, so be sure they are reputable and have an impeccably clean space that they are working in. Needles, of course, should never be reused in order to prevent the transmission of blood-born illnesses such as hepatitis and HIV/AIDS. It is also prudent to ask the artist if they have completed penile tattoos in the past, and ask to see photos of the work.
Once the penis has returned to its normal state, aside from the new artwork, men should use a penis health creme which contains vital nutrients, vitamins and minerals (http://www.man1health.com most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) as part of their daily penis care routine.  A high-quality penis health creme may also reduce scarring of the area, decrease the chance of infection and help improve the health of the penis skin overall.
An athletic cup is designed to encase the most sensitive part of a man in a sheath of plastic, so a guy can take a direct hit without incurring a sore penis or swollen testicles. According to most experts, a cup is a must for anyone who plays contact sports. However, many professional athletes claim that cups are limiting, and the shifting of the protection can cause more harm than good. In the end, this will always be a personal decision, but there are good reasons for almost anyone to consider a cup as part of mandatory attire for sports. In fact, those who don't wear cups may be forced to do a significant amount of at-home penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) to repair the damage their negligence has caused.
Proper Protection
Runners, bowlers and skydivers could all endure an errant blow to the family jewels during their sporting activities, but the chances of a direct hit are slim. By contrast, there are some sports in which crotch hits seem remarkably common, and men who play these sports could be taking some real chances if they leave their cups behind. These sports include:

Jiu jitsu

All of these sports involve either close body contact or fast-moving objects that could quickly become penis-crushing projectiles, and it's hard for any man to react quick enough to keep a blow from landing. A cup may not completely deflect the impact, but the device is designed to take on much of the shock, leaving the tissues below intact.
A Good Fit
Athletic cups aren't made in a one-size-fits-all fashion. In fact, there are many different sizes and styles for the modern man to choose from. In most cases, the cup is designed to fit inside an athletic support, and men really shouldn't wear any underwear beneath this device. The skin-on-cup action allows the maximum amount of protection and the lowest amount of friction.
Ideally, the cup should fit tight against the body, so the package won't shift and move during vigorous movement. The cups do move when they're not fitted properly, however, and the shifting action can leave a guy totally unprotected when go time arrives. Some manufacturers have addressed this by developing compression shorts that have built-in cups. These products fit tightly to the body and the design virtually ensures that the proper protection stays in place. For men who have avoided cups due to motion-activated discomfort, these products can be an excellent option.
Vital Need
Without going into nauseating details, men who don't wear cups can take multiple blows to their intimate parts, and the immediate pain might convince them of the importance of protection as they go forward with their sports. Even when the pain is gone, however, the damage left behind might remain.
A sore penis from a sports injury often entails broken blood vessels deep beneath the skin. These problems cause deep, colorful bruises and an intense amount of pain, and unfortunately, they can sometimes lead to a curving, bending penis. The body heals by creating multiple layers of scar tissue, and often, these fibers don't flex as they should. When these stiff scar tissue layers are asked to expand during an erection, they can protest and refuse to cooperate, and a tiny bend can form.
Once a bend has taken hold, there's very little that can be done about it, unless a surgeon gets involved. Wearing a cup is the best way to prevent such penis injury during sports, and adding a penis health creme (http://www.man1health.com most professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can also be beneficial. Products like this can keep skin soft, supple and pliant, so the tissues can stretch to maximum capacity when it's time for action. 
A woman's body and a man's body are, quite obviously, very different. As a result, much of the advice a woman gets during her doctor's appointments just doesn't apply to the average guy. But there are some things women are asked to do that men might consider for boosting penis health (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) and function. Kegel exercises, for example, have been recommended for women for decades, but few men know about the wonderful benefits these little squeezes can have on their vital organ.
Improving Health from the Bottom Up
Bands of muscle lie beneath the pelvic organs, and this little hammock keeps everything safely inside the body. Men with weak pelvic floor muscles may develop issues with the urine stream and have difficulty stemming the flow. As the muscles that control the bladder are also related to ejaculation, these men may also have problems controlling semen – an issue which can result in premature ejaculation.
Kegel exercises, or pelvic floor exercises, can help to firm up the muscles and turn the trickle of urine off at the source.  Gaining more mastery of these muscles may also mean lasting longer in bed. Performing a repetition of the Kegel technique during sex can also allow the penis to touch parts of the vagina that may have never been touched before; and many women are intensely grateful for the added attention a well-timed Kegel can bring.
How to Kegel Like a Master
For most men, identifying the pelvic floor muscle is the most difficult part of performing a proper Kegel exercise. Thankfully, spending a little quality time in the bathroom can help to clear up confusion. While there, men can start a urine stream and then attempt to stop the flow in the middle of the action, without tightening the muscles in the legs, back or rear end. The muscles used to stop the urine flow are located in the pelvic floor, and these are the fibers that need a targeted workout.
The exercises don't have to be performed in the bathroom. In fact, most men find them easier to perform while they're lying down. During each session, men should:

Tighten the pelvic floor muscles
Hold the squeeze while counting to five
Relax the muscles completely
Repeat 10 times

This set should be performed three times per day. It might seem daunting, as some men find it difficult to perform even one Kegel properly, but with practice, the motion can get easier. It's also easy to do almost anywhere, and the squeezes can be a little addictive. No one can see the muscles flex, so people may not even know that the man they're standing next to is, at this very moment, strengthening the muscles underneath his penis. Some men take vicious glee in performing their intimate exercises during boring meetings or long training sessions. Their bodies might be at work, but their muscles are getting ready for pleasure.
Making the Most of Exercise
Kegels can provide excellent help and intense sexual benefits, but they should be only a part of a man's penis care routine. After all, strong muscles that support the penis are only part of the tools a man needs to really enjoy intimate time. Soft and supple skin might be even more important than a strong floor, and healthy penile skin is best obtained with the help of a penis nutrient formula (http://www.man1health.com most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil). The vitamins these products contain can nourish starved skin, and the quick-penetrating action can deliver emollients right where they're needed most. Applying a penis health crème daily could help a man to ensure that his penis is ready for the power strong pelvic floor muscles can deliver. 
Dry, cracked skin is a common – and often painful occurrence.  Aggravated by dry, cold air, or even as a result of a too-hot shower, dry skin is sure to catch up with everyone from time to time.  When the dry skin happens on the hands or face, one hardly thinks twice before slathering moisturizing lotion on the affected area.  However, when it comes to a more delicate area like the penis, men tend to be more cautious about what they use – and may not even be aware of what penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) steps to take to protect their manhood.  With just a few simple steps – and maybe a slight modification of the daily grooming routine – the appearance and feel of the penis skin can be completely rejuvenated.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E has long been touted for its skin rejuvenating properties. Packed with antioxidants – which fight cancer-causing free radicals in the body – vitamin E has numerous healthful properties.  It has been known to reduce cholesterol; reduce joint inflammation caused by arthritis; boost immune function; and even help regulate hormones. Vitamin E is a common ingredient in high-quality skin care products, as it helps the skin retain its natural moisture. It also prevents dry skin from occurring and can help protect the skin from harmful UV rays.
Vitamin E has many health benefits specific to the penis as well.  Not only can it improve the health and quality of the penis skin, it can restore damaged tissue that causes the painful condition known as Peyronie’s disease (a curvature of the penis brought on by scar tissue and plaque buildup). Vitamin E speeds healing by increasing blood flow to the penis, making it an important part of any penis care routine.
Shea Butter
Shea butter is a fat complex brought forth from the nut of the African Shea tree. This rich and luxurious compound is often found in high-quality lotions and moisturizers. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and serves as a natural emollient. Women have long been enjoying the benefits of silky skin by using products infused with Shea butter, so it is time men start to do the same.  Shea butter helps keep the skin smooth and increases elasticity; it can also provide relief for itchy or red skin.  Men who suffer from psoriasis or eczema – conditions that can even show up below the belt – may feel relief when treating the area with Shea butter.
Maintaining Penis Care
Though it may seem an intuitive process, many men do not give much thought to actually caring for the penis. However, it is one part of the body worth keeping healthy.  A few simple steps can ensure the penis stays healthy and vibrant – which are key components of a healthy and vibrant sex life, to be sure.

Wash: Wash the penis with a gentle soap cleanser. Men who are not circumcised need to take special care around the foreskin area, as it is a breeding ground for bacteria and a common source of thrush and other fungus issues.


Dry: Gently pat the area dry when stepping out of the shower, do not vigorously rub with a towel as this removes moisture and can rough up the skin. Leave the skin slightly damp upon getting out of the shower.


Moisturize: Moisturize the penis with a high-quality penis vitamin formula containing vitamin E, Shea butter, and other vitamins and nutrients (http://www.man1health.com most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil).  Generously applying the penis oil on still-damp skin helps lock in the moisture, which is crucial in combating dry, itchy skin. Be sure to select an all-natural moisturizer that is specially formulated for the penis to achieve maximum benefit and contribute to the overall health of the penis.
At the first sight of penis spots, dots or bumps, most men are naturally alarmed – easy to understand, since most have been educated enough in penis health matters to know that serious problems like STDs and cancer may be characterized by these symptoms.
On the other hand, most penis bumps have nothing to do with either of these, and in some cases, they are nothing more than natural variations in skin texture. Being aware of the possible causes and understanding the best approach to penis skin care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) can help men to keep things in perspective and to know when help is really needed.
Help! What’s that spot?
The following signs and symptoms can help men to decipher what could be going on and whether they should be worried. In any case, a trip to the doctor can help to alleviate any concerns, or to get a treatment regimen started if warranted.
According to an article published on Netdoctor, penis spots can generally be classified as ulcers, papules or plaques, which are characterized as follows:

Ulcers – open craters in the skin that may contain a clear liquid; they may form a crust over the top. Ulcers are fairly uncommon and can be serious in some instances. Communicable diseases such as primary syphilis and herpes, as well as certain non-sexually transmitted tropical diseases, can cause ulcers on the shaft and head of the penile skin. A single ulcer may also be a sign of cancer. Men who develop ulcers on the penis should seek medical attention at the earliest opportunity and abstain from sex until they have a firm diagnosis and treatment plan.


Papules – small, raised bumps or dots that are less than one centimeter in diameter. These can be caused by viral conditions such as molluscum contagiosum (which may appear elsewhere on the body as well); infected follicles; HPV (genital warts); or a benign condition known as pearly penile papules, which are simply a ring of raised bumps around the crown of the penis that do not require any medical intervention and are not contagious.


Plaques – larger raised bumps (greater than 1 cm in diameter) are rarely a sign of a serious problem. They are often related to eczema, balanitis – an inflammatory condition of the glans penis – or to autoimmune issues such as psoriasis. A raised penis plaque with a red, velvety surface that does not itch could be an early indication of cancer and should be checked by a doctor.

Treating the penis skin right
The first line of defense against disease is, of course, practicing safe sex by always using protection and avoiding skipping between partners. Keeping it clean can also help to eliminate the source of many types of infection, although this is not a sure way to protect against infectious disease.
Furthermore, as most men know, women will eagerly spend hundreds, if not thousands, on skin care products to keep their dermal tissue young-looking, supple, smooth and glowing. While men may shake their heads at this, the truth is that caring for the skin properly really can prevent problems such as early signs of aging; dry, roughened, unattractive skin; and unsightly growths, bumps and other blemishes.
Men might not have the same concerns about crow’s feet or a sagging jaw-line, but the same principles apply to the penis. Vitamins and natural moisturizers play a big role in skin health, and investing in a high-quality penis health cream (http://www.man1health.com most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can pay off in large dividends. Keeping the skin soft and smooth can help to preserve penis sensation, while nourishing the penile tissue with essential vitamins and antioxidants can help to fight off disease, prevent infection, stave off unpleasant odors, and help to replace unsightly bumps and blemishes with healthy, responsive new skin.
While there's little men can do to prevent wrinkles, migrating hair or creaking joints from taking hold with advancing age, there are things they can do to keep Father Time away from the penis. For example, with a few penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) techniques, men can keep age-related sensitivity loss at bay and extend their sexual enjoyment by years.
Working With the Body
After age 30, the body begins to dial back its production of testosterone. This vital hormone is responsible for a man's sex drive, and it also plays a role in sensitivity levels. Supplements can boost this chemical, but they're not the only way to help a man keep his balance as he ages.
Exercise, particularly vigorous aerobic exercise followed by strength training, can help to keep testosterone levels within the proper range. Fitness trainers can help men to pull together a program of the right intensity. Of course, men who haven't made exercise a daily part of life in quite some time should visit their doctors before they visit the gym; but exercise could be an excellent way for many men to boost their hormone levels and their sensitivity.
As an added bonus, exercise programs like this can also help men to shed the added pounds that often come with advancing age. As this weight slides away, the base of the penis might emerge from the layer of fat it's been hiding under for decades, making the package appear larger – a nice benefit for a man of any age.
Monitoring Medications
As men age, their medicine cabinets might fill up with lotions, potions and pills for ailments like:

Back pain
High blood pressure
High blood sugar
Low bone density
Heart problems

Each little bottle might come with an entire pamphlet of information, and deep in the fine print, researchers might mention that the pills can cause sensory loss. Men who feel a change as they begin taking a new medication may be able to find alternate therapies that work just as well but that don't have such nasty side effects.
Conversely, some of these medications may boost sensitivity levels if they're taken properly. Medications for cardiovascular ailments, for example, can help the blood to circulate as it should, and all of that flowing fluid can boost the nerve activities that carries sensory information to and from the penis. These medications work best when they're taken as prescribed, however, so men who are forgetful and neglectful might be losing ground with each passing day. Using a calendar and a little common sense can help to rectify the problem.
Gentle Handling Throughout the Life Span
Penile skin is designed to be soft, supple and responsive, and the softest touch should awaken pleasure sensors deep within the skin and bring a man to the peak of pleasure. Unfortunately, it's common for men to treat the penis with a remarkable lack of respect through the years.
Dry masturbation, rough underclothing, harsh soaps and tight condoms can all abrade and damage the skin, causing those sensitive cells to go develop a resistance to touch. Treating the penis with care can prevent this kind of damage, but unfortunately, few men have mastered the art of time travel, so they can't go back and change their ways. There are steps that can be taken right now to heal that roughened skin, however, and these care techniques can bring back some of what's been lost.
A penis health creme (http://www.man1health.com health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is a remarkable ally in the fight against penis sensation loss. A product like this is full of softening agents like Vitamin E and Shea butter, which can smooth cracked and abraded skin. Meanwhile, Vitamin B5 and alpha lipoic acid can combat age changes at a cellular level. With these products, men can repair the damage aging and poor habits have caused, and they can feel the pleasure once reserved for the young. 
How Can a Man Improve His Performance in the Bedroom?
Believe it or not, men and women are not intuitively able to fall into each other’s arms and engage in passionate, mind blowing sex each and every time – starting with the first night they hook up. No, it is actually a case of practice makes perfect. It takes time getting to know a new partner’s likes and dislikes and figuring out what works, as well as what just doesn’t work. Many men are looking for a “quick fix” that will suddenly turn them into the sexual genius they think their partner wants or needs. The fact of the matter is if a woman has decided to become intimate, she probably already thinks the guy is pretty great, so obsessing over it may be a waste of time.  One thing a man can do to set things off in the right direction is to maintain excellent penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php), because regardless of attraction, no woman wants to go to bed with a guy with funky junk.
Being Confident
While a women doesn’t necessarily want to be manhandled – unless she has made it clear that she does – a little confidence in one’s sexual prowess goes a long way. Knowing a few moves beyond the classic vanilla missionary style is sure to hit home for her. Does that mean that a man needs to commit the entire contents of the Kama Sutra to memory, or hide notes on the headboard? Absolutely not. Men who are confident in their bodies – and in themselves in general – are seen as more attractive and desirable by women.  Men should stay true to who they are and let their personality shine through in their lovemaking; after all, he must have done something right to get her to sleep with him in the first place, right?
Some men are simply afraid they have no moves. This is no surprise, considering the high exposure to sexual content on television, the Internet and magazines these days. Men who have watched any type of adult video may assume women are expecting back-breaking acrobatics in the sack. This is not true! Sure, women want to have a good time, but they also want to connect with their partner on a deeper level. Sex is not just about what crazy acts a man can come up with – and besides, one should probably ask one’s partner before inverting her in a head stand off the edge of the bed.
Don’t Be Afraid to Talk
Many men and women feel that talking about sex or sex acts is out of the question.  Whether from embarrassment or not wanting to seem inexperienced, it is a conversation that is often avoided.  However, simply talking before – or even during – the act can actually make things better.  Simple questions like “Does that feel good?” or even “What would make this better?” can take sex from blasé to mind blowing.  Not only do those questions take the pressure off the man – now it is up to the woman to help guide the way – but it also helps ensure both parties are enjoying themselves.  Talk about a win-win situation.
Stay Healthy
One of the most important aspects of a good sex life is staying healthy.  A healthy sex life is directly related to the health of the penis, which can be maintained with a few simple steps: exercising, eating right, avoiding excessive alcohol, not smoking, always using a condom, and using a penis vitamin formula (http://www.man1health.com most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil).  Selecting a high quality penis crème packed with vitamins and minerals can help revitalize the penis while enhancing sensitivity, which translates to a healthier penis and healthier sex life.
A diagnosis of prostate cancer is frightening, and hundreds of thousands of men each year are forced to face the difficult decision about what to do next. In many cases, men are advised by their doctors to “wait and see” how the disease progresses, and some research indicates that, especially in older men, surgery is not always necessary. Other men choose to be proactive, choosing radiation therapy to attack the cancerous cells. Younger men who still have years of reproductive activity ahead of them often choose a full-on assault, opting for prostatectomy.
In the past, the surgical techniques used to remove the prostate frequently resulted in extensive damage of the nerve tissue and blood vessels that serve the penis, and loss of erectile function was an expected outcome of surgery. Fortunately, new approaches to surgery have helped to minimize the loss of nerve function and reduce the risk of diminished penis sensation (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php). In addition, penile rehabilitation may help some men to retain, or even regain, their ability to have an erection.
The science behind penile rehab
In order for erections to occur, two main things are needed: nerve pathways to transmit signals between the brain and penis, and an adequate supply of blood to fill the erectile chambers. While the physiology behind getting an erection is complex, and other elements are at work here, it always comes down to these two basic things.
In order for the nerve and circulatory tissue to function well, adequate oxygenation is needed. Penile therapy is based on the simple theory of “use it or lose it.” Some scientists believe – and some research supports – that nocturnal erections help to keep these tissues oxygenated, thus allowing them to repair themselves. Therefore, according to this idea, a penis that does not experience regular erections is not likely to be able to repair itself, and further loss of function will occur.
To reverse this cycle, erections are needed; so it is believed that administering ED medications, and in some cases using those in conjunction with a vacuum pump, can work to rehab the penis by boosting the oxygen supply to the nerve and circulatory cells.
Things to keep in mind
While there is some evidence that rehabbing the penis after surgery with use of ED meds can help to restore erectile function, men should also keep in mind that loss of function does not always mean loss of satisfaction. There are multiple other avenues that men can pursue towards sexual pleasure with a partner, as long as he is willing to change his expectations to a degree. Using toys, trying new oral or manual techniques, and making it about the process instead of the outcome can help men to enjoy what they’ve got, even when things aren’t working the way they might prefer.
In the meantime, men can promote their own chances of successful rehab by caring for their overall health, including quitting smoking, eating right, exercising, and learning to manage the stress in their lives.
A recipe for success
Penile tissues that are well-nourished and supplied with the tools they need to repairs themselves are more likely to regain their function. A penis vitamin creme  (http://www.man1health.com most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) that is packed with nutrients such as vitamin C (for circulatory and connective tissue health), vitamin D (for overall cellular function) and amino acids like L-arginine (for nerve tissue regrowth) can help to provide the elements that are needed to put the punch back into the penis. Applying a vitamin formula on a daily basis can keep the penis well-nourished, as well as helping to maintain a soft, supple and  youthful appearance.
While doing it in the dark may seem more natural to some, the reality is that groping around without the light on can lead to some seriously awkward moments that can easily disrupt the natural progression of activity. On the other hand, a romantically-lit encounter can actually increase the sensuality of the experience, not to mention contributing to a man’s sexual function by catering to the senses. With the right lighting for the mood and a little attention to penis health (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php), men can be prepared to make the most of the next opportunity in the bedroom.
Why men should keep the lights turned up during a romantic encounter

Ambience. Leaving the lights on low during a session in the bedroom –or better yet, lighting some candles – can create a soft, romantic mood that leaves a couple feeling like they are in their own little world. Adding some music to the mix can enhance this sensation even more. This focus on each other and on the matter at hand can help men to feel more “in the moment” and forget about outside distractions that might put a damper on his performance and lead to a bedroom malfunction.


Visual stimulation. In addition to boosting the ambience in the room, keeping the lights on allows the visual aspect of sexual stimulation to work. A large part of arousal has to do with what people see, and seeing a partner’s body can be an immense turn-on. Whether or not either member of a couple is in perfect physical condition has little to do with this; an intimate view of the other’s body parts, not to mention their expression while in the throes of ecstasy, are highly erotic and satisfying.


Safety. Aside from the romantic aspect of keeping a soft light on the subject, getting it on with the lights on can have very practical benefits. A view of the proceedings can prevent minor injuries like unintentional head-butts, elbows in the eye, or an accident with a zipper that can put an immediate end to the encounter and leave a guy in shock and pain.

In addition, seeing what lies ahead can help reduce the chances of a man jamming his equipment against a pelvic bone when he misses the target during an especially vigorous thrust. While blunt force trauma to the penis can certainly cause immediate pain, not to mention bruising, such injuries can actually cause bigger problems down the road. Whether or not the penile tissues actually rupture in such a case, the stress to the inner connective tissue can lead to scarring, which can in turn cause unnatural and painful bending and curving of the penis.
Prepping the package
While keeping the lights on can lead to a better sexual experience for both partners, many men are daunted by the idea of their partner seeing them in their natural splendor, especially for the first time. Every little mole, pimple, pore and scar can seem like a monstrous blemish to anyone who is hoping to make a good impression.
In most cases, a partner will not even notice the little things, and if they do, they are unlikely to care. However, it is worth doing one’s best to keep the penis looking and feeling its best to be ready for action any time the opportunity presents itself.
Good hygiene is of utmost importance, as a smelly penis or one that has a cheesy buildup of dead skin cells and body fluids is hardly a turn-on. Trimming the surrounding hair is also a good way to keep things looking neat and trim, as well as further reducing the chances of unpleasant odors. Smooth, supple penis skin is the most appealing, so applying a high-quality penis vitamin formula (http://www.man1health.com most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing vital nutrients and skin-enhancing emollients can help men to maintain a supple-looking, responsive package.
Are there ways to tell if one’s partner is sexually satisfied?
In a word, yes. The easiest way to tell if one’s partner is sexually satisfied is to ask.  Unfortunately, bashfulness and fear of hearing the wrong answer prohibits most men from taking the leap and just asking their partner. However, if the conversation took place, most men would probably be surprised to know that she is probably concerned about the same thing. While men are worrying about their length, girth and overall skills in the sack; women are worried about their thighs, breasts and whether they remembered to shave their legs.  Bottom line is: both sexes have insecurities when it comes to getting it on. While a man can’t change the equipment he was born with, proper maintenance and penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) can keep things under the hood running smoothly, so a man is always putting his best foot forward.
Common Male Insecurities
Men tend to be most concerned with their equipment.  Is it long enough? Wide enough? Does it look like everyone else’s? Will she notice that little hook on the end? Should the area be kept shaved, trimmed or au natural? However, the fact of the matter is, most women are perfectly happy with the size, shape and – believe it or not – smell of the penis.  Chalk that one up to male pheromones – unless a guy skips a post-work out shower, most women are attracted to the natural scent of their man. 
It’s not the size of the ship, it’s the motion of the ocean has become a sort of catch phrase about penis size, and it is true. A woman would much rather be with a man who is less endowed but who knows how to work it, than be with a man with a huge Johnson who just shows up. Having a few key moves in the bedroom, and executing them flawlessly, is sure to blow her mind and impress her regardless of one’s stature.
Common Female Insecurities
Women, on the other hand, tend to be concerned about the way their bodies appear. Are they sexy enough? Do their breasts look perky enough? Does this lighting give them weird shadows across their face? Believe it or not, some women choose – or avoid – sexual positions based on how they feel their body will look in such a position.  For instance, women who are insecure about their “muffin top” may avoid positions where they are on top. While sexy lingerie or the like may be “eye candy” for men, they certainly are paying more attention to what they are feeling than to what their partner’s hair looks like!
Relax, it’s Just Sex
So the bottom line -- it would seem -- is that everybody has some sort of a sexual hang up.  These tend to be more common at the start of a new sexual relationship, when everybody is feeling vulnerable and wanting to connect with the new partner; but they can just as easily be present in a 30-year long marriage.  The best solution is just to talk about it with one another.  Worrying about one’s sexual performance – or the satisfaction of the other person – is actually more likely to cause performance issues as one gets lost in one’s head.  Performance anxiety can actually lead to sexual dysfunction, and that is something nobody wants to worry about. So rather than worry that she isn’t enjoying herself, just ask. Or at the very least, rest assured that she is worried about the very same thing!
One thing a man can do to increase his self-confidence in terms of the appearance of his package is to make sure it is healthy and vibrant.  Using a high-quality penis vitamin cream (http://www.man1health.com most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can improve the feel and appearance of the skin of the penis, which can make a man feel more confident about his equipment and translates to better feelings in the bedroom.
Summertime is traditionally a time of sunshine, watersports and well-planned bouts of nudity. In a Hollywood movie, a man would be ready for anything that came his way, with no advance planning needed. In reality, the average guy needs to spend at least a little time getting ready for the changing seasons. By stocking up on summertime essentials and paying a little attention to penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php), men can watch the days lengthen with a sense of ease, knowing they've got everything well in hand for the fun that comes with summer.
Sun Safety Suggestions
Basking in the hot sun can be incredibly relaxing, and it's tempting to strip down to bare essentials in order to let those golden rays hit every ounce of waiting skin. Before stripping down, however, men should invest in a little protection. Experts suggest that a sunblock with an SPF of 30 is sufficient for most people, as it blocks about 96.7 percent of the harmful rays of the sun. All of this potential is wasted, however, if men apply only a tiny daub of lotion on their starving skin or skip their delicate parts altogether. Proper protection comes through a slathering motion, and that application should be repeated after a dip in the water or a soaking with sweat to protect the package and promote penis health.
Hydration Habits
Rising temperatures mean sweaty bodies and an increasing need for water. Those who scrimp on hydration can produce some truly stinky sweat, and the odors tend to be most intense around the penis. Those who want to end a day in the sun with a romp in the sheets might turn off their partners with their funky odors, and the night might end much too quickly as a result.
Water bottles made of stainless steel are fashionable, so they make an appropriate accessory for almost any outfit, and when they're filled with cool water, a drink is always handy. Each little sip can make the sweat a little less smelly, as well as protecting the body against tissue damage related to dehydration.
Shaving Safely
A hedge of hair can protect the penis from scratches and scrapes, but the nest can also trap odors and it tends to make swimsuits look just a little less attractive. A quick trim can help, and electric trimmers provide the safest route to good grooming. These tools have safety guards that can protect against nicks and cuts, and it's easy to set the tool to cut hair at a specific length to prevent an embarrassing hatchet job. A trim like this might need to be repeated at least once during the summertime, but the clean lines can make the work more than worthwhile.
Proper Protection
Summertime travel can lead to new romances, and slipping on a sheath is the best way to avoid contracting a communicable disease. There are a variety of condoms out there that can fit the bill, including condoms made of:


Some are coated with spermicidal materials, others contain lubricants and still others are ribbed or flavored. A little experimentation can help a guy find the right fit, and stocking up can help him to be prepared when the evening takes a turn for the better.
Intimate Enhancement
During the winter months, heavy clothing, cold weather and lack of airflow can leave penis skin looking a little drab and dour, and the surface of this tool can be rough and scabbed. This equipment isn't ready for action, but turning around the situation may be as easy as investing in a quality penis nutrient creme (http://www.man1health.com most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil). These products contain vitamins that can nourish starved tissues and reduce bacterial colonies. A quality product can also help to smooth and soften roughed up skin, so it'll be touchable and responsive, perfect for a test drive in the summertime. 
In this day and age, sexual health is not something to be taken for granted.  Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s) are, unfortunately, a reality all sexually active adults need to be aware of and take precautions against.  The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates the incidence rate of new STI’s in the United States to be around 20 million cases annually. About 50% of those cases are occurring in individuals ages 15-24, with the other half occurring in those 25 years and older. While these figures are staggering, using condoms can drastically reduce one’s risk of transmitting such an infection. So what happens when doing the smart thing and using protection causes penis pain and discomfort? Unfortunately, penis allergies are a reality, so some men may need to find alternative methods of protection as part of their penis health (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) care arsenal.
Condom Allergies: Are they for real?
While it may sound like a lame excuse to not use protection, some men – and women too – are legitimately allergic to latex.  Lubricants, spermicides and diaphragms can also trigger allergic reactions in some unlucky individuals. A negative reaction to these products may be instantaneous in highly sensitive individuals, or they may appear a few hours later, leaving the unfortunate victim wondering what may have happened to their manhood.
What Are the Symptoms?
An allergic reaction on the genitals is about as unpleasant as it sounds. Some of the possible symptoms include:

Breaking out in a rash in the genital area
Hives/red blotches
Itchy skin
Burning sensation on any skin touched by the condom
Skin is overly sensitive and may be painful to the touch
Unexplained respiratory symptoms such as: coughing, wheezing, sneezing
Sudden runny nose or nasal discharge
Feelings of light-headedness
Anaphylactic shock – this only occurs in cases of extreme latex sensitivity

In addition, repeated exposure may trigger the occurrence of blisters, as the body’s immune system tries to fight off the latex, and even men who have not previously had issues may develop a penis allergy over time.
A condom allergy may also lead to a urinary tract infection in some men. Symptoms of a UTI include:

Burning during urination
Foul smelling urine
Blood in urine

What to do if a latex allergy is suspected
Men who suspect they have a latex allergy should consult an allergist for testing to ensure the skin is reacting to the latex and not a different source. Since having unprotected sex drastically increases the risk of contracting an STI or resulting in an unplanned pregnancy, going au natural is not the best option.  Men should seek out non-latex condoms in order to protect themselves – and their partners – from unwanted sexual side effects. 
Two types of non-latex condoms exist as options for those allergic to latex.  Synthetic condoms, made with polyurethane, are deemed to be as safe as latex condoms by the CDC.  Lambskin condoms, also known as natural membrane condoms, are made from lamb cecum and do not contain latex. Natural membrane condoms are useful in preventing pregnancy, but it is important to note that the CDC and FDA has deemed them to be less effective in preventing the transmission of STI’s including HIV/AIDS.
Caring for a Latex Allergy
If the allergic reaction is severe, is causing difficulty breathing, or is extremely painful, medical attention should be sought immediately.  Anaphylactic shock can result in death if not treated immediately.  Milder allergic reactions, though uncomfortable and unpleasant, should clear up on their own without any medical intervention. Washing the affected area with gentle soap and water is effective in removing the allergen and preventing prolonged exposure, which will worsen the reaction.  Applying a penis health creme containing vitamins and minerals (http://www.man1health.com most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can also help soothe red, irritated skin while revitalizing the penis. Select one that contains vitamin E to help hydrate and repair itchy skin and quickly provide some much needed relief to the area.
There are many everyday ailments that can befall a penis. It is a part of a man’s body -- just like any other -- and is just as susceptible to minor irritations, pain, redness and other issues.  Unlike other body parts, the health and wellness of the penis plays a vital role in a man’s sexual health, making it especially important to keep it in peak physical condition. Vitamin B5 is one vitamin that has penis-specific health properties, making it an important key to promoting penis health (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php). The following sections explain more about vitamin B5 and how to banish sore penis problems with this restorative vitamin.
Soothes Skin Irritation:  It is not uncommon for the skin of the penis to become red, chafed and even itchy.  Whether dry skin is the culprit, or uncomfortable or too tight clothing is causing chafing, or even an overly assertive tryst in the bedroom led to the problem, an irritated manhood is not a happy manhood. Vitamin B5 helps sooth itching and irritation by nourishing and repairing damaged or cracked skin.
Improves Circulation: Vitamin B5 has a major role in promoting proper circulation; it also helps to maintain the health of the blood vessels and can actually stimulate blood flow. This is particularly important for the functioning of the penis, as circulation is absolutely necessary to encourage the nice, strong erections all men desire.
Boost Penis Health: Many people have heard of taking vitamin B5 when they have a cold or are battling the flu; this is because B5 boosts the body’s immune response.  B5 helps fight infection and disease all across the body, including penis specific ailments such as thrush or jock itch. Vitamin B5 helps keep bacteria -- which love to grow in moist warm places such as the genitals -- from leading to an infection that can cause pain, irritation and soreness of the penis - conditions which, when left untreated, can even be passed on to sexual partners.
Enhance the Health of the Skin: Women have known vitamin B5 to be the secret to healthy, glowing skin for years due to the moisturizing properties it contains. The skin on the penis is susceptible to sagging, wrinkling and otherwise aging, just like the rest of the body. Vitamin B5 can help keep the skin of the penis looking youthful and feeling smooth and supple.
Improve Penis Sensations: Loss of or reduction in penis sensation is an unfortunately common occurrence, and it is one that can even happen to young men. The penis skin is very delicate compared to other areas of the body; however, over time, rough clothing, vigorous or frequent sex and masturbation can all cause the skin to toughen up. In some cases, this friction can cause reduce sensitivity of the penis due to damage of the nerve endings which may make sex less pleasurable, or take more stimulation to reach climax. Luckily, vitamin B5 can stimulate the growth and development of new cells while preventing further damage to the nerve endings and possibly reversing existing damage.
Where to Get Vitamin B5
While a well-balanced diet will provide much of the vitamin B5 a person needs, to enjoy the full benefits of the vitamin, additional supplements may be beneficial.  Even a daily multivitamin or B5 supplement in pill form may not supply enough of the vital nutrient, as it may not be fully absorbed through the digestive tract. To really target the penis, and make the most of the vitamin, a penis vitamin formula is the best course of action (http://www.man1health.com most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil).A penis vitamin formula is applied directly on the skin of the penis for maximum absorption, directly where it is needed most.  Men should choose an all-natural variety that is formulated specifically for the penis and has other important vitamins and minerals included. When added to the daily grooming regimen, penis oil can help revitalize the skin and keep the penis healthy and functioning at the highest capacity possible. 
A man's scent is as personal and as individualized as his thumb print, and many of the odors that make up a man's personal perfume come directly from the lap area. Some of these swirling scents are pheromone based, telling potential mates about the man's health and vigor. Other penis odors aren't so sexy, however, and they can be a definite turnoff to people standing downwind. While scrubbing away all traces of scent is a biologic impossibility, there are some penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) steps men can take in order to tone down the unpleasant aromas.
1. Wash Up.
Skin cells are replaced on a regular basis, and often, they linger when they're no longer attached to the tissues that once fed and nourished them. If these jettisoned cells band together, they can form a thick paste that just smells awful. Washing the penis on a daily basis with mild soap and a thorough rinse can ensure that these discarded tissues swirl down the drain before they can begin to emit any odor at all. A wash can also help to remove any leftover dribbles and drips left behind after a trip to the bathroom.
2. Let it Breathe.
Sweat glands line the crotch, flushing out toxins and keeping delicate equipment at just the right temperature. Wearing tight underwear that doesn't breathe can trap this cloud of moisture around the penis, and as those skin cells open up in response to the humidity, the scent can be overpowering. Adequate airflow can allow sweat to evaporate, so skin stays dry and relatively odor-free. Wearing the proper underwear can even make the body sweat a little less, as the refreshing breeze will keep the package cold enough that the body's cooling mechanism may not feel the need to kick in.
3. Clean Out the Filter.
Sweat is produced by tiny glands that rely on a significant amount of water. Men who don't drink enough produce sweat that's intensely concentrated, and very likely quite stinky. By adding fluids to the daily diet, men can dilute and de-scent their sweat, making their laps just a little less humid and a little less smelly. Clear fluids like juice and water are best for odor, rather than teas and coffee, which can actually make sweat smell a little worse.
4. Load Up on Vitamins
Vitamins A and E both have a vital role to play in keeping skin strong and healthy. People who don't take in enough of these vitamins can develop fragile skin tissues that are susceptible to tiny tears and microscopic breaks, and these little fissures make a perfect home for smelly bacteria. Foods high in Vitamin A include organ meats and potatoes, while a Vitamin E diet contains plenty of nuts and dried herbs. Multivitamins also contain these ingredients, and the pills are easy to take while on the go. For some people, supplementation provides the quickest route to a good diet, and a lowered amount of penile odors.
5. Try a Topical.
Supplements and dietary amendments can help to boost vitamin levels throughout the body, but unfortunately, there's no guarantee that the nutrients that enter the mouth will head straight to the penis. In fact, the body might even excrete these elements without putting them to any use at all. That's why topical applications of vitamins and nutrients are considered so vital for an odor-busting program. By putting nutrients right where they're needed, a man can bypass the digestive system altogether.
A penis health formula (http://www.man1health.com most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) contains both Vitamin A and Vitamin E, which can help to reduce bacterial colonies living on penile skin, and the emollients in these products can keep the skin soft and intact, so fewer dead cells will collect and fewer odor-filled cracks will form. After a few weeks of using a product like this, a man might notice a significant improvement in his personal scent, as might his intimate partners. 
A man's scent is as personal and as individualized as his thumb print, and many of the odors that make up a man's personal perfume come directly from the lap area. Some of these swirling scents are pheromone based, telling potential mates about the man's health and vigor. Other penis odors aren't so sexy, however, and they can be a definite turnoff to people standing downwind. While scrubbing away all traces of scent is a biologic impossibility, there are some penis care steps men can take in order to tone down the unpleasant aromas.
1. Wash Up.
Skin cells are replaced on a regular basis, and often, they linger when they're no longer attached to the tissues that once fed and nourished them. If these jettisoned cells band together, they can form a thick paste that just smells awful. Washing the penis on a daily basis with mild soap and a thorough rinse can ensure that these discarded tissues swirl down the drain before they can begin to emit any odor at all. A wash can also help to remove any leftover dribbles and drips left behind after a trip to the bathroom.
2. Let it Breathe.
Sweat glands line the crotch, flushing out toxins and keeping delicate equipment at just the right temperature. Wearing tight underwear that doesn't breathe can trap this cloud of moisture around the penis, and as those skin cells open up in response to the humidity, the scent can be overpowering. Adequate airflow can allow sweat to evaporate, so skin stays dry and relatively odor-free. Wearing the proper underwear can even make the body sweat a little less, as the refreshing breeze will keep the package cold enough that the body's cooling mechanism may not feel the need to kick in.
3. Clean Out the Filter.
Sweat is produced by tiny glands that rely on a significant amount of water. Men who don't drink enough produce sweat that's intensely concentrated, and very likely quite stinky. By adding fluids to the daily diet, men can dilute and de-scent their sweat, making their laps just a little less humid and a little less smelly. Clear fluids like juice and water are best for odor, rather than teas and coffee, which can actually make sweat smell a little worse.
4. Load Up on Vitamins
Vitamins A and E both have avital role to play in keeping skin strong and healthy. People who don't take in enough of these vitamins can develop fragile skin tissues that are susceptible to tiny tears and microscopic breaks, and these little fissures make a perfect home for smelly bacteria. Foods high in Vitamin A include organ meats and potatoes, while a Vitamin E diet contains plenty of nuts and dried herbs. Multivitamins also contain these ingredients, and the pills are easy to take while on the go. For some people, supplementation provides the quickest route to a good diet, and a lowered amount of penile odors.
5. Try a Topical.
Supplements and dietary amendments can help to boost vitamin levels throughout the body, but unfortunately, there's no guarantee that the nutrients that enter the mouth will head straight to the penis. In fact, the body might even excrete these elements without putting them to any use at all. That's why topical applications of vitamins and nutrients are considered so vital for an odor-busting program. By putting nutrients right where they're needed, a man can bypass the digestive system altogether.
A penis health formula (most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) contains both Vitamin A and Vitamin E, which can help to reduce bacterial colonies living on penile skin, and the emollients in these products can keep the skin soft and intact, so fewer dead cells will collect and fewer odor-filled cracks will form. After a few weeks of using a product like this, a man might notice a significant improvement in his personal scent, as might his intimate partners.
In today’s world, there seems to be an ongoing conflict between the need to convince people of the dangers of obesity and the need to let everyone know that they are worthwhile and attractive no matter what. While it is true that a person’s worth is not based on their physical appearance, and body type is not an indicator of humanity, the hard truth is that being overweight is simply not healthy.
Among the negative effects of obesity, one of the most distressing for men is the issue of impotence. While not all men who have some extra padding have troubles in the bedroom, a great percentage of obese individuals do experience problems with erectile function. Understanding the connection and responding to the body’s needs with adequate self-care and attention to penis health (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) can go a long way toward overcoming this problem.
Some of the negative effects of obesity on erectile health are described here.
Reduced cardiovascular function – Extra body weight puts a strain on the heart, and increased levels of body fat can also lead to problems like clogged arteries. These issues can lead to reduced heart function, which means that less blood is available when called on to fill the erectile chambers. This can result in loss of function, and long-term deprivation of an adequate supply of blood may even lead to tissue atrophy, meaning the penis essentially shrinks and becomes smaller.
Poor circulation – Excessive weight on the body also tends to compress the blood vessels, especially those leading to the lower extremities. Again, this reduces the blood flow that is needed to get things going in the erectile department, and low circulation can also lead to nerve damage and sensation loss.
Nerve damage – Men who are overweight have a much greater risk for developing type 2 diabetes, which has been shown to cause widespread damage of nerve tissue. Loss of nerve cells means loss of feeling, especially in the extremities, including the fingers, feet, and penis.
Lack of stamina – Having extra weight to haul around can diminish a man’s reserves of energy, and attempting to get acrobatic in the bedroom can result in falling flat. Physical exercise is key here – men who work out, even if they are a little on the heavy side, may find that their energy levels increase and that they are able to hold up their end of the deal in a physical encounter.
Reduced self-esteem – Psychology also plays a vital role in erectile function, and a man who doesn’t feel good about himself or who is anxious or depressed will more than likely encounter impotence issues. Losing weight, exercising and boosting one’s self-esteem can be tremendously effective.
Men who have more than the occasional problem with impotence should make it a point to see their doctor; some of the possible underlying conditions can cause numerous health problems that can seriously reduce a man’s quality of life. Addressing erectile dysfunction is never easy, but it can be a life-changing step that leads to greater satisfaction, lower stress levels, and an on-going sense of well-being.
A healthy penis for better erections
Men who have made the decision to improve their level of physical fitness are well on the way to improved erectile function and a more satisfying sex life. The next step is to ensure that the penis itself is ready for future encounters; a healthy penis is much  more able to respond to stimulation and provide satisfaction.
Good nutrition goes a long way toward keeping the skin, nerve cells and circulatory tissue of the penis is top working condition. Eating a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water can help to provide the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants needed for a responsive penis. To ensure that the penis is really getting all of the nourishment it needs, applying a high-quality penis nutrient cream  (http://www.man1health.com most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing vitamins A, C, and E, which have powerful skin healing and tissue-building properties, can help to keep the skin smooth and supple.
Whether in the throes of pleasure during a private moment, or in a heated encounter with a partner, men might not be aware of the damage they are inflicting on their penis. Rough treatment due to vigorous activity can actually jeopardize penis health (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) if men do not take care to correct any resulting tissue damage or to prevent it from occurring in the first place. Some of the problems related to rough handling are outlined below, along with some suggestions for safer techniques and penis care.
Masturbation mistakes
Men often masturbate by encircling the penis with their thumb and fingers, grasping tightly as they move their hands in an up and down motion. This action places a great deal of pressure on the penis, compressing the erectile chambers as well as stressing the skin, circulatory and nerve tissue.
Men who use the technique known as jelqing, which enthusiasts claim adds length to the penis, use a similar motion; proponents of jelqing believe that forcing blood into the penis can make it bigger, allowing even more blood to enter the area and eventually lengthening the penis. In reality, these techniques can cause penis pain and lasting damage that could even make the penis just a little smaller.
In order to understand why, it is helpful to know a bit about the anatomy of the penis. This vital organ is lined with hollow channels that can fill with blood. When the channels are full and the tissue is engorged, the penis is firm, and it can rise away from the body. However, applying pressure and torque can cause tiny tears inside these channels. When the tears heal, the tissue can shrink and tighten, and that scarred tissue will have less flex when it comes to future erections. It's a bit like placing a piece of tape on the outside of a balloon. When that balloon fills with air, the area around the tape doesn't expand, and the balloon doesn't get quite as big. By damaging the penis, men could actually be see a decrease in overall size, as well as unnatural bending or curving that can cause difficulty engaging in intercourse.
Punishing Pain
The resulting tissue damage can also be intensely painful, and even when the main event is over, the pain can linger. In addition, broken blood vessels can lead to bruises, and dry hands applying pressure can cause chafing, irritation and roughened skin. In short, a session can leave a guy feeling more pain than he ever thought possible. Healing up means following basic TLC techniques, including:

Applying cool compresses to bruised tissue
Taking over-the-counter analgesics for pain
Resting the tissue
Seeing a doctor if the pain doesn't abate

Commonsense Alternatives
Contorting the penis with monumental jerking and tugging may feel good in the moment, but the results can be long-lasting. To prevent permanent injury, men can take try changing their technique, going for the sensual and erotic rather than the rough-and-tumble.
Furthermore, caring for the penis through proper nutrition and focus on hygiene can help ensure that the skin, nerve and circulatory tissue is healthy, supple and responsive to the touch. Paying attention to the health of the penis may also help to approve its appearance. After all, smooth, supple, healthy skin is attractive no matter where it's located, and this is the kind of tissue that people just love to touch. A penis vitamin creme (http://www.man1health.com most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) can give men this healthy glow through vitamins, minerals and emollients, and the application is a snap. A little daub of this liquid applied each day can infuse penis skin with health, making the organ both attractive and responsive, with no torture required. 
Erectile dysfunction is generally considered an age-related problem; the common perception is that younger men are primed and ready for action at all times. However, while most men would like to brag about a constant state of readiness, the truth is that daily life often gets in the way, and even the most virile of young men can experience the occasional flop when it comes to bedroom performance.
In most cases, this is nothing to be concerned about - the stress of a long day or a bit too much to drink can cause a temporary dereliction of duty where sexual function is concerned. However, young men who experience frequent problems in this department may need to consider talking to their doctors about penis care for erectile dysfunction.
What causes ED in young men?
In older men, loss of function may occur as testosterone levels decrease, the circulation becomes compromised by heart disease or smoking, or a band of midlife fat settles in around the waistline. Men in their 50s and 60s typically encounter at least the occasional problem with sexual function.
In young men, these issues are less common; however, medical conditions such as congenital heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, or reduced testosterone levels can also lead to loss of function. In addition, men of any age who are overweight, consume a poor diet, and/or have a sedentary lifestyle are more likely to have problems rising to the occasion. Furthermore, men who have problems with substance abuse or alcohol may develop erectile issues at any age. Various medications may also have an adverse effect on erectile ability.
Beyond the more obvious physical health concerns, psychology often comes into play in matters of sexual function. Men who are under a great deal of stress, or those who have problems with depression or anxiety, may also have difficulties in the bedroom. Performance anxiety, partner conflict, and guilt associated with a strict upbringing can also lead to problems in this area.
Treating ED
Successful treatment of erectile issues depends on the underlying cause. Treating conditions like heart disease or diabetes is certainly necessary; and men who are overweight and unhealthy will need to take a look at their lifestyle and make some positive changes. Avoiding recreational substances, quitting smoking and limiting one’s intake of alcohol can also have a beneficial effect.
When it comes to the psychology of erections, treatment can get more tricky, as worrying about the issue can create a cyclical problem. However, avoiding excessive stress and getting help for conditions like anxiety and depression can be enormously helpful.
Making positive lifestyle changes like exercising, losing weight, and paying attention to one’s appearance and grooming can be helpful in boosting confidence levels, which play a big part in a man’s ability to function well.
Caring for the equipment
Even when there is nothing physically wrong with the penis, taking extra care can help men to look and feel their best, giving their confidence (and their package) a lift. Men who feel good about the condition of their penis are less likely to feel anxious and self-conscious - problems which can often lead to performance issues.
It goes without saying that the penis should be kept clean. Washing with warm water and a mild cleanser is the first step. The penis should be allowed to dry thoroughly - especially under the foreskin, for uncircumcised men - to decrease the chances of developing a bacterial or fungal infection that can wreak havoc on the penile skin.
After cleansing, applying a high-quality penis vitamin cream (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can benefit the penis by moisturizing the skin; smoothing dry, roughened skin; boosting resistance to infections; and decreasing unpleasant odors. A cream containing penis-specific ingredients should be applied right after cleansing, while the skin is most absorbent. Adding this step to the daily personal care routine can help keep the penis smooth, resilient, and responsive to the touch.
Anyone who is sexually active runs the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection, even those who are careful about using protection. Most STIs are treatable; many can be cured, while some – like herpes – require lifelong management of the symptoms. However, treating an STI successfully first requires recognizing the symptoms, from a sore penis to an unusual penis discharge to fever or swollen glands.
With the right approach to safe sex and awareness of how to promote good penis health (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php), men can increase their chances of avoiding infection or passing it along to a partner. The following discussion describes one of the most common STIs, including details on the symptoms and treatment.
What is trichomoniasis?
Trichomoniasis is a tiny parasite that affects the genital region and is transmitted from one person to another through sexual contact. While this organism more commonly affects women, men can develop symptoms, as well. On the other hand, many men who are carrying the parasite never develop any symptoms, although they may transmit the disease to a partner. Because of this, it is important for all individuals who are sexually active to be tested regularly and practice safe sex.
Symptoms of trichomoniasis
In men, the trich parasite generally affects the urethra and underneath the foreskin. Men who are infected may notice a burning sensation on urination, soreness of the head of the penis and the urethra, and itching. A mild discharge may also be ejected from the penis.
In women, trich can produce numerous unpleasant symptoms, and if left untreated, there is a possibility that the parasite could rupture fetal membranes in pregnant women and cause premature delivery.
Treating trichomoniasis
Infected individuals are generally treated with oral antibiotics. All sexual partners should be treated at the same time to avoid reinfection. People who are infected should take all of their medication, even if the symptoms clear up; the parasite may remain in the system even after symptoms disappear and may reestablish itself if it is not completely eliminated.
Protecting penis health and guarding against disease
The only guaranteed way to avoid contracting a disease like trichomoniasis is total abstinence from all sexual activity (except the solo kind). But for most men, this is not a practical or desirable solution, so a more realistic approach to protection is required.
First of all, there should be no compromises or exceptions when it comes to safe sex; unless a man is in a committed, monogamous relationship where both partners have been given a clean bill of health, a condom should be the rule every time. For men who cannot tolerate latex, there are alternatives, so there are no excuses where this is concerned.
Second, hygiene should be a priority, both as a general rule and as a preventive measure after any sexual activity. A shower a day, with attention to cleaning under the foreskin for uncircumcised men, can help prevent any accumulation of body fluids and dead skin cells that provide a haven for bacteria. In addition, washing the penis immediately after a sexual encounter can rinse away harmful organisms before they can penetrate the body’s defenses. Urinating directly after sex is also recommended to flush the urethra.
Third, doctors advise sticking with a single sexual partner, and not going back and forth between partners, as this is a sure way to spread numerous types of sexually transmitted infections.
Finally, men can help to increase their body’s immune function, as well as maintaining the surface integrity of their skin, by applying a specially formulated penis health cream  (http://www.man1health.com most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) that contains vital nutrients  and natural emollients designed to keep the penile tissue smooth, supple and resilient.
The benefits of exercise and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are clear, and most people are aware, at least in theory, that physical activity is an important factor in overall health. Furthermore, it is easy to see why keeping the heart pumping and the waistline to reasonable proportions can help when it comes to stamina and function in the bedroom. However, most men will be surprised to learn that targeted exercises can have a direct effect on penis health (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) and sexual prowess, helping to amp up their experience between the sheets.
Men who have been cleared for physical activity by their doctor can try these exercises for noticeable benefits in the bedroom:

Crunches – The tried-and-true crunch is one of the best exercises for targeting the abdominal muscles, which are important when it comes to the thrusting action that men rely on to get the job done. While not all men are cut out for a full six-pack, adding crunches and sit-ups to the daily routine can help to improve power and stamina in bed.


Pushups – In addition to powerful abs, a strong upper body can lead to obvious benefits in the bedroom. Men who can hold up their own bodies can experiment with a variety of angles and motions without the fatigue that may occur for those with less-developed musculature.


Dead lifts – Dead lifts are ideal for developing strong back muscles, which can also lead to increased strength and stamina when it comes to bedroom acrobatics. Dead lifts should be approached with caution, however, as it is easy to do them wrong. Using a dumbbell or barbell in the gym can be effective, but men who are not experienced should seek advice from a physical trainer before attempting this alone.


Pulling and pushing exercises – As with pushups, exercises such as rowing, a lateral machine, or pull-ups can help to develop the shoulders and chest, increasing men’s staying power and ability to hold himself or a partner in an advantageous position.


Cardio - While strength is important, exercises which target heart health can’t be overlooked when it comes to bedroom performance. A strong heart and optimum circulation are not only needed for erectile function; adequate blood flow is essential in maintaining the health of the penis, as it is needed to nourish the nerves, skin and erectile tissue. A strong heart also means that a man can keep going much longer than one who prefers to exercise the remote from the comfort of the couch.

Men who are new to physical exercise are urged to see a doctor for a full physical evaluation before starting on any fitness regimen. While most people can benefit from some amount of exercise, knowing one’s limitations can help to prevent injury or worse during physical exertion.
Keeping the package primed and ready for action
While exercise can improve on performance in the bedroom, all of a man’s hard work may come to nothing if the skin of the penis is dry, irritated or sore. Keeping the skin of the penis well-moisturized and in top condition can help to ensure that a guy is ready for sex any time the opportunity arises.
Eating right is important in this respect, as the penis relies on specific nutrients to stay healthy and responsive. High-quality moisturizers also play a role in maintaining smooth and supple penis skin. After a daily shower, applying a high-quality penis health formula  (http://www.man1health.com/ most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) enriched with nutrients that target penis tissue, such as vitamin A for healthy skin, vitamin C for circulatory health, and vitamin E for supple connective tissue, may help to improve the overall tone and texture of the penile skin.
While most men are not comfortable talking to their doctor about problems related to the penis, failure to deal with problems related to penile appearance and function can significantly impair a man’s quality of life. Issues such as penile atrophy and loss of function can affect a man’s self-esteem, as well as causing problems such as depression and anxiety.
By understanding the potential problems that may develop, men can tackle issues like these head-on, significantly improving penis function (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) and appearance and boosting their overall well-being.
What is penile atrophy?
The penis often changes in size and shape due to environmental factors such as heat and cold, not to mention arousal. These changes are normal and do not affect the overall size of the penis. In addition, the accumulation or redistribution of body fat can make the penis appear smaller than normal, although there may be no change in its actual size.
On the other hand, penile atrophy refers to actual reduction of penis tissue; atrophy of the penis may also affect its ability to function normally. Atrophy is generally a condition of older age; men over the age of 60 are more likely to experience shrinkage. However, in certain cases, younger men may also notice a long-term change in the size and shape of their penis.
What causes penis shrinkage?
Penile atrophy may be caused by a number of factors:

Reduced blood flow – A reduction in blood flow to the penile tissue can eventually cause a reduction in size. Health problems such as atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, and even poor circulation caused by tight clothing or excessive body weight can deprive the penis of the blood it needs to nourish the penile tissue. Men with circulatory problems may also experience a loss of erectile function, as the blood that is needed to flood the erectile chambers is not adequate.


Low testosterone – Men who have significantly reduced testosterone levels may have accompanying shrinkage of the penis; when low testosterone is to blame, men also may notice a reduction in testicle size. Testosterone levels may drop as a result of aging, as well as systemic disease and chemotherapy or radiation therapy, particularly when used for treating prostate cancer.


Connective tissue problems – Problems such as Peyronie’s disease which affect the connective tissue of the penis may cause an overall loss in size, as well as extreme bending or curving of the penis and loss of erectile function.

Treating penile tissue loss
Treating loss of penis size depends on the underlying cause; men who are experiencing tissue loss are urged to talk to their doctors in order to get to the source of the problem. In the case of reduced blood flow, lifestyle changes such as losing weight, eating healthy, and taking medications for cardiovascular disease may help to restore depleted tissue. Men with low testosterone may opt for hormone therapy, although there are considerable side effects that should be weighed in this case. There are also numerous options for treating problems related to the connective tissue. In some cases, men have experienced considerable improvement  from treatment  with vitamin E, while in others, surgical repair or implants may be  recommended.
Nourishing the penis from the outside in
Along with any medical procedures and/or lifestyle changes suggested for dealing with penile atrophy, a penis nutrient creme (http://www.man1health.com most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) may provide additional benefits. Applying a nourishing vitamin formula targeting penis health may help to support healthy tissue growth and regeneration. By including a health cream as part of the daily penis care regimen, men can receive the full advantages of important nutrients such as vitamins A, C, E, D, and B, as well as tissue-building amino acids, antioxidants and moisturizers.
Regardless of how in or out of tune a man is with his own body, one thing he is sure to never miss is penis pain and abnormal discharge.  There are numerous reasons for such an occurrence, ranging from a mild infection, to a sexually transmitted disease, to a serious medical condition such as cancer.  One such condition – which luckily is very treatable – is the common yeast infection.  Though a yeast infection may not cause serious health side effects, it can easily be passed from partner to partner, making it very important to pop in to the doctor and get treated if a yeast infection is suspected.  While it is likely that most men will encounter a yeast infection at some point in their lives, engaging in a daily penis health (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) routine will not only alert him to sudden changes, but may decrease the frequency of similar annoying, uncomfortable ailments.
What is a yeast infection… don’t they only occur in women?
While a yeast infection tends to be more common in women – and more readily spotted– it is an infection many men can get, as well.  In fact, some men actually carry a yeast infection without even knowing it, as they are asymptomatic.  Men who show no symptoms are (obviously) more likely to pass it to their partners, which is sometimes how a man finds out he had it to begin with.
A yeast infection is an infection caused by the fungus Candida; in men, it occurs on the penis. Despite the unpleasant images the thought of a fungus may bring up for most people, it is actually a normal part of the healthy environment and found on the skin of most people.  Generally, the immune system keeps the fungus from turning into an infection, but certain circumstances lead to an infection.
What causes a yeast infection?

Compromised Immunity:  Having a compromised immune system makes one more susceptible to any type of infection, including a yeast infection.  Certain issues cause chronic immunodeficiency including: an underactive thyroid gland, HIV, Lyme disease, mononucleosis, and even chronic stress.


Antibiotics: Antibiotics are prescribed to kill invading bacteria -- which cause infection.  Unfortunately, an antibiotic medication is unable to discern between good bacteria and bad bacteria. Thus, it may target the wrong kind, allowing a yeast infection to occur.


Diabetes: This is another chronic medical condition known to be associated with yeast infections.  The elevated sugar levels in a diabetic’s urine creates an environment in which yeast tends to thrive.


Sexual Transmission: While not considered a sexually transmitted infection, yeast infections can be passed from male to female and female to male during sex.

What are the symptoms?
In certain men, no symptoms ever present and he may not discover he has a yeast infection until his partner becomes symptomatic.  Treatment is still recommended for these men, however; otherwise, they will continue to re-infect their partner.  For men who do show signs of yeast infection, symptoms include:

Severe itching around the head of the penis
Irritation and soreness of the head of the penis
White, cheesy discharge
Redness of the head of the penis
Blistering on the head of the penis

How to care for the penis
The best way to prevent a penile yeast infection is to use protection during sex, particularly if one’s partner suspects a yeast infection is present.  A quick round of antifungal medication is commonly prescribed to treat the infection, so an infected penis is as good as new in no time.  Keeping the genital area dry is also an important tip to preventing yeast infections, as the yeast that is naturally on one’s penis tends to thrive – and grow – in warm, moist conditions.  Maintaining proper penis hygiene by thoroughly washing the penis regularly with mild soap and water may help prevent excessive bacteria which can eventually lead to infection.  Additionally, the use of a penis health formula full of vitamins and minerals (http://www.man1health.com most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can also keep the penis healthy. Choose one with Vitamin A, which has anti-bacterial properties and may help keep infections away.
The entire Kama Sutra consists of 1250 verses and 36 chapters, all designed to help people develop a life that's both virtuous and gracious. It's all good information, but modern readers might be tempted to skip ahead in the text to the better-known section on sex positions. It's understandable, as the text contains a remarkable amount of information about how couples can join together in ways that will please them both. Buried in the fine print, however, are a few little tips that deal with penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) and increasing sensitivity. Men who pay attention to these tidbits may be rewarded with intense pleasures down the line, whether or not they engage in some of the acrobatics portrayed in the Kama Sutra.
Staying Clean
The act of love was once considered more than just pleasant. In fact, some ancient cultures believed that sex was a divine act that could bring couples a little closer to understanding the mysteries of the universe. Important tasks like this should be approached with reverence, and often, people like to get cleaned up before they do something spiritual. As a result, the Kama Sutra contains long passages about hygiene and cleanliness, and the author even suggests that people clean together as foreplay.
Cleaning up can be a boon for the penis, as sensitivity levels can drop when the equipment isn't quite clean. Bacteria can spread and grow, and the inflammation they cause can trigger sensations of pain, itching and burning, diminishing the pleasure of sex. By spending time each day on cleanliness, men can wash these irritants away and keep penile tissue responding as it should.
Taking it Slow
Emotional connections are emphasized in this ancient book, and as a result, couples are encouraged to stoke the flames by:


These acts can allow couples to reach a peak of passion and intensity long before penetration takes place, but they can also be excellent for penis sensitivity. When couples are moving slow and taking their time, natural lubricants are generated, and the risk of friction from dry tissues goes down with each moment. Damage due to friction can lower sensitivity, so stretching out the foreplay could be an excellent way to keep pleasure sensors as healthy as they can possibly be.
Extending the Pleasure
There are well over 60 sexual acts/positions described in detail within the middle section of this book, and modern versions often have handy illustrations so couples know just what they're supposed to do and when. The author goes on, however, to suggest that a bonded pair should stay in contact when the fireworks have faded and heart rates return to normal. Kisses and touches are recommended, but once again, cleaning can play a role.
Touching up the hygiene after sex can help a pair to prepare for a second round of love, and a soothing scrub can also function as thanks to body parts that have given their all in the service of pleasure. The penis, in particular, may benefit from this care. Personal lubricants and spermicides used during sex can sometimes cause irritation to delicate tissues, if those substances are left in place for long periods of time. Irritation like this can lead to a red, itchy penis that isn't capable of feeling much more than pain. At times, these reactions can take weeks to recover from, and the body can put down scar tissue after an incident like this, further reducing sensitivity rates.
A gentle cleansing can strip those irritants away, and a high-quality penis health creme (http://www.man1health.com health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can add emollients, vitamins and antioxidants to penile skin, allowing it to heal and remain sensitive. It's also intensely pleasurable to apply, and that's something the Kama Sutra's author might approve of as well. 
The physical working of one’s penis is a question most men do not stop to ponder.  As long as it looks normal, feels normal and acts normal, a man generally accepts that his penis is doing just fine.  While this attitude may be acceptable for some parts of the body, given the importance of a well-functioning penis, it may be time to start paying a little more attention to the manhood. With the everyday stresses most men are under, they may feel they do not have time to get caught up another grooming or health care ritual.  Luckily, a little penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) goes a long way, and this is one case where the old cliche an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure is absolutely spot-on.   Caring for the penis with Acetyl L Carnitine, or ALCAR, is one way to keep the penis healthy and functioning for years to come.
What are the benefits of Acetyl L Carnitine?
The benefits and advantages of ALCAR are numerous and varied, helping contribute to the health and wellness of the penis, in addition to a man’s overall sexual health. Some of these include:

Reduced penis curvature – ALCAR can help fight the painful penis condition known as Peyronie’s disease, which makes sex difficult and painful in severe cases.
Improvement in sexual functioning – ALCAR can help improve quality of erections and help a man perform better sexually.


Increased stamina – Acetyl L Carnitine has been found to increase longevity of a lovemaking session, which incidentally, often leads to an increase in overall sexual satisfaction for a man.


Increased sperm count – ALCAR has been found both to up the number of sperm and to increase their motility, meaning it has been useful in treating men with infertility issues.


Cognitive processing – ALCAR is commonly used in treatment of mental health disorders, particularly those related to cognitive deficits such as Alzheimer’s, and memory loss; it has also been used for treatment of depression.  As it is widely known that there is a large psychological component to human sexual activity, this nutrient is also thought to act on neurotransmitters to increase ones psychological receptiveness during sex. This can ultimately make the act more memorable and enjoyable.


Improved penis sensitivity – Because Acetyl L Carnitine is known to have healing properties, it is also restorative for penis nerve damage, which may lead to a decrease in sensitivity.  Once the nerve health is restored, the penis may become more receptive to touch, making sex more exciting and enjoyable.

How to care for the penis
A guy wouldn’t consider his new sports car clean just it was driven in the rain, nor would he take it through any run of the mill car wash.  No, he would probably hand wash it with quality soap, paying attention to detail even the smallest crevices before buffing it dry, and maybe even applying some wax or other product to really bring out the sheen.  The same philosophy should be applied to cleaning the penis. Gently wash it with a mild soap, being sure to clean under the foreskin -- when applicable -- before patting it dry.  While the penis is still damp, apply a moisturizing penis oil to help lock in moisture and vital nutrients.  Using a high quality penis vitamin cream (http://www.man1health.com most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can really help keep the body of the penis looking fine, and with the added bonus of keeping the motor running on all four cylinders, it is worth the extra step after the shower. Choosing a penis cream with Acetyl L Carnitine, combined with other vitamins and nutrients, can help reduce penis damage caused by normal wear and tear, while simultaneously improving the functioning and sensitivity of the penis.
While every man is reasonably familiar with his penis, few men are aware of how it really works or understand why proper penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) is so vital. This information is essential, however, as a guy's delicate equipment can be damaged through neglect or abuse; and some concerns men have about their packages could be easily resolved by understanding a few facts about penis health. Here are five key points any guy should know about his penis, along with some commonsense steps men can take in order to ensure their bodies are ready for the next encounter.
1. 'Use it or lose it' does apply to the penis.
The penis is made up of a network of blood vessels that must expand during an erection and contract when the action is over. Tissues like this can become brittle and inflexible if they're not put to the test from time to time, meaning that guys really should engage in sex on a regular basis, either alone or with the help of a partner. Staying active could mean the difference between satisfaction and frustration when it comes to the penis.
2. Women really don't care about penis length.
Men are known for measuring their penis size, both when erect and when flaccid, and then adding an inch or two for emphasis when they're asked to compare notes with their buddies. Women, on the other hand, don't place such value on length. In fact, in a study conducted in the Netherlands, only 1 percent of the women surveyed considered penile length "very important." Those who have been staying out of the dating pool due to size concerns might reconsider their strategies, since their deficits might not be important to anyone else.
3. When abused, the penis can break.
The penis looks soft and bendable, but the tissues do have a little rigidity to them, and when those firm parts are forced to interact with an immovable object, they can snap under the pressure. Fractures like this are typically blamed on rough, unplanned, furtive sex, when everyone is moving quickly and little forethought is given to where partners will move and how they might be hurt. Taking it slow and easy can prevent injuries like this from taking place.
4. Smoking has a direct, and negative, impact on penis health.
Modern culture would have men believe that smoking is sexy, and that guys who smoke are more likely to attract a mate when compared to guys who abstain. In reality, smoking can be devastating to penis health, causing:

Reduced penile blood flow, leading to erection problems
Increased blood pressure, which can also lead to erectile woes
Shrinking of the penis, as the tissues thicken due to reduced blood flow
Lung dysfunction, leading to nasty mid-sex coughing fits

Kicking the habit certainly isn't easy, but nicotine replacement products can reduce the sting of quitting, and men who stop the damage now may see their cells recover in time.
5. Penis sensitivity tends to decline with age.
The average penis is subject to abuse from clothes, sports and inattentive owners. The skin can roughen and toughen up with time, and all of the little sensory cells that deliver signals of pleasure to the brain can get buried by layers of keratinized tissue. Medications typically taken during middle age can also put a damper on sensitivity, as can underlying nerve and heart conditions. The loss can be devastating, but a penis nutrient creme could help. A quality product (http://www.man1health.com most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) contains ingredients that can soften skin and allow those buried receptors to rise to the surface once more. Other ingredients may help to increase blood flow, allowing for healthy and strong erections. With the help of products like this, sensitivity loss isn't inevitable. In fact, it might even be reversible. 
Penis discharge of a fluid other than urine or semen from the urethral opening is not normal, and it is usually the sign of an infection. While most infections can be treated through standard medical care, early intervention is important in preventing complications or the risk of passing on the infection. In addition, attention to penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) and proper hygiene, as well as the practice of safe sex, are all important in reducing the chances of contracting a communicable disease.
Symptoms of penis discharge
Any type of fluid expelled from the penile opening that is not semen or urine is not normal and is referred to as discharge. This fluid can range in appearance and consistency from a clear, watery fluid to a yellowish or whitish, thick and/or chunky substance. In some cases, the discharge may appear greenish in color, and an unpleasant odor may be present.
It is important to note that the seminal fluid that is released during arousal (often referred to as “precum”) or that leaks from the urethral opening following climax is not abnormal; it is simply the body’s natural solution for lubrication and should not be a cause for concern.
Discharge related to infection may be accompanied by other symptoms such as pain or burning on urination, frequency of urination, fever, sore throat, swollen glands, headache, rash in the groin area and itching.
What causes abnormal discharge from the penis?
Any type of discharge (from the penis or otherwise) is typically a sign of infection. In the case of the penis, this problem is usually related to a sexually transmitted infection such as gonnorhea, chlamydia, or herpes. Some non-sexually transmitted conditions, including thrush (yeast infection) and balanitis may also cause similar symptoms.
Men who experience any of these symptoms are urged to seek medical care. Ignoring the problem can lead to complications, and any sexual contact while symptoms are present can result in passing the infection to a partner. Men who are carrying a sexually transmitted infection can pass it on to a partner without the presence of symptoms, so all individuals who are active should be tested regularly.
Treatment for penis infection
Treatment for an infection depends on the exact cause of the condition, which can generally be determined by a swab test of the fluid. Yeast infection is typically treated with over-the-counter or prescription creams; communicable diseases generally require a round of antibiotics.
Men who are infected should abstain from sexual contact during the course of the treatment, and partners should be treated as well; otherwise, the risk of reinfection is high.
Preventing infection and boosting penis health
Not all penis infections can be prevented, and chances are that most men will run into occasional problems. However, with the right treatment, men can reduce the risk of contracting a communicable disease that can cause unpleasant and difficult-to-treat symptoms.
The first line of defense, of course, comes down to using barrier protection, especially for random sexual encounters. Men who are in a committed relationship should make it a priority to talk honestly and openly with their partners about any past issues and decide on the best approach to disease prevention and birth control.
In addition, boosting the natural defenses of the penis is essential in warding off diseases ranging from mild skin infections to more serious issues. Clean, well-hydrated skin is much more resilient and better able to resist infection. After a daily shower, applying a high-quality penis health formula (http://www.man1health.com most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) that has moisturizing and nourishing properties can help maintain this important line of defense against infectious disease.
A band of tissue that attaches one piece of skin to another is called a "frenulum," and the human body has several. Some line the mouth, others connect the intestines, and a few even link brain tissues to one another. These strips of skin are important, but for uncircumcised men, the most important frenulum links the head of the penis to the foreskin. When it tears, the pain can be intense, and the bloody mess a rip causes can be traumatic. Dealing with a tear like this can be scary, but with proper penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) and attention, a guy will be back in action in no time at all.
Penis Pain and Frenulum Tears
The foreskin works a little like a glove, protecting delicate tissues from the harsh environment. During an erection, that protective covering is peeled away, and all of the sensory cells that line a guy's Johnson are exposed and ready for the pleasure that's to come. Many of these nerve endings are contained within the frenulum, and this little strip of tissue is pulled very taut during an erection, allowing all of those nerve endings full exposure to the delights of sex.
Tight, stretched cells like this might be ready to transmit signals of pleasure, but they're also prone to ripping and tearing, as they are at the end of their natural flex. A pull that happens much too quickly can cause a tiny little tear, as the skin simply has nowhere to go and no other way to respond to the pressure.
All penile tissue is infused with a great deal of blood, and when this tissue is torn, the bleeding can appear dramatic, although only a small amount of blood is generally lost. While the injury itself in this case is minor, the psychological shock can quickly put an end to a romantic encounter.
Immediate Care
Men who are bleeding can apply a little pressure and clean gauze to the area. The clotting factors in blood should go to work within minutes, and a small scab should form. No emergency care should be needed in most cases, but mild over-the-counter painkillers can help to take the sting away.
The scab is the only thing standing between a man and his blood flow, so it's vital to use gentle care when handling the penis as it heals. Cool rinses with water, followed by gentle pats with a soft towel, can help to keep the area clean while allowing the torn skin to knit back together. Any strenuous activity that might cause further harm to a man's package should be avoided, including sex. The deprivation is annoying, but it does allow the skin to heal.
Long-Term Issues
Frenulum problems can happen to anyone at any time, but often, strenuous sex between partners that aren't quite prepared is to blame for penis pain. Lubrication levels are low and the action is fast-paced; these two factors together can lead to pleasure in the moment, but cause pain down the line. By slowing down the action, the risk of injury dips. Adding personal lubricants into the mix can help yet more, as these substances can smooth entry and reduce friction, decreasing the chance of injury.
Keeping penile skin soft and supple might also be key to reducing tears. Skin that's smooth and hydrated can bend, stretch and give when it's under pressure, while skin that's dry and tight tends to crack and break under the strain. A penis health creme (http://www.man1health.com health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can supply vital emollients and skin-friendly nutrients that can help skin to stay flexible, smooth, resilient and responsive. 
Most men are intimately familiar with the landscape of their penis and the surrounding area, and any unusual marks, freckles, blotches, spots, warts or bumps are immediately noticed and scrutinized. Depending on a man’s personal history, it can be easy to jump to conclusions about a recent partner or to worry about the possibility of cancer or disfiguring conditions.
To help men understand the common issues that can affect the penis and determine when immediate penis treatment (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) is needed, a glossary of common penis problems is provided here. While this list is not exhaustive, it covers some of the more common issues that can affect the family jewels.
Acne – As with the rest of the body, the skin of the penis may develop acne pustules, pimples or cysts. Acne on the manhood may appear as red, raised bumps that may have a whitish tip. A whitish material may be expressed from the pimples, but it is not a good idea to squeeze them, as this can spread the bacteria that cause acne and make the problem worse. Acne should clear up on its own, but applying topical vitamin A may help to speed healing.
Balanitis – This is a fairly common and easily treatable condition that affects men who are uncircumcised. Balanitis is characterized by swelling, itching, redness, the appearance of “cracks” on the foreskin, soreness, and a whitish or yellowish discharge. Prescription antibiotics can help to clear up the problem, and men can avoid recurrences by washing carefully under the foreskin.
Folliculitis – Infected hair follicles often occur around the base of the penis, especially in men who shave their pubic hair. The infected area resembles acne, and again, the bumps should not be squeezed. Keeping the area clean and moisturized should help to clear up the issue, and shaving with a new razor and applying a soothing cream afterward may help to prevent the problem from recurring.
Herpes – Herpes simplex is a viral infection that is transmitted through sexual contact. It is characterized by blisters, pain and itching on the penis; the blisters may burst and scab over. Men who contract herpes can pass the infection on to a partner even when no symptoms are present. There is no cure for herpes, and lifelong treatment is needed to manage the symptoms.
Jock Itch – Known medically as tinea cruris, jock itch is a fungal infection that generally affects the groin area, rather than the penis. It appears as a red, spreading rash that may be extremely itchy. Topical antifungal medications can clear up the infection; men should be sure to apply the cream for the entire recommend time period, even if symptoms disappear.
Peyronie’s Disease – This condition, which appears as a severely bent or curved erect penis and shortening of the shaft, is the result of built-up scar tissue related to injury or chronic rough treatment. Peyronie’s disease can cause painful erections and even impotence. Surgery is often the best option for treatment, although many studies have shown positive results from use of vitamin E.
Priapism – This condition is named for a Greek fertility god, but it is not a positive sign. Priapism, an erection that lasts for more than four hours and is not the result of sexual stimulation, occurs when blood becomes trapped in the penis and cannot exit. This is considered a medical emergency and must be treated by a doctor to avoid permanent injury.
Taking care
In addition to knowledge of the penis conditions that may affect sexual health, taking proper care of the package is essential to long-term wellness and function. Eating right, getting plenty of exercise, making smart choices about partners, and keeping it clean are all important in maintaining a healthy penis. Men can also help to boost the body’s natural defenses and keep the equipment in top form by making a penis health formula (http://www.man1health.com most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) part of their daily personal care routine. A cream that is enriched with penis-specific vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and antioxidants can be easily absorbed into the targeted tissues, ensuring maximum benefit.
In spite of educational efforts and the easy availability of protection, the number of patients diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection, or STI, continues to increase each year, particularly among teenagers and young adults. This problem makes it clear that not everyone takes the risks seriously – at least until it happens to them.
At the first sign of penis blisters, sores, discharge, or anything else out of the ordinary, men are prone to panic, wondering who could have infected them and whether they are now doomed to a life alone, with no hope of enjoying sex again. A positive diagnosis of an STI can be truly devastating; not only in terms of the symptoms of the infection itself, but also in terms of the personal consequences. Fortunately, many STIs can be treated successfully, and with the right approach to penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php), men can overcome the physical and emotional effects and enjoy a happy, healthy, and safe sex life.
What is an STI, anyway?
A sexually transmitted infection is any infectious condition that is transmitted through sexual contact, whether through skin-on-skin contact or through the sharing of body fluids. Many STIs are caused by bacteria; these can generally be treated through a course of antibiotics. However, a large number of infections are viral in nature; while some of these may eventually be eliminated from the body, others are not curable, and those who have contracted them will face a lifetime of medications and the possibility of infecting a romantic partner.
Symptoms of STIs vary according to the cause, but many recognizable signs include fever, sore throat, blisters or warts on the genitals, itching, and discharge from the penis. On the other hand, it is important to keep in mind that not all infected individuals show any outward symptoms, but they can still pass the disease on to a partner. Therefore, safe sex and frequent testing are essential for all sexually active people.
Four tips for managing the physical and emotional effects
Aside from the uncomfortable and embarrassing physical symptoms of an STI, men who are infected face problems like loss of self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and relationship problems. The following tips can help men and their partners to manage these concerns and take the most positive steps possible toward recovery.

Know the enemy – understanding the disease and its implications is essential to treating it properly. Men who are infected should find out everything they can about the condition, as well as how it is treated, and should not be afraid to ask for help from trained medical professionals.


Stop the blame – it can be easy to feel hurt and betrayed when the signs of an STI appear. However, a sexually transmitted infection is not always a sign that a partner has been unfaithful. Either partner could easily have been infected in a previous relationship, so blaming one another is only likely to result in more hurt and distress.


Seek counseling­ – men who have a communicable disease often feel a great loss of self-worth and may feel socially isolated after contracting an infection. Joining a support group or talking to a sex counselor can be a good way to put things in perspective and learn how to manage the stress and anxiety.


Care for the penis – Adequate care not only helps the penis to look and feel better; it can also increase its resistance to certain types of infections and diseases and help it heal. Penis skin that is well-hydrated and free of blemishes, microscopic cracks resulting from dryness, and built-up smegma is more likely to be resistant to external invaders that can cause unpleasant symptoms. To keep the skin healthy and resilient, washing every day with a mild cleanser is a must. Following up a shower with application of a high-quality penis health formula (http://www.man1health.com most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) helps to maintain moisture while nourishing the skin with vitamins and other nutrients that are designed to target penis health. In addition, it goes without saying that sexually active men should keep open lines of communication with partners about any exposure to an STI and should use protection for every encounter.
From the time adolescent boys discover the world of sensation offered by masturbation, the penis becomes an object of extreme fascination. As teenagers, it is not uncommon for males to masturbate 3-4 times per day, or even more often, and this habit tends to continue into adulthood. Despite the admonishments and guilt that may come from older generations concerning the practice, medical science has shown that masturbation is completely normal and even has numerous emotional and physical benefits.
On the other hand, some words of caution are needed to help men to avoid the consequences of overdoing it, or of doing it the wrong way. Learning how to handle the equipment more gently can help to prevent soreness and irritation, as well as long term problems like loss of penis feeling (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php).
Drawbacks of overdoing it when it comes to masturbation

Soreness – Rough handling or stroking without the benefit of a personal lubricant can leave the penis feeling achy or sore inside and out. Men who are overcome with the urge to masturbate when the penis is already sore run the risk of causing minute tears and fissures in the surface of the skin, which can lead to redness and even increase the risk of skin infections.


Injury/Scarring – Latching on to the penis with a death grip, yanking it in numerous directions, or going at a frantic pace can lead to painful injuries such as ruptures of the erectile tissue inside the shaft of the penis. Even without a rupture, though, men can experience cumulative damage to the connective tissue, leading to the formation of scars that may cause unnatural bends or curves in the penis when an erection is present.


Reduced penis sensation – Overdoingit when it comes to alone time can eventually impair penis sensation in a number of ways. First, the constant rough handling can cause the outer layers of skin to become thicker and tougher, a process known as keratinization. This callused layer of skin prevents the sensory tissue underneath from detecting gentle touch, meaning that men have to work even harder to feel any sexual stimulus to the penile tissue. Second, constant masturbation can damage the neural tissue itself; unless it is given time to heal and regenerate, this can lead to penis sensation loss. Finally, using the same technique over and over can dull the nerve signals to the brain; in essence, the body becomes so accustomed to the stimulus that it no longer pays  attention, and it simply doesn’t register the feeling.

What to try instead
Men who are accustomed to a particular technique may find it difficult to give up the tried and true; however, mixing it up can allow the nerves to learn to appreciate a new range of sensations. Trying a soft touch, a different grip, or even just using the other hand can help to reawaken the nerve pathways. Experimenting with masturbation aids that are designed for gentle handling can also create a new experience when it comes to self-pleasure.
Caring for the penis and protecting against loss of penis sensation
Even men who enjoy normal penis sensation can benefit from some common-sense advice when it comes to penis care. First and foremost, keeping the skin clean by washing daily with a mild cleanser can help to prevent minor skin infections that cause itching, dryness and soreness. Second, applying a moisturizer to clean skin can help to lock in the skin’s natural hydration and keep the skin from drying and toughening. A natural product such as shea butter works best, as this plant extract is gentle even on the delicate penis skin. Vitamin E is also recommended for improving the tone and feel of the penis.
An all-natural penis nutrient cream (http://www.man1health.com most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) enriched with vitamins, amino acids and minerals, as well as moisturizers such as shea butter, can be an effective way to support healthy skin and nerve tissue and minimize the  negative effects of frequent masturbation.
The last thing a man wants to see when he unzips his pants is a red, sore penis. A red penis is uncomfortable and can put a major damper on one’s extracurricular activities – to say the least.  Often accompanied by itchiness, pain or flaking skin, an irritated member can range from a mild issue to a major malfunction. In some cases, the mere sight of a penis abnormality can strike fear into the heart of the owner, prompting an emergency visit to the doctor. Before assuming the worst, men should consider these benign manhood mishaps, which can be easily treated with some penis TLC (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php). Even if the penis condition does require a trip to the doc, men who are affected should try not to fret too much -- most experts agree that no matter how funky the junk – the penis cannot actually fall off the body, though extreme itching may make it feel that way.
It is important to note that there are more than three causes of a red, itchy penis. The list that follows is merely some common culprits, what they look like and how to treat them.  As the list is not exhaustive, if a red penis is accompanied by extreme pain, oozing, bleeding, discharge, fever or other severe symptoms, it is important to get checked out by a doc. In some cases, red penis is one of the symptoms of a sexually transmitted infection, which would likely take a round of antibiotics or other treatment to clear up.
3 Minor Causes of Red Penis
1) Balanitis:  The technical term for inflammation of the penis, balanitis is commonly caused by poor hygiene, especially insufficient washing under the foreskin area.  Thrush, psoriasis, skin sensitivity or allergy to a product used on the penis (such as soap or lubrication) can also cause the uncomfortable irritation and inflammation.

What it looks like: bright red, shiny patches, red rash, or dry flaky penis skin


How to treat it:  Step up the hygiene regimen, washing thoroughly under the foreskin.  If the problem persists, a doctor can prescribe a mild anti-fungal if thrush is the cause; changing to a more gentle soap and switching laundry detergents or other products may help with a persistent rash.

2) Red Penis:  This condition is, perhaps, the most common cause of sudden penis irritation and redness.  Simply put, red penis is often caused by overuse – as in too frequent, too long or too rough sexual activity – red penis is an ailment where the skin becomes sensitive and uncomfortable.

What it looks like:  red penis skin that is irritated and sensitive but without bumps, patches, or unusual abrasions


How to treat it:  Using a high quality penis cream to moisturize the penis skin and prevent it from drying out, cracking and becoming further irritated. The penis should return to its normal appearance within 12-24 hours after the use of the penis cream.

3) Jock Itch: Despite the name, jock itch is not restricted only to men regularly engaging in athletics.  Rather, jock itch is a fungal condition that tends to thrive in the warm, moist areas commonly found in a man’s nether regions.

What it looks like:  red rash, possibly a raised circular shape in the center of the red patch, itching.


How to treat it:  Jock itch can be treated with a simple antifungal cream or spray that is available over-the-counter.  Showering after a workout, changing underwear, using a clean towel to dry off with and not redressing until the area is completely dry can eliminate the infection and reduce recurrence.

Maintaining Penis Care
Whether a man is just getting over red penis, currently dealing with red penis or actively working to avoid it, maintaining the health of the penis is important.  A specially formulated penis vitamin formula (http://www.man1health.com most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) packed with vitamins, minerals and shea butter, moisturizes the skin and prevents flaking or cracked skin while revitalizing and enhancing the sensitivity of the penis.  Integrating penis oil into the daily grooming habits can help keep the penis vital and functioning at the highest possible level.
With more and more information readily available on health and nutrition, it is no big secret that vitamins and minerals play a vital role in one’s overall health.  However, what most men do not know is that certain vitamins are power players when it comes to male sexual health.  In fact, when integrated into a daily penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) regimen, vitamins can perk up a sluggish penis, improve the quality of the penis skin, and even improve overall reproductive functioning.  Find out which vitamins are most important to maintaining penis health below.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E has become known as the sex vitamin in some circles of researchers, as it has several known penis benefits.  For starters, vitamin E improves the quality of the skin by penetrating and soothing dry, irritated dermal cells on contact.  Vitamin E also has antioxidant properties – meaning it fights those nasty free radicals in the body that can lead to cancer, age spots and wrinkles.  Amazingly, the benefits don’t stop there; vitamin E also reduces cholesterol buildup in the body -- a problem which can reduce circulation and lead to erectile dysfunction -- in addition to more serious conditions such as a heart attack or stroke. Vitamin E has been found to be extremely helpful for men with the condition known as Peyronie’s disease – a disease in which scar tissue causes painful penis curvature and an unfortunate shortening of the shaft. Vitamin E truly is a wonder vitamin that helps maintain the health of the penis tissue.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is important to the health and maintenance of all the tissues in the body, including that which forms the penis.  Vitamin C has reparative properties that help maintain the system of blood vessels, which are vitally important when the penis is called to action. Like vitamin E, vitamin C is also an antioxidant that targets free radicals in the body, helping to slow down the aging process of the body.  Vitamin C has also been indicated for its ability to help combat erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, while at the same time increasing desire.  Additionally, because a vitamin C deficiency has been linked to low sperm count, maintaining the proper levels of this nutrient may help improve the quality and count of one’s sperm, making vitamin C incredibly important to a man’s reproductive functioning.
Vitamin B
Vitamin B is, perhaps, the sexiest vitamin around – if there is such a thing – as it helps to regulate the amount of sex hormones released in the body.  Vitamin B can provide the extra boost a man needs to spice up the libido and create a strong sex drive. It helps combat fatigue and lethargy that so many men struggle with as a result of a too-stressful job and on-the-go lifestyle.  Maintaining a high level of vitamin B will help keep a man’s sex drive primed and ready for action.
Maximum Vitamin Benefits
While vitamins E, C, & B are all found in foods eaten daily, the average diet is usually not perfectly balanced.  It is therefore necessary for many people to supplement these nutrients in order to achieve the recommended daily doses of each vitamin.  While over the counter oral supplements can be taken, to achieve the fastest and most potent results, the vitamins should be applied directly to the skin. An all-natural penis vitamin formula (http://www.man1health.com most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing vitamins E, C & B can be directly administered to the penis for maximum absorption of the vitamins. Using a penis vitamin formula as part of a daily grooming routine can help maintain the health and wellness of the penis and give it a powerful boost in performance as well. 
On an average man-targeted website, there's at least one pop-up promoting the notion of "all night" erections, leading many men to believe that an everlasting boner is something to strive for. In reality, the penis is simply not designed to stay firm for hours. In fact, men with erections that simply won't go away and are accompanied by penis pain may have an emergency medical condition known as priapism; this condition can cause permanent damage and requires immediate attention to penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php).
Common Causes
A penis is a bit like a balloon, designed to fill up for use and then empty out when the moment has passed. Unlike a balloon, which is typically filled with air, a penis is filled up with blood, and anytime that flow of blood is disrupted, the erection can malfunction. In most cases, priapism occurs when blood can't leave the penis. Some men, however, experience difficulty when too much blood goes into the penis.
Some diseases cause abnormalities in blood vessels or in the blood itself. Sickle cell anemia and leukemia, for example, can cause these kinds of changes; these diseases have both been associated with priapism. There are times, however, when substances a man puts into his body change his blood flow, and these substances can also cause episodes of unwanted, persistent erections. Common culprits include:

Blood thinners
Erectile dysfunction medications
Some illicit drugs

A traumatic blow to the penis or the area around the penis can also cause priapism. When the injury is severe enough to sever an artery or a vein, the blood's movement is hindered, and the blood can rush where it doesn't belong or get trapped in the tissues of the penis with no way out.
Getting Better
Priapism is considered a medical emergency, and as a result, men who have erections lasting more than 4 hours are often encouraged to head right to the emergency room in order to get help. It can be an embarrassing visit for men, as they may not wish to discuss their erection problems in front of medical professionals they've never met before, and if the penis has been damaged due to a sex-related injury, men may be especially reluctant to talk about the problem. However, avoiding treatment can result in permanent damage to the penile tissue and even lead to loss of function. Men should keep in mind that medical professionals are there to help, and they have been trained to deal with exactly such problems. Rather than judging their patients, they're likely to want to stick to the facts of the case and develop a treatment plan, so the patient can get better and the doctor can move on to the next person who needs help.
In some cases, priapism can be treated with either oral or injectable medications. These drugs can cause the blood vessels to constrict or expand so that the trapped blood can once again move freely. If medications don't work, shunting surgery can provide a rapid solution, and healing times for this procedure are generally short.
Avoiding the Problem
The penis is capable of doing some amazing things, but it’s also remarkably fragile, and a small slip could lead to big consequences. Handling the package with care is vital, especially during sex, so the delicate tissues aren't squashed, torn or broken in the process. Using a penis health formula (http://www.man1health.com health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) may also be helpful for avoiding potential problems before they occur. Targeted penis ingredients such as L-arginine, for example, can benefit penile blood vessels and result in an increase in blood flow. This substance may not be able to prevent priapism altogether, but keeping tissues healthy could be a reasonable step men can take to keep their penile tissues functioning as they should. 
So many things in life come with a handy owner’s manual or user guide; unfortunately, the penis is not one of them.  If such a guide did come standard with every penis, surely, a chapter on maintaining peak performance would be the most-read part of the book.  But even without a step-by-step guide to maintenance, there are several key elements of penis upkeep (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) that can keep the manhood running on all 4 cylinders. These 5 penis health tips are a good way to start.

Safety: With the percentage of individuals who contract at least one sexually transmitted infection (STI) rising exponentially each year, men should never take the health of their love organ for granted.  Health experts estimate that over 50% of the population will contract an STI in their lifetime.  So it is simple: Men who are not in a monogamous relationship should wrap it up. It is also important to be tested regularly; it is possible to have no symptoms of an STI and still pass it on to a partner.


Exercise:  What is good for the heart is good for the penis.  Exercise keeps the heart healthy, promoting circulation to the most important extremity.  Focus on exercises that increase cardiovascular health such as jogging or bike riding. One major cause of performance issues is poor circulation and blood flow, so keeping the heart pumping will prompt the penis to follow suit.


Eat Right:  Eating a balanced diet is important to maintain the health of the body -- and the penis.  There are a few vitamins and minerals that are particularly penis-friendly, so try noshing on the following foods for added penis protection: seafoods that are high in omega -3 fatty acids, nuts, fruits and berries, ripe bananas, lean meats, and even the occasional glass of red wine.  Though a few ounces of wine can help with circulation and enhance erections, too much wine or other alcohol can have the opposite effect and essentially shut the penis down for the night, so all men should keep this in mind and drink wisely.


Maintain a Healthy Weight: Even men who maintain a moderately healthy diet can still be above the ideal weight for their body.  Men who have a little extra padding around the middle, which is a typical weight gain pattern in men due to dropping testosterone levels, may be at a higher risk for below-the-belt problems.  Obesity can lead to diabetes, blood pressure issues and a whole host of other problems, all of which can drag down an otherwise perky manhood.  Diabetes is particularly hard on the penis, as it can reduce functioning -- and in severe cases --cause a loss of sensation due to nerve damage.


Penis Care: Many men are not as diligent – or are downright neglectful in some cases – when it comes to proper grooming and hygiene of the penis.  An unclean penis can lead to painful infections, lumps, bumps and even penis acne.  Bacteria thrive in the nether regions due to the warm, moist conditions, meaning an unclean penis can become a potentially stinky penis, which is attractive to nobody.  Daily washing with gentle soap and water can keep the bacteria at bay, helping a man stay fresh and healthy.  After the shower, it is important to apply a penis vitamin formula to help keep the delicate skin moisturized and supple. For maximum effect, gently pat the area dry, allowing some moisture to stay on the skin, before generously slathering on the creme to lock in the moisture.  Men should choose an all-natural penis creme formulated with vitamins and minerals (http://www.man1health.com most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to help improve the appearance of the skin while simultaneously boosting sensitivity and performance. 
In a perfect world, a man with a sore penis could just walk around in the nude until the pain faded away. Unfortunately, this is generally not an option for most men, but there are some other useful options. Men who choose the right pair of underwear and take the right approach to penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) may be able to get through the day with a little less pain, leaving room for nature to do its work and heal the soreness and irritation.
Making the Right Underwear Selection
Tight underwear might seem like a reasonable choice for a sore penis, as skintight fabrics can keep things from jostling about and rubbing together. On the other hand, very tight clothes like this can also keep the skin from breathing, and this could keep sore skin from healing. Additionally, healing skin needs an adequate supply of blood, and tight underwear can sometimes compress the penis and block the circulation from the pertinent area.
On the flip side, however, fabrics that are too loose may not provide the support a healing member needs, and the flopping and rubbing could cause even more penis pain and irritation.
Boxer briefs provide a mixture of movement and support, keeping the penis close to the body without strapping it into place. Underwear like this also tends to stay in place, so it won't bunch up and wrinkle as the day goes on. These two attributes make boxer briefs nearly ideal for men with penis pain, as well as others who just want to keep the package in proper order. Smart shoppers should choose cotton, as this fabric allows air to circulate to delicate tissues and speed healing. Boxer briefs without buttons, decals or other extraneous details are best, as these eye-catching additions are often sewn on with thread, and the little stitches can rub on sore skin and boost discomfort. Plain cotton may be boring, but it might also be more soothing.
Taking Care of the Undergarment of Choice
A sensitive and sore penis is on red alert, just waiting to scream when an irritant enters the area. It's not uncommon for penis skin that's already tender to react with alarm when it's exposed to:

Bleach residue
Fabric softeners

Washing underwear in hot water using an allergen-free detergent and two rinse cycles can help to remove all of the additives that can alarm penile tissues, and these wash cycles might not take more than a few extra minutes – certainly worthwhile when it comes to matters of comfort.
Soothing Distressed Skin
Choosing the right underwear and caring for it properly, can play a major role in helping to dampen pain signals, but the damaged skin might need a little extra TLC so it can heal. A few penis care tips might be helpful.
Skipping harsh soaps and fancy perfumes until the skin heals is a smart move, as even a mild exposure to these irritants can set healing times back by a day or two. A quick rinse with warm water, followed by a pat-down with a soft towel, should do the trick for cleaning. A penis vitamin creme can help to lock in the moisture from the shower, and the emollients and vitamins in a quality product (http://www.man1health.com health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help to soothe sore skin and boost blood flow, allowing irritants to leave the area while the skin heals from the inside out. A quality penis health creme absorbs quickly, too, so no sticky residue will be left on the man's newly cleaned underwear, fresh from the dryer. With care like this, soreness should be a thing of the past in no time at all. 
Men of all races and ages tend to be deeply concerned with the appearance of their penis skin. From childhood, guys have memorized every detail – veins, freckles, moles, spots, bumps, and so on. Among the many features that distinguish the package, penis color often stands out, as men measure their own equipment against how they imagine it should appear.
Unfortunately, this practice leaves a large number of men with insecurities and anxiety about what are generally perfectly normal anatomical variations. Dispelling the ideas about what is normal and what is not when it comes to penis color can help men to relax and enjoy what nature has provided. In addition, with the right approach to penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php), men can make the most of what they’ve got, leaving them with a healthy, responsive manhood.
What’s normal and what’s not when it comes to penis color?

A multi-hued package: Normal. Very few, if any, men have a penis that is the same color as the rest of their skin. It may be lighter, darker, pinker, or any of a number of other arrangements of color. Men who are dark-skinned may find that the beginning of the shaft is darker, lightening to pink or tan towards the head; while lighter-skinned men may have a darker head. A large percentage of men have a two-toned penis, with distinctive bands of color. All of these variations are completely normal and harmless.


Dark spots on the penis skin: It depends. A large number of men may have variations in pigmentation that leave darker patches, while the surrounding skin is lighter. A good rule of thumb: if it’s always been that way, leave it alone. On the other hand, spots or blemishes that appear and then change or don’t go away merit some attention from a dermatologist.


Light/white splotches: Somewhat rare, but normal. Patches of skin that are very light or white, as though the skin has been splashed with bleach, are an indication of vitiligo. This is an autoimmune issue which affects the pigment of the skin, leaving some areas white. It is harmless, and it cannot be spread to a partner. Men who are affected should have no need for concern except as a cosmetic issue.


Redness: It depends. Especially in lighter-skinned men, the penis may take on a red (or even deep purple) appearance when it is engorged with blood during an erection. On the other hand, a penis that is red, sore, raw, or chafed may have run into problems with irritation, a skin allergy, or an infection. If a red penis is accompanied by any bothersome symptoms, it is a good idea to get it checked out.


Dark, purple or blue spreading bruises: Not normal. Bruising on the penis is an indication of injury to the underlying circulatory tissue. Bruising may be nothing to worry about – an unfortunate encounter with a zipper or a sharp blow may cause some surface bruising that will quickly fade. On the other  hand, bruising that appears after sudden bending or curving could indicate an injury that requires medical attention.

Keeping it healthy and responsive
While men tend to notice their penis skin in great detail, the truth is that most potential partners are not likely to think anything of some variation in color or skin tone. On the other hand, a penis with red, raw-looking, flaky or puffy-looking skin is sure to set off warning bells – a penis that looks unhealthy is not something that a woman wants inside her.
To keep the skin looking and feeling its best, a little extra attention to skin care is warranted. Keeping it clean is the main issue, of course; bathing with a mild cleanser, washing away dead skin cells, and removing any built-up smegma under the foreskin is essential to maintaining a healthy package.
After cleansing, applying a high-quality penis health creme (http://www.man1health.com most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing vitamins A, C, and E, which have powerful skin healing and tissue-building properties, can help to keep the skin smooth and supple and promote the formation of healthy new tissue, as well as preventing minor skin damage that can detract from a healthy appearance.
If a date night is going particularly smoothly, there's a moment when the clothes hit the floor and a man's body is subject to the scrutiny of a new partner's gaze. If all goes well, that inspection lasts for just a second or two, and the action continues. However, there are times when parts of a man's body aren't quite ready for a close-up. In fact, if a man has been performing less-than-ideal levels of penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php), his prize possession could be discolored, wrinkled and rather unsightly. It's an alarming thought, but with some planning, men can tackle the problem and ensure that their package is ready for anything, anytime.
Heart Health and Appearance
The penis is a deeply vascular organ, and an entire network of veins, arteries and capillaries lie beneath every inch of that sensitive skin. These tiny tubes carry nourishment to starved tissues, and they whisk byproducts away in the blink of an eye. The circulatory network can become tired with age, however, and some men don't eat as well as they should or exercise as often as they might; these assaults can take their toll on cardiovascular health. When the blood isn't flowing as it should, the penis can take on a bruised, darkened appearance. Blood is moving slowly through the area, and each cell lends a little color to skin. In some cases, blood vessels can even rise to the surface, leading to bulging lines and pulsating pockets standing out in stark relief from a man's skin. Neither of these conditions are particularly pleasing to the eye, and they aren't the sorts of issues a man can just wish away.
Intimate Skin Needs Tender Care
Penis skin can also become abraded and dried if a man is accustomed to:

Avoiding lubrication during masturbation
Having dry sex
Wearing rough underwear, or no underwear at all
Using harsh detergents
Scrubbing with towels in order to get dry after bathing

Abraded skin like this can crack and peel, and in certain cases, the damage can be so severe that the penis seems to grow old before its time. Wrinkles set in, crevices form, and the skin just seems toughened and dried. Again, this isn't a look that's considered aesthetically pleasing, and it's not the sort of problem that tends to go away on its own.
Finding Solutions
Treating the penis with a little TLC can help a man to avoid ruining his good looks in the first place. Staying trim and slim, and ensuring that the penis isn't subjected to rough treatment, can help guys to ensure that they're not doing damage that could lead to appearance issues and performance problems down the line. But men who already have a visual problem might need to do a little more in order to undo the damage that has already taken place.
A high-quality penis health creme might be the answer. A high-quality penis health creme (http://www.man1health.com most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) contains:

Alpha lipoic acid, a compound that can revitalize the skin and delay the decay that causes appearance problems. This ingredient is common in facial creams, and it works wonders on the penis.
Acetyl L carnitine, a supplement that's also been linked to a slowdown in the aging process.
Shea butter and vitamin E, to soften and brighten the skin, reducing the damage that maltreatment can cause.
L-arginine, to benefit penile blood vessels and increase oxygen levels in penis cells. This boost can help to reduce the heart-related problems penis skin can exhibit.

A penis health creme like this can be applied each and every day, and it quickly penetrates cells and delivers nutrients right where they're needed. As part of a penis-friendly, age-busting program, this product could bring a man meaningful results he, and his partners, can both see and feel. 
As most men know, regular physical exams are important to staying healthy, identifying potential health risks, and minimizing the chances of developing a serious or chronic illness. What many don’t realize is that penis health (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) and sexual function are an important aspect of a man’s overall health, and neglecting proper care or ignoring problems can lead to issues with reproductive function, loss of sensation, and reduced sexual function. These problems not only affect a man’s sex life; they are often early warning signs of more serious health issues.
Performing these penis self-checks on a regular basis allows men to be aware of subtle changes and abnormalities that may indicate that something is wrong.

1. Low Testosterone Evaluation
Testosterone levels often decrease as men age, leading to a condition that is sometimes known as “male menopause,” which includes symptoms such as the following:

Reduced sex drive;
Reduced sexual function;
Lower levels of assertiveness;
High cholesterol;
Recent weight gain, especially in the abdominal area;
Difficulty making decisions;
Reduced self-confidence;
Decreased stamina;
Loss of muscle mass and/or tone.

Men who note several of these symptoms may consider scheduling a check to have their testosterone levels tested; various treatments are available to help men cope with this issue.

2. Test for Testicular cancer
Testicular cancer often targets men between the ages of 20 and 35. Although it is rare, all men should be aware of the symptoms and look out for them. A self-check every month or so can help to detect early warning signs of cancer. A visual exam of the scrotum can reveal signs of shrinking that might indicate a problem. To check for lumps or bumps that could indicate a tumor, men should stand with their legs slightly apart and gently roll each testicle between the thumb and fingers, making note of any changes or unusual growths. Other symptoms worth noting include pelvic pain, an aching pain in the lower abdomen, and/or a feeling of heaviness in the scrotum.

3. Test for Healthy Penile Skin
The skin of the penis can give men many clues to the overall health of the male anatomy. A close visual check, using the help of a mirror, can help men to detect sores, blemishes, warts or ulcers on the penis, scrotum or inner thighs. These may be caused by various health issues, from partner-transmitted diseases to skin irritation, from fungal infections to cancer. It's also important to inspect the entire shaft of the penis by gently pressing along it to spot any lumps or bumps under the skin.
4. Penis Sensation Test
Men who experience loss of penis sensitivity may have minor skin damage caused by aggressive sex, or they may have some peripheral nerve damage related to vigorous manual stroking.  Conducting the following penis test can help to detect areas that have lost sensitivity:
Standing with a firm penis, run a feather or ice cube along the full length (or have a partner do this), making note of any areas that do not register the touch or sense of cold. In some cases, lost sensation can be restored by trying new positions, allowing irritated skin to heal, and wearing loose-fitting, non-restrictive clothing.
Maintaining Penis Health
While early detection is essential in the successful treatment of various penis problems, preventing these from occurring in the first place is the best solution. Getting plenty of sleep, reducing the amount of stress in one’s life, and maintaining a healthy body weight can go a long way toward reducing the chances of developing erectile health issues.
A specially formulated penis nutrient cream (http://www.man1health.com most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) may also provide the nutrients that are needed to support healthy nerve and circulatory function, as well as maintaining smooth, supple and responsive penis skin.
Penis pain, discharge from the penis, and testicle pain that co-present in a male patient are typically caused by one of four common infections. Men who are experiencing any or all of these symptoms should schedule an appointment with a doctor for evaluation and treatment; in general, these conditions can be treated fairly easily with the appropriate medications.
Although not all infections can be prevented, a common-sense approach to personal care and penis health (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) can help men to reduce the risk of contracting a painful condition.
A urinary tract infection, or UTI, is a bacterial infection of the urethra and/or bladder. A UTI is generally caused by bacteria moving up the urethra, or urinary tract. Other symptoms besides penis pain, discharge from the urethral opening, and testicle pain may include burning on urination; frequent urges to urinate without much coming out; and pain in the lower back, under the ribs.
Urinary tract infections are usually not difficult to treat; treatment includes taking antibiotics, drinking plenty of liquids – particularly water and/or cranberry juice, and urinating often to empty the bladder and flush out the infection.
Chlamydia is the most commonly diagnosed STI, or sexually transmitted infection. Because the first sign is often a burning or itching sensation on urination, men may mistake this condition for a UTI. Other symptoms include a watery or slimy discharge from the penis, crusting at the tip of the penis, and pain in the testicles and/or anus.
Chlamydia is treatable with the appropriate antibiotic therapy. However, an estimated 90% of men who are carrying the disease never show any symptoms, so those who are sexually active should be screened regularly to avoid passing the infection to a partner.
Gonorrhea is another bacterial infection that is often spread through intimate contact. The highest rates of infection are among teenagers who have multiple sexual partners. Symptoms include itching or burning during urination; cloudy urine; a yellowish-green or white discharge from the tip of the penis; aching or pain in the scrotum; fever and/or sore throat.
As with chlamydia, gonorrhea can be treated using antibiotics. These STIs can generally be prevented by practicing safe sex and frequent screening for common STIs.
Unlike the other conditions outlined here, shingles is the result of a viral infection. It generally occurs in adults who have not had the chicken pox, although individuals who have had the chicken pox may also be infected. Aside from penis pain, discharge, and testicle pain, men who develop shingles may have a painful, severely itchy rash that develops into blisters. These may burst and develop a crust. Treatment  generally consists of anti-viral and pain medications.
Avoiding infection and caring for the penis
Short of never leaving the house and living in a completely sanitized environment, there is virtually no magic bullet when it comes to contracting the occasional bug that can cause some unpleasant symptoms. However, using common sense when it comes to hygiene and sexual practices can help to reduce the risk of infection.
First and foremost, attention to daily hygiene is essential. Washing away the buildup of body oils and excretions lowers the chances that any associated bacteria will make their way into the urethra or penetrate the outer layers of the skin.
Second, although most men understand the risks of sexually transmitted infections, it can be easy to throw caution to the wind in the heat of the moment. Unfortunately, while unprotected sex may give momentary satisfaction, it can come with long-term consequences. Being open and honest with potential partners about any STIs they may be carrying – and insisting on always using protection – should become a habit for all sexually active men.
Finally, adding a penis health cream (http://www.man1health.com most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing penis-specific nutrients and conditioning emollients can have multiple benefits when it comes to preventing infection. Keeping the skin soft and supple helps to ward off bacteria that could penetrate, and treating the area with the proper vitamins, antioxidants and other nutrients can boost the body’s resistance to external invaders. Adding a quality penis cream to the daily care regimen may reduce the chances that men will be affected by painful penis health issues.
While beauty products and healing skin creams abound when it comes to caring for female skin, there are few skin products that are designed for the specialized needs of men, particularly when it comes to penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php). But attention to keeping the package in top condition is an important concern in maintaining adequate penis function and sexual health.
Men who are looking for personal care products for their penis should be aware of the following ingredients, which have proven benefits for maintaining skin, nerve and circulatory health.
Shea Butter
Shea butter is widely known as a quality moisturizer with numerous healing properties. Shea butter is produced from the fruit of the shea tree, which is native to Africa, and has been used for centuries to heal burns and scars, soothe dry skin, and smooth away fine lines and wrinkles. Shea butter is safe for most skin types, even sensitive dermal tissue of the penis.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin which works hand-in-hand with moisturizers such as shea butter, creating a natural moisture barrier which prevents drying of the skin. As dry skin can form minute cracks or fissures that allow bacteria to penetrate, having smooth, well-hydrated skin is essential in staving off infections.
Acetyl L Carnitine
This important amino acid plays an important role in nerve health, as well as supporting healthy cell metabolism and supplying the tissues of the penis with energy to carry out their distinctive functions. Acetyl L Carnitine may help to support penis sensation and protect against peripheral nerve damage that can lead to reduced sensitivity.
Alpha Lipoic Acid
This enzyme is a powerful antioxidant that helps to protect the penile tissue from environmental damage which can lead to early signs of aging, dark spots, and even cancerous tissue.
L-Arginine is an important element in the formation of healthy erections. It is produced in the body in response to sexual stimulus and causes the blood vessels to relax, allowing for blood to flood the  erectile tissue and create firm erections.
Vitamin B5
B vitamins are known as life-sustaining vitamins. This nutrient, in particular, helps to maintain overall healthy cell function and works to keep the skin smooth and supple, supporting the protective properties of the outer dermal layer.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is essential to cell function, as with vitamin D, and is known to help fight the signs of aging. Vitamin D is also necessary in supporting a healthy immune system and fighting infection.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is one of the most important nutrients when it comes to supporting healthy skin. Also known as retinol, vitamin A can smooth fine lines and wrinkles, help to prevent scarring or reduce the appearance of scars and stretch marks, and reduce the appearance of blemishes.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is also vital to penile tissue health; it is an important component of circulatory tissue, helping to build the lining of the blood vessels which allows blood to flow freely to the penis when an erection is needed. In addition, it supports collagen production, which is necessary to maintaining the skin’s natural elasticity.
Treating the skin of the penis with a specialized formula containing these vital ingredients may help to prevent common, but avoidable penis problems such as dry skin, rashes, wrinkles and stretch marks, soreness, and bacterial odor. A quality penis health creme (http://www.man1health.com  most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil), which is applied topically and absorbed directly into the penis skin, may help to protect against loss of penis sensation and may restore sensation in men who have experienced reduced sensitivity in the glans or shaft of the manhood.
Most men think their equipment should be straight as an arrow, but the fact of the matter is that the majority of men have a slightly curved penis – both while flaccid and erect.  It is normal for men to get anxious about something they feel is abnormal – particularly when it is below the belt – but a curved member is no reason for embarrassment, hiding, or insisting the lights go off before the pants do.  With some exceptions, men with a curving penis were probably just born that way, and should try to embrace the uniqueness and focus more on maintaining a healthy penis (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php).  After all, it is more important to have a working penis than a picture perfect shaft.  
What causes a curved penis?
While a bending male organ may seem like a cause for concern, the bottom line is that a curve to the left, right, up or down is likely just the way it came.  The curve has likely been there since birth, but it didn’t rear it’s ugly little head (literally and figuratively) until sexual activity became more frequent or important in life.  There are rumors flying around that too frequent masturbation may have caused the curve, or that switching to the other hand for self-pleasure could reverse the curve.  Those ideas are both false.  However, while too frequent masturbation is not the cause for a leftward lean, too rough or physical masturbation or sex can lead to a curvature of the penis.  More on that later.
Will this make sex more difficult or painful?
For the majority of men, a slight curve in the penis will not be noticed or felt during sexual intercourse.  A woman’s vagina does not have the same ability for touch and sensation as the hands or fingers, so unless it has a severe curve – say a 45 degree angle or more – she is unlikely to feel the difference during intercourse.  In cases of severe penis curvature, getting an erection, ejaculating, and intercourse can all become more difficult, and in some cases painful for the man and his partner.  Such an extreme condition is known as Peyronie’s disease and is an advanced type of penis curvature caused by injury to the penis, and is not present at birth.
Is a curved penis ever a problem?
Short version: yes, it can be. Peyronie’s disease occurs when scar tissue and plaque builds up on the shaft of the penis, essentially shortening one side of the penis and causing it to curve.  Peyronie’s generally evolves slowly, as the plaque deposits increase over time. However, it is possible for the condition to occur virtually overnight, in the case of a severe trauma to the penis typically brought on during rough or particularly creative sex gone wrong.
Is there a way to cure a curved penis?
In the case of the gentle, non-painful curving of the penis, there is no need for medical treatment.  Even in men with Peyronie’s disease, medical treatment typically does not happen until the curve has made sex impossible.  The most common form of treatment is surgery to remove the plaque area and possibly implant a device to help keep the penis straight. 
Prevention is most certainly the best option to avoid extreme curvature of the penis.  Avoiding extremely rough masturbation or sex, which can break down the tissue and cause scarring of the penis, is one way to avoid direct injury to the penis.  Using athletic padding, and especially wearing an athletic cup when engaging in high contact sports, could stave off injury as well.
A high-quality penis health formula (http://www.man1health.com most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can help keep the penis – gentle curve and all – healthy by increasing blood flow to the area and moisturizing the delicate skin of the penis.  Specially formulated with vitamins and minerals, a penis crème may also help improve or reduce the presence of scar tissue that can result in Peyronie’s disease.
For most men and women, the act of sexual intercourse is an enjoyable occasion like no other. However, a significant number of individuals will experience dyspareunia in their lifetime.  Dyspareunia – a fancy word for painful intercourse – refers to pain that occurs just before, during or after sex and is persistent, meaning that it happens every time.  There are many factors that can lead to dyspareunia in men, but one particular cause is found in as many as 50% of patients presenting with dyspareunia; and that is a condition known as frenulum breve.
Thankfully, there are effective treatments available for most causes of dyspareunia, including frenulum breve, and in most cases, painful sex is not a life long issue.  A quick trip to the urologist may very well turn up an easy solution, and often, a tweak in the routine can restore penis health (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) and eliminate painful sex – which is sure to be a relief for any man.
What is frenulum breve?
To understand what frenulum breve is, one must first understand what and where the frenulum is.  The frenulum is the little elastic band of tissue that forms a “V” shape under the head of the penis and connects the foreskin to the vernal mucosa; it allows the foreskin to retract and contract over the head of the penis.  In the case of sex, the goal is for the glans, or head of the penis, to be fully exposed via retraction of the foreskin.  A frenulum breve occurs when a shortened frenulum restricts the movement of the foreskin, causing it to not fully retract when erect.  In some cases, the frenulum also pulls the head of the penis downwards when retraction begins.
Complications of frenulum breve
Frenulum breve can be quite painful and makes sex uncomfortable for some men -- or even downright unpleasant. In severe cases, the pain is so unbearable that it makes sex and masturbation impossible until treatment occurs.  Frenulum breve can also cause tearing of the delicate skin, which naturally causes severe pain and bleeding to occur.  In some cases, men initially discover the frenulum breve due to the appearance of blood after onset of an early sexual experience.
If the frenulum rips during intercourse, the problem may be further exacerbated as scar tissue – which is inflexible – may form, causing even more rigidity around the foreskin area.  Some men do get “lucky” in that the tearing actually causes the frenulum to heal in a more flexible way, thus resolving the issue at hand.
Luckily, the treatment of frenulum breve is relatively simple.  A doctor may be able to cure it with a minimally invasive suturing technique that allows the frenulum to become more flexible, allowing retraction. A doctor may also make a small incision in the frenulum to release tension and allow for normal retraction of the foreskin.  Other treatment options include a frenuloplasty – surgical alteration of the frenulum—or a complete circumcision or removal of the foreskin altogether. Men who are gun shy of a surgical procedure may elect to try stretching exercises and steroid creams to help add elasticity to the area. 
Penis Care
Regardless of the treatment route selected to fix a frenulum breve, it is likely that the penis will have some healing to do – particularly if a tear preceded the need for a treatment.  Following the doctor’s instructions for care is important in promoting the formation of healthy tissue and preventing infection.
Once the site has healed, maintaining healthy penile tissue and reducing the formation of scarring is a top priority. Using a penis health formula (http://www.man1health.com most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing nutrients that specifically target penis health can help to support the growth of new tissue, slough away dead skin cells, and keep the delicate skin of the penis smooth, supple and responsive. 
Aches and pains are a common part of the human experience. Muscles can stretch, tendons can tighten, skin can crack and bones can ache, all leading to stiffness and soreness. When these ailments strike a man's arms or legs, he might be likely to attribute the discomfort to something he did improperly, and he might think back to the pickup basketball game he played, or the hours spent hunched over a computer keyboard. But at the first signs of a sore penis, men might immediately leap to one conclusion: an STD.
However, while conditions such as gonorrhea and chlamydia are certainly prevalent, and they're certainly a cause for concern, they are also not the only conditions that can cause penis pain. Learning a little more about penis health (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) and symptoms of common problems could help men to ease the rising tide of panic when pain develops below the belt.
STD Symptoms
Chlamydia and gonorrhea are both bacterial diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact. Men who have been infected may begin to feel the symptoms within a few days of exposure, but in other cases, the symptoms don't appear for weeks. Some men never have any symptoms at all.
Men who do have symptoms of infection with these STDs often report a burning sensation during urination. Men might also have discharge from the penis, along with painful testicles that are a little swollen.
Men who experience these symptoms, especially when accompanied with any flu-like issues such as fever, fatigue, headache, or body aches and pains, should see their doctor as soon as possible for an evaluation. In most cases, a simple lab test can confirm or rule out any sexually transmitted infections. Once the problem has been identified, proper therapies can be introduced to kill bacterial colonies and make the symptoms disappear for good.
On the other hand, some men may head to their doctors for diagnosis, only to discover that their sore penis issues aren't caused by STDs at all. In this case, a little environmental sleuthing and attention to proper penis care and handling may help to ease the symptoms and speed healing.
Some other causes of sore penis symptoms
In many cases, rough treatment or neglect can cause the unpleasant issues that are often mistaken for sexually transmitted conditions. Some of the more common causes of penis pain include:

Tugging too hard during masturbation
Engaging in dry sex
Using soaps or shampoos as masturbation lubricants
Allowing the penis to rub on rough clothing

A penis that is abused in this fashion might not have any of the discharge associated with infections, and the discomfort might not spread to a man's testicles, but the sensation of pain can be stabbing and almost impossible to ignore. In fact, this is the kind of pain that often drives men to seek medical help, even when they might be causing the problem on their own due to their poor habits.
Revising a lifetime of penis mishandling isn't easy, and some men struggle with the idea that they must treat their penis as a fragile flower rather than a strong pole, but those men who take care of their package could reap big benefits down the line.

Insisting on proper lubrication, during both sex and masturbation, can prevent chafing and scraping from occurring.


Wearing close-fitting undergarments that provide support without being too tight can bring a man daily comfort.


Refraining from acrobatics during sex can help prevent injuries such as rupturing the connective tissue that surrounds the erectile chambers.


 Adding a penis health creme to the daily care regiment can also help to soothe a sore penis and support healing of distressed penile tissue. A penis nutrient formula (http://www.man1health.com health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that contains skin-softening agents can reduce the wounds caused by friction, and the vitamins in these products can help penile tissue to maintain its form and function. When penis pain isn't caused by an STD, a penis health creme can be a vital player in promoting overall penis health. 
Aches and pains are a common part of the human experience. Muscles can stretch, tendons can tighten, skin can crack and bones can ache, all leading to stiffness and soreness. When these ailments strike a man's arms or legs, he might be likely to attribute the discomfort to something he did improperly, and he might think back to the pickup basketball game he played, or the hours spent hunched over a computer keyboard. But at the first signs of a sore penis, men might immediately leap to one conclusion: an STD.
However, while conditions such as gonorrhea and chlamydia are certainly prevalent, and they're certainly a cause for concern, they are also not the only conditions that can cause penis pain. Learning a little more about penis health (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) and symptoms of common problems could help men to ease the rising tide of panic when pain develops below the belt.
STD Symptoms
Chlamydia and gonorrhea are both bacterial diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact. Men who have been infected may begin to feel the symptoms within a few days of exposure, but in other cases, the symptoms don't appear for weeks. Some men never have any symptoms at all.
Men who do have symptoms of infection with these STDs often report a burning sensation during urination. Men might also have discharge from the penis, along with painful testicles that are a little swollen.
Men who experience these symptoms, especially when accompanied with any flu-like issues such as fever, fatigue, headache, or body aches and pains, should see their doctor as soon as possible for an evaluation. In most cases, a simple lab test can confirm or rule out any sexually transmitted infections. Once the problem has been identified, proper therapies can be introduced to kill bacterial colonies and make the symptoms disappear for good.
On the other hand, some men may head to their doctors for diagnosis, only to discover that their sore penis issues aren't caused by STDs at all. In this case, a little environmental sleuthing and attention to proper penis care and handling may help to ease the symptoms and speed healing.
Some other causes of sore penis symptoms
In many cases, rough treatment or neglect can cause the unpleasant issues that are often mistaken for sexually transmitted conditions. Some of the more common causes of penis pain include:

Tugging too hard during masturbation
Engaging in dry sex
Using soaps or shampoos as masturbation lubricants
Allowing the penis to rub on rough clothing

A penis that is abused in this fashion might not have any of the discharge associated with infections, and the discomfort might not spread to a man's testicles, but the sensation of pain can be stabbing and almost impossible to ignore. In fact, this is the kind of pain that often drives men to seek medical help, even when they might be causing the problem on their own due to their poor habits.
Revising a lifetime of penis mishandling isn't easy, and some men struggle with the idea that they must treat their penis as a fragile flower rather than a strong pole, but those men who take care of their package could reap big benefits down the line.

Insisting on proper lubrication, during both sex and masturbation, can prevent chafing and scraping from occurring.


Wearing close-fitting undergarments that provide support without being too tight can bring a man daily comfort.


Refraining from acrobatics during sex can help prevent injuries such as rupturing the connective tissue that surrounds the erectile chambers.


 Adding a penis health creme to the daily care regiment can also help to soothe a sore penis and support healing of distressed penile tissue. A penis nutrient formula (http://www.man1health.com health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that contains skin-softening agents can reduce the wounds caused by friction, and the vitamins in these products can help penile tissue to maintain its form and function. When penis pain isn't caused by an STD, a penis health creme can be a vital player in promoting overall penis health. 
Just because a guy walks like a man, talks like a man, and acts like a man doesn’t mean he has to smell, well, like a man.  While many women may find a masculine scent appealing, some men may struggle with musty -- or even fishy – penis odors in an area that is best when it is shower fresh.  A smelly undercarriage is not only a turnoff; it may be an indication that not all is well.  Luckily, there are a few simple penis health (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) tips and solutions to keep the nether regions fresh and pleasant all day long.
What Causes Below-the-Belt Odor?
In most cases, bacteria growing on the skin are the cause of an unpleasant odor emanating from down under.  Bacteria thrives in moist, warm areas, so unless a man spends the majority of his day au naturel, he is likely to be susceptible to bacteria. 

Hygiene issues – Men who are particularly sweaty or do not spend adequate time washing their member may struggle more with issues of penis smell.  Uncircumcised men are more likely to have problems than circumcised men, as bacteria hides really well under the foreskin. Thus, it is important to gently pull the foreskin back and wash underneath with a mild cleanser.


Pubic Hair – Thick, long pubic hair not only promotes bacterial growth, it can also trap unpleasant scents in the groin region.  Pubic hair contributes to perspiration and increases the heat of the area, creating the perfect environment for bacteria to thrive.


Urine – As much as a man may take care to shake off the last few drops, a trickle often remains in the urethra and dribbles out after the flow has stopped.  Even the most diligent post-pee shaking routine may still lead to urine ending up in the area, contributing to the smell.


Yeast Infection – A yeast infection is another possible culprit in the case of the smelly underpants.  If a fishy smell is present -- with the appearance of a cheesy, whitish discharge, burning during urination and itching -- thrush (yeast infection) is likely to blame. 

The Do’s and Don’ts of Penis Care
A few simple steps added to the daily grooming routine can keep a man smelling like he just hopped out of the shower all day long, which is sure to reduce embarrassing situations and may have other happy side effects in the bedroom.
Do – Wash daily with mild soap and water, particularly after breaking a sweat.  Dry the area thoroughly before dressing to prevent excessive moisture from being trapped.
Don’t – Try to cover the smell up with perfumes or deodorants.  Harsh chemicals and dyes in perfumes can irritate the sensitive skin and possibly cause infection to move inside the urethra.
Do – Trim or shave pubic hair.  If going full monty is unappealing, use a trimmer or scissors to carefully trim the hedges a bit; this will reduce the heat and potential to trap the smell.
Don’t – Ignore penis odor when accompanied by pain or extreme discharge, as it could indicate infection.  A doctor can prescribe medicine to tame the infection and stop the pain.
Do – Use a moisturizing penis vitamin creme specially formulated for the area, particularly one that contains Vitamin A (http://www.man1health.com most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). Vitamin A has strong anti-bacterial properties that attack bacteria and reduce penis odor. Integrating a few simple steps into the daily penis care regimen – or in some cases simply doing more than letting the soapy water run over the area – can drastically reduce bacteria in the area.  Though bacteria in this region are generally harmless, they certainly have an unpleasant effect, which thankfully, is easy to combat.
A piece of fried chicken served with a glass of milk can supply men with L-arginine, an enzyme that's considered vital for penis health. However, that chicken dinner must take a long and tortured course through the body before it reaches the organ in question, and sometimes, the body spends its L-arginine quota before it ever reaches the penis, leaving the penile tissues starving for the nutrition they need. As a result, supplementation can be considered an important part of a man's penis performance (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) regimen, but there are good ways and bad ways to supplement for penis health. 
A Question of Firmness
Before delving into the issue of penis supplement methods, it's wise to revisit why L-arginine is so important in the first place. In essence, this enzyme is a requirement when a man is preparing for a little action between the sheets. The transition of the penis from soft to hard is deeply dependent on healthy blood vessels. When the signal to form an erection comes from the brain, the circulatory tissue in the penis needs to relax and open wide, so blood from neighboring tissues can rush into the area.
The brain and the body use chemical markers to communicate with each other. In the case of erections, the brain signals the body to produce nitric oxide, and this chemical causes blood vessels to open up. L-arginine is an enzyme used in the production of nitric oxide. If the body doesn't have enough of this particular ingredient, the blood vessels won't be able to do their job, and no matter how much a man might be thinking about sex, his body might be unable to respond.
Oral Supplements Aren't Always the Answer
Bodybuilders often use L-arginine in pill or powder form, so it's relatively easy to find pills stuffed with L-arginine on store shelves, and men with an unresponsive penis might be tempted to head down the vitamin aisle to get the help they'll need. Unfortunately, this approach isn't likely to bring any kind of relief.
As mentioned, the digestive system isn't very efficient, and the body tends to sprinkle nutrients about without even consulting a person's brain. As a result, men who take supplements for the penis may actually be taking ingredients that are applied to their fingers or toes, bringing them no tangible sex benefits at all.
Additionally, L-arginine can cause some nasty side effects in people who take large oral doses. In one study, researchers found that people who took big doses of this substance experienced:

Low absorption of L-arginine

People who feel really ill like this are unlikely to want to have sex, and the low absorption rates might mean that their bodies won't even react as they should. These aren't the kinds of results any guy would wish for.
Topical Applications
Applying L-arginine directly to the penis allows a man to experience the benefits of the enzyme while bypassing the digestive system altogether. No uncomfortable side effects take hold, and there's no chance that the product will be diverted to another part of the body. Instead, the enzyme penetrates deep and goes to work when it's applied directly to the skin.
This doesn't mean, however, that men can break open capsules of L-arginine and smear the paste over penis skin. In fact, this practice could be downright dangerous, as few oral products are designed to transform into smooth creams that can soak into human skin. Instead, smart shoppers should look for a penis health creme that contains L-arginine. Products like this have been specifically developed to penetrate penis skin, and they are easy to apply. A high quality penis nutrient creme (http://www.man1health.com most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) applied once or twice per day can provide men with the supplementation they need to help keep the penis functional and healthy. 
Every man has heard the saying that “It is better to give than to receive”, but when these same men head into the bedroom, they might feel that sharing is more important than giving. While there's no question that reciprocal sex can be pleasant for everyone involved, there are good reasons for men to slow down and give before getting. Men who please their partners in the early phases of sex may not only find that they have a more eager and satisfied partner, but also that they can avoid some of the drawbacks like post-sex penis pain. Amping up the foreplay can also benefit men in the long run, as it can reduce the potential of injury and improve penis health (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php).
The Downside of Rushing It
A woman's body is designed to create its own lubrication for sex, but the flow is directly tied to arousal levels, not to timetables. Unless a woman is really ready for the action heading her way, her body simply doesn't have the time or the inclination to produce natural juices that can smooth a man's entry. Her tissues might be receptive, but they can also be tacky or just dry. Having sex with a partner like this might feel great in the moment, but later on, the skin of the penis can be chafed, red and sore. The skin-on-skin contact can also leave a partner feeling less-than-comfortable, and she might not be as receptive to future love sessions with a man who's been a bit too abrupt.
Rushing into sex also means thrusting, pushing and in general being a little bit hasty. This kind of thing can be wildly exciting, but men can take all kinds of risks when they're in a hurry, and some of them can be catastrophic for the penis. Men might assume awkward positions in their haste, and they could break small blood vessels or develop penis bruises when they're working quickly. Sudden sex moves can also lead to penis fracture if a man pushes his penis against something unyielding, like a partner's pubic bone. Focusing on foreplay slows both partners down, and the acts tend to make couples feel more affectionate and intimate. As a result, sex sessions tend to be a bit gentler and much less dangerous.
Making it Work
Studies suggest that women need about 10 minutes to reach prime arousal rates. That might seem like an eternity to men, but foreplay means more than just doing things naked. In fact, men can build up the pleasure slowly, and they may find that the experience doesn't feel like work at all.
Kissing counts as foreplay, as do these affectionate acts:

Giving a shoulder massage
Taking a bath together
Stroking a partner's face
Talking dirty

Once things are in motion, men can move on to more explicit actions that might not need to be described here in great detail, as the Kama Sutra might do a better job of describing technique than modern writers might ever attempt, and flipping through this text can also provide men with ideas for techniques they can use later on. The key is to take the actions slow and let the pleasure build up in increments. Men who do this might be rewarded in ways they never thought possible.
Taking Care
All of these techniques may be of absolutely no help to men who have already jumped the gun and who have the sore penis to prove it. Abstaining from sex is vital as men heal, because the penile skin needs time in order to knit back together properly. If no open sores are present, a penis health formula (http://www.man1health.com most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) might be another excellent tool to use to prepare the penis for gentler sex. These products contain softening ingredients that can smooth and soothe abraded skin, and the vitamins in these products can nourish skin and provide it with the support it needs while the healing takes place. 
While issues with erectile function are generally associated with aging, men at every stage of life may experience the occasional flop in the bedroom. Erectile dysfunction is a complex problem with a multitude of underlying causes, but the bottom line is that penis performance is an indicator of what is going on with the body in general, and especially with the heart.
Because erectile function is so closely related to cardiovascular health, it stands to reason that a healthy heart will more than likely lead to healthy erections. A monumental body of evidence has shown that men who exercise are more likely to have a healthy heart and circulatory system, as well as better erections. With this in mind, it is easy to conclude that getting in shape physically can help to promote penis health (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) in addition to overall physical well-being. Following the simple tips discussed here can help men to integrate exercise into their weekly routine.
The link between exercise and cardiovascular health
It is important to be clear that “exercise” here refers to plain old cardiovascular exercise such as walking, jogging, or hitting the treadmill – not the “penis exercises” that are often promoted. Penis exercises generally refer to pelvic floor exercises that are suggested for men who are recovering from prostate surgery. Some sources claim that these movements can increase the size and strength of erections, but to date, no research has borne out this idea.
With that said, research has shown, time and again, that sustained physical activity improves the condition of the endothelium, which is the smooth lining on the inside of the blood vessels. This lining helps the blood to flow smoothly from the heart throughout the body, including to the penis, where it is needed to form and maintain erections.
The healthier this tissue, the better the blood flow, and therefore, the better the quality of erections; healthy circulatory tissue means less risk of developing performance problems. As an added benefit, men who exercise tend to feel more confident and attractive, boosting their sex drive and making them more appealing to potential partners.
Tips for including exercise in a busy lifestyle
Although most men understand the benefits of exercise and at least have plans to incorporate a fitness routine into their schedule, finding the time and motivation to exercise is easier thought about than accomplished. These tips can help to ease the transition to a regular routine:

Choose a fitness regimen that is enjoyable. For men who hate running, signing up to compete in the next charity 10K run is not likely to bring about the desired results. While they might start out with good intentions, doing something that just isn’t enjoyable doesn’t make sense. Men should choose a fitness activity that suits their interests. Hiking, swimming, biking or even gardening can help to boost heart health.


See a doctor first.  Before jumping into an exercise routine, men who have been physically inactive should make an appointment to see their doctor for advice. Too much exercise or the wrong activity can lead to injury or worse, so it is best to consult with a professional beforehand.


Get the right nutrition. In addition to exercise itself, adequate nutrition is essential in maintaining the circulatory tissue of the penis. Vitamin C plays an especially important role in this respect, as it is an important component in building and repairing the blood vessels. Amino acids such as L-arginine are also important in maintaining adequate blood flow to the penis. Many of the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are needed for a healthy heart and circulatory system can be obtained from a healthy diet. The caveat here is that many of the nutrients ingested in the diet are not well-absorbed for distribution to the organ systems, and often, the pertinent nutrients are shunted to other organs before they can benefit the penis. Using a penis health formula  (http://www.man1health.com most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) that is enriched with vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and antioxidants allows these ingredients to be directly absorbed into the penile tissue, helping to ensure that the penis is adequately nourished for healthy erectile  function.
While it is commonly assumed that men spend little time thinking about skin care in general, and penis care in particular, a glance at the men’s health forums will quickly make it clear that this actually untrue. Men care a great deal about the condition of their penis, both in terms of function and appearance, and penis skin health is certainly on most men’s radar – with good reason.
The skin is one of the most important organs, and the way it looks and feels says a lot about a man’s health and ability to perform. The role of the penis skin is described here, as well as some tips for preventing problems and maintaining a healthy penis (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php).
The skin – the body’s first line of defense
The saying goes that beauty is only skin deep, but in reality, the skin is more than just attractive packaging. It is the body’s first line of defense against outside invaders such as bacteria that can cause illness and even damage internal organs. The skin also regulates body temperature, and it is traced with an intricate network of nerves that are responsible for detecting pressure, heat and cold – a function which helps protect the penis and let its owner know when something is wrong. Perhaps most importantly, it works with the nerves to deliver pleasurable sensations to the brain, letting it know when an erection is needed and allowing men to enjoy sex.
Penis skin care Do’s and Don’ts
Given the importance of the penis skin, caring for it properly should be a number one priority. Neglecting penis health can increase the risk for infection, injury and loss of function, not to mention an unattractive appearance. The following “Do’s and Don’ts” describe some of the most important aspects of looking after the family jewels.
DO: Wash every day
Even men who are diligent about their hygiene can experience problems with unpleasant odors from the undercarriage, and letting days go by without a shower or at least a wipe with a washcloth can result in a buildup of dead skin cells, oils and other excretions that serve as an open invitation for bacteria. Failing to clean the area can lead not only to the signature fishy smell of the penis, but also to irritation, pain, itching and swelling.
DON’T: Use ordinary soap
While a daily wash is essential, using regular soaps can actually cause drying and cracking of the skin, leaving plenty of openings for unfriendly bacteria to penetrate and wreak their havoc. A mild cleanser intended for delicate, sensitive skin is a better bet when it comes to male hygiene.
DO: Eat right
The diet affects the body in a multitude of ways. When it comes to the penis, getting the right nutrients can make all the difference in the look and feel of the skin, as well as the condition of the underlying tissue. A healthy sex life depends greatly on eating healthy, including lots of whole grains, lean proteins, fruits and vegetables and heart-healthy fats.
DON’T: Smoke
Everyone knows that smoking is unhealthy, but it is worth drilling this point home when it comes to the health and well-being of the male anatomy. Smoking damages the nerves, blood vessels, and skin, leaving men less sensitive and less able to perform. In addition, smoking tobacco saps the energy, leaving men with little in the way of stamina even if they can get it up.
DO: Use a penis health creme.
Ordinary moisturizers and oils may help to keep the skin hydrated and prevent dry, cracked, irritated skin. However, most do not contain a comprehensive set of ingredients necessary for penis skin health. In addition, many body lotions contain fragrances and other chemicals that are intended to make them more pleasant, yet can actually cause irritation Using a penis health creme (http://www.man1health.com most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing vitamins that target penis health can help to ensure that these nutrients are delivered right where they are needed, without leaving a greasy residue or heavy, un-manly perfumes.
To keep a car running smoothly, it needs frequent oil changes, the right fuel, and regular maintenance checks. The same thing holds true for the body – when it is not maintained properly, parts can break down, and systems do not work together smoothly to keep things functioning the  way they should. When it comes to penis health, taking the right care of the equipment (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) is essential to ensure responsive skin, adequate blood flow, and healthy erections. Here are some of the important nutrients that men should include in a regular penis care routine.
Vitamin A – This vitamin plays multiple roles in penis health. As a natural antibacterial, it reduces the number of harmless bacteria in the pelvic area, cutting down on unpleasant odors. In addition, vitamin A, also known as retinol, is often used as a treatment for acne and scarring of the dermal tissue, as well as wrinkles associated with aging and sun damage.
Vitamin B5 – B vitamins are essential in maintaining healthy cell metabolism and ensuring that the cells of the penis reproduce properly.
Vitamin C – Like vitamin A, vitamin C is vitally important to penile tissue health. It is needed for building and repairing skin cells and connective tissue and helps to maintain the elasticity of the skin, helping it to expand and return to its original shape. Vitamin C also supports healthy circulatory tissue, promoting healthy erections and helping to ensure that all cells of the penis are well-nourished.
Vitamin D – This vitamin is important to all aspects of healthy cell function. While the skin makes vitamin D when it is exposed to the sun, men who live in climates that are not sunny all year round are at greater risk for vitamin D deficiencies. Certain foods are fortified with vitamin D, but for many, supplementing this important nutrient can have important skin benefits.
Vitamin E – This essential nutrient is known for its skin-soothing properties and is often used along with A and B vitamins in treating red, rough, scaling skin conditions. Vitamin E also forms a natural moisture barrier, helping to prevent drying of the skin.
Acetyl L Carnitine – This amino acid is essential in repairing peripheral nerve damage related to rough masturbation or aggressive sex. In addition, it helps to repair damaged skin and nerve cells and plays an important role in healthy erectile function.
L Arginine – Another amino acid, L Arginine is important to overall circulatory health and to preventing and repairing circulatory tissue damage that can lead to reduced erectile function and prominent varicose veins in the penis.
Alpha lipoic acid – Alpha lipoic acid works with acetyl L carnitine to promote healthy cell function; as an antioxidant, it also works to reduce the appearance of aging, wrinkled skin.
Penis Moisturizers
In addition to these nutrients, a high-quality, all-natural moisturizer is important in keeping the skin hydrated, preventing loss of moisture that can result in dry, cracked skin that is prone to infection. Natural plant-based moisturizers such as shea butter or cocoa butter are generally safe for sensitive skin and highly effective.
How to make the most of penis nutrition
Many of the nutrients described here can be found in natural food sources; eating a balanced, healthy diet is a good way to contribute to overall penis health. On the other hand, not all nutrients are easily absorbed by  the digestive system, and in many cases, vitamins and minerals are shunted to other parts of the body and do not directly benefit the penis.
Some men opt for oral supplements, but not all supplements include the necessary ingredients for penis health, and again, these nutrients are not always readily absorbed. Some men’s sexual health supplements may provide important vitamins, amino acids and antioxidants, but men should be very careful about taking sex-boosting products, as these sometimes contain hidden ingredients that may interfere with other medications or result in unpleasant side effects.
However, a topical penis vitamin cream  (http://www.man1health.com most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing penis-specific nutrients can be applied directly to the penis skin, ensuring that the penile tissue receives the full benefit, without the risk associated with oral pills and capsules. 
In spite of the obvious pleasures that come from having a penis, most men are occasionally bothered by unpleasant problems like chafing, itching, redness, soreness, and general discomfort. An itchy penis is no joke, especially when a twitch in the boxers leaves men with an unbearable urge to scratch or readjust the package at the most inopportune times – during a high-stakes interview or in the middle of a steamy date, for example.
Men who are affected by itching on a regular basis may feel frustrated and embarrassed, but in most cases, the cause is simple and easily addressed. Following the right steps to maintain penis skin health (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) can help to relieve the discomfort and irritation.
What causes an itchy penis?
Penis itching can be caused by multiple issues, from dry skin to a coating of sweat and body oils to allergies or infections. Some common causes of itching include hygiene-related issues, overly dry skin related to aggressive masturbation, reactions to a lube or a partner’s body fluids, sensitivity to the chemicals in lotions or soaps, or penis allergies to fabrics, environmental materials or latex.
Soothing the itch – do’s and don’ts
When the urge to scratch comes around, there are wrong ways and right ways to deal with it. Following these rules can help to soothe the irritation and prevent further problems from developing.
DON’T – scratch. While the need to rub and tear at the offending area may be overwhelming, scratching provides only moments of relief, and it can make the problem much worse. Scratching damages the skin, leaving room for infections to take hold, and if contact with an irritant is the problem, scratching tends to spread the material around and increase the itch rather than relieve it.
DO – identify the source – If sensitivity or a penis allergy to something in the environment is causing the problem, it is important to identify it and avoid contact whenever possible. Some potential culprits include synthetic fabrics, rough clothing, plants such as poison ivy or poison oak, and latex condoms. Latex allergies, in particular, are problematic for many men, even those who have used condoms without incident in the past.
DON’T – ignore open sores or blisters
If the itching and burning is accompanied by redness, open sores, blisters or other visible blemishes, it is a bad idea to assume that they will go away on their own. Skin lesions and bumps can be symptomatic of an underlying condition that may require medical treatment.
DO – see your doctor
Although most men tend to resist the idea of talking to a relative stranger about embarrassing skin problems, doctors have seen and heard it all and are able to view and discuss penis health in a matter-of-fact way. Skin itching and irritation may be caused by an infection or STD that requires medical treatment, so it is essential to get a professional opinion.
DO – use a penis health cream as part of the daily care routine
For men who have sensitive skin that is prone to drying, itching and irritation, special attention to penis care can help to alleviate the symptoms when they occur and boost the skin’s resistance to future problems.
To start with, keeping the area clean is essential. Washing away built-up dead skin cells, body oils and sweat can help to prevent chafing and irritation, and keeping the area well moisturized leaves skin soft, supple and well-hydrated. Skin that is moisturized is more resistant to irritation and infection. Use of an all-natural penis health cream (http://www.man1health.com most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) enriched with vitamins, amino acids and minerals, as well as natural emollients such as shea butter, is an effective way to promote soft, healthy skin.
Acne. A condition that nobody likes and everybody is bound to encounter at some point in their life.  But what happens when acne continues beyond the adolescent stage, and what happens when acne spreads to the genital area?  An embarrassing – and potentially painful – condition, penis pimples are, unfortunately, a relatively common occurrence. While penis acne may not be an entirely avoidable situation for some men, the appropriate penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) may help to cut back on outbreaks and speed recovery time when they do happen.
What Exactly is a Penis Pimple?
Penis pimples, also known as penis acne pustules, are harmless, though their untimely appearance may strike fear into the heart of the man who first spots a red, discharging bump on his package. 
That being said, if the bump looks suspicious, begins to excessively bleed or ooze, or appears shortly after unprotected sex with a new partner -- it may be worth putting in a phone call to the doc to rule out any sexually transmitted infection.
What Causes Penis Pimples?
There are a couple of factors that may contribute to the appearance of pimples in the genital region. 
Ingrown Hairs:  A pimple at the base of the penis is most likely related to an ingrown hair.  Clogged pores tend to develop in hair follicles, and an ingrown hair is a frequent culprit.  Men with thicker, coarse body hair may suffer from this condition more often than those with a more modest covering.
Shaving:  Shaving one’s private parts is becoming a more frequent practice, and though the man or his partner may prefer “man-scaping,” it can have the unpleasant side effect of triggering acne.  Penis acne that shows up a few days after shaving is likely related to an irritation cause by the razor. Some men are prone to red bumps on their face after shaving, and the genitals are no different, razor burn that happens down there tends to manifest as an acne breakout.
Excessive perspiration:  Just like the rest of the body, acne forms when pores become clogged with dirt, oil and sweat.  Men who have a sweaty undercarriage may be more likely to break out, particularly those who apply powders to combat the sweat problem, as this may exacerbate and further clog the skin pores.
How to Treat Penis Pimples
Luckily, treatment of this condition is relatively simple and should have the penis looking and feeling healthy in no time.
Shaving Tips
If shaving is causing acne, and not shaving is simply not an option, men can try shaving smarter. A sharp razor should always be used, as dull razors pull and irritate the skin.  Standing in a hot shower for a while before shaving will soften hair and open hair follicles.  Trimming excessively long hair before using the razor can also prevent pulling and irritation of the skin.
The best way to reduce the oil and blockage is to maintain excellent penis hygiene by washing the penis every day, ensuring the area is thoroughly cleansed with a gentle soap.  At a separate time of day men, should cleanse the area by using a washcloth and the sink or take a second quick rinse in the shower.  It is particularly important to take a shower after working out, sweating, or applying talcum powder to the region to reduce the potential of oil clogging the pores.
Penis Care
Using a gentle moisturizer after getting out of the shower is also recommended; lotions should be applied while skin is still damp to hold moisture in.  When the penis is dry, the skin produces more oil to keep it supple, so by applying the cream, less pore-clogging oil will be secreted on the penis.  A high-quality penis health formula is especially useful as it delivers needed vitamins and nutrients to help keep the penis healthy (http://www.man1health.com/ most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil).  The rich moisturizing properties will keep the skin healthy and may help reduce the occurrence of unsightly penis pimples.
For teenage boys and younger men, sex drive is a bit like a groupie, always hanging around in the background, ready to be noticed. But when work, children, laundry, gardening, pets and other responsibilities begin to weigh on the mind, that underlying urge can begin to fade. When this happens, many men are tempted to resort to medical intervention in order to stoke the fires. However, while medications might be helpful for some men, and there are some causes of a poor libido that are best addressed with the help of a doctor, there are a few natural penis care (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) techniques that could help men to find what was once lost without the risk of unpleasant side effects..
Getting Sweaty
During a workout, a man might feel far from sexy, but deep down inside, the brain is releasing chemicals that could be vital to sex drive. Testosterone, endorphins and even dopamine levels are all increased after a bout of vigorous exercise, leading to feelings of well-being, confidence and desire. These sensations could easily be put to good use in the bedroom.
Dropping the Blubber
A few extra pounds are easy to cover up with untucked shirts and loose belts, but that extra weight can make a man feel uncomfortable or just unattractive, and libido levels can drop when people feel as though they have no chance of attracting a partner to play with. Additionally, extra weight can put pressure on the heart, as it has more tissue to supply with each and every beat. A damaged heart like this might be incapable of pushing blood to the penis to develop an erection.
Losing weight isn't easy, but chopping out a few desserts a week or swapping out the chips for a handful of grapes could help to shave empty calories from a daily diet, allowing pounds to drop away bit by bit. Self-confidence and improved performance could be the result, not to mention overall better health.
Dealing with Stress
Some men find that sex is the ultimate stress buster, but niggling concerns that linger in the back of a man's mind can be distracting enough to keep a man from feeling an interest in intimacy. Taking time out to relax, de-stress and focus on what matters most is an important aspect of staying healthy.
Stress-reduction techniques can vary, but good options include:


Focusing on the Environment
The average bedroom is full of objects that can kill the libido. Pictures of parents, piles of bills, mounds of unwashed clothing and stashes of children's toys serve as reminders of all the things a man could be doing, instead of enjoying his partner and his body. A quick cleanup of the area could be all that's needed to remove these distractions and allow natural impulses to take over. Adding in a few candles, placing new sheets on the bed and otherwise setting the mood for sex could also subtly remind the brain that it's time to get the body prepared for the fun that's to come, and a subsequent spike in interest could result.
Caring for the Penis
Some sex drive issues begin in the mind, but some others begin within the cells of the penis. An organ that's chapped and sore just doesn't seem prepared for the strenuous actions that take place during sex, and a penis starved for vitamins and nutrients may not be able to perform as it should, even when the mind is ready. A penis health creme can help. A quality product (http://www.man1health.com  health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) contains products that are specifically designed to boost performance. L-arginine, for example, can help to dilate the blood vessels in the penis, leading to increased blood flow and arousal levels. Adding a penis health creme that contains ingredients like this could bring a man big results in the bedroom. 
Society tends to think stereotypically about the human sex drive, with men being constantly on the ready and women playing defense with the old, “Not tonight, I have a headache” line.  The truth of the matter is, as many as 1 in 5 men have low sex drive, and sex is actually the last thing on their mind.  Nearly 30% of women report having a more voracious sex drive than their partner, yet women are rarely pictured as the ones initiating the between-the-sheets action. 
A condition known as Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) is a relatively common occurrence in men, characterized primarily by low sexual desire.  So is HSDD a problem?  Yes and no.  HSDD may possibly be an indication of a more serious medical or psychological issue which may warrant treatment.  However, for many men, it has no physical consequences and is really only a problem if it causes distress in their lives or becomes a point of contention with their partner. Being aware of contributing factors of HSDD -- and seeking treatment when needed -- may help combat the symptoms of HSDD and improve a low sex drive.  Engaging in a daily penis care routine (http://www.man1health.com/What_is_M1MO.php) can also ensure that when the mood does strike, everything is in working order.
Causes of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder
Unfortunately, there is not always one clear cause for HSDD.  However, the most frequently occurring reasons include:
Psychological: Stress, anxiety, depression, relationship conflict, work problems and other mental disorders are all contributing factors that can lessen sexual desire. 
Medical: Various diseases contribute to low sex drive: diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, thyroid issues, cancer and high cholesterol can all cause a dip in desire.  Certain medications do have the unpleasant side effect of loss of desire, as well; common culprits include HIV drugs, hair-loss remedies, and psychotropic medications such as antidepressants and antianxiety medication. Excessive use of alcohol or other substances can also inhibit both sexual drive and performance.
Hormonal: The male hormone testosterone is largely related to sexual desire.  Because levels naturally decline as a man ages, low libido is often thought of as a problem of the older male; however, young men can also experience a testosterone drop great enough to affect their desire.  Chronic diseases and medication use can all spin testosterone levels out of whack; other hormones such as low thyroid levels may also influence desire.
Dopamine: Certain chemicals in the body are responsible for sexual desire and functioning.  Dopamine is one such chemical that reacts in the brain’s “pleasure center” and is largely responsible for inciting feelings of sexual desire.
How to treat loss of libido
First and foremost, a medical evaluation is always a good idea.  A doc can help rule out medical, psychological and hormonal effects as causes of the drop in desire, and may even recommend a certain medication as an easy fix for the problem at hand.  Increasing physical exercise can combat stress, anxiety and depression and may help rebound a once insatiable desire to its glorious former state. Having open conversations with one’s partner is important, particularly communicating that the loss of desire is not caused by a loss of attraction or love for the partner; and trying to spice things up in the bedroom, via exploration of mutual fantasies, may just be the spark that gets things going. Again, open communication in such a situation is imperative.  Lastly, talking to a therapist who specializes in sexual behavior issues may help shine light on the root of the issue making a unique treatment plan possible.
Caring for the Penis
While the onset of a low sex-drive may be out of one’s control in many situations, keeping the penis healthy is one step toward a good sex life that a man can control.  Daily use of a high-quality penis health formula (http://www.man1health.com most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can help revitalize the skin of the penis, increase blood flow to the area, and enhance sensitivity, making it all the more enjoyable when the time is right. 
Acne. A condition that nobody likes and everybody is bound to encounter at some point in their life.  But what happens when acne continues beyond the adolescent stage, and what happens when acne spreads to the pelvic area?  An embarrassing – and potentially painful – condition, male organ pimples are, unfortunately, a relatively common occurrence. While male organ acne may not be an entirely avoidable situation for some men, the appropriate male organ care may help to cut back on outbreaks and speed recovery time when they do happen.
What Exactly is a Male Organ Pimple?
Male organ pimples, also known as male organ acne pustules, are harmless, though their untimely appearance may strike fear into the heart of the man who first spots a red, discharging bump on his package. 
That being said, if the bump looks suspicious, begins to excessively bleed or ooze, or appears shortly after unprotected intimacy with a new partner -- it may be worth putting in a phone call to the doc to rule out any partner-transmitted infection.
What Causes Male Organ Pimples?
There are a couple of factors that may contribute to the appearance of pimples in the pelvic region. 
Ingrown Hairs:  A pimple at the base of the male organ is most likely related to an ingrown hair.  Clogged pores tend to develop in hair follicles, and an ingrown hair is a frequent culprit.  Men with thicker, coarse body hair may suffer from this condition more often than those with a more modest covering.
Shaving:  Shaving one’s private parts is becoming a more frequent practice, and though the man or his partner may prefer “man-scaping,” it can have the unpleasant side effect of triggering acne.  Male organ acne that shows up a few days after shaving is likely related to an irritation cause by the razor. Some men are prone to red bumps on their face after shaving, and the pelvics are no different, razor burn that happens down there tends to manifest as an acne breakout.
Excessive perspiration:  Just like the rest of the body, acne forms when pores become clogged with dirt, oil and sweat.  Men who have a sweaty undercarriage may be more likely to break out, particularly those who apply powders to combat the sweat problem, as this may exacerbate and further clog the skin pores.
How to Treat Male Organ Pimples
Luckily, treatment of this condition is relatively simple and should have the male organ looking and feeling healthy in no time.
Shaving Tips
If shaving is causing acne, and not shaving is simply not an option, men can try shaving smarter. A sharp razor should always be used, as dull razors pull and irritate the skin.  Standing in a hot shower for a while before shaving will soften hair and open hair follicles.  Trimming excessively long hair before using the razor can also prevent pulling and irritation of the skin.
The best way to reduce the oil and blockage is to maintain excellent male organ hygiene by washing the male organ every day, ensuring the area is thoroughly cleansed with a gentle soap.  At a separate time of day men, should cleanse the area by using a washcloth and the sink or take a second quick rinse in the shower.  It is particularly important to take a shower after working out, sweating, or applying talcum powder to the region to reduce the potential of oil clogging the pores.
Male Organ Care
Using a gentle moisturizer after getting out of the shower is also recommended; lotions should be applied while skin is still damp to hold moisture in.  When the male organ is dry, the skin produces more oil to keep it supple, so by applying the cream, less pore-clogging oil will be secreted on the male organ.  A high-quality male organ health formula is especially useful as it delivers needed vitamins and nutrients to help keep the male organ healthy (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil).  The rich moisturizing properties will keep the skin healthy and may help reduce the occurrence of unsightly male organ pimples.