Guild Wars 2 may be the new kid on the MMORGP block, but it has quickly become incredibly popular, thanks

in large part to the incredible number of options contained within the game. One of those options is the

selection of a profession, and while there are many to choose from, who can really resist the opportunity

to become an axe-wielding warrior? Before you make the decision to don the warrior armor and load up on

weaponry, you might want to take a read through this brief little guide that will give you an idea of

what to expect once you choose the warrior path.

While the warrior role in other RPG's usually means doing a little damage before getting an epic beat

down from multiple attackers, the Guild Wars 2 warrior is a little hardier. The warrior profession is

actually a pretty good option for solo players, as this character is definitely a lot more mobile than

the armor would suggest. The ability to inflict specific damage depending upon the weapons sets you

choose means that you can really get into fine detail about how you want to slaughter attacking hordes,

but it also means that there is a bit of a learning curve required to master the profession.

The weapon sets can be mixed and matched to achieve maximum damage, with the ability to carry weapons in

both hands, swing away two handed with larger weapons and even aquatic weapons all available to the

warrior. The ability to change up weapons and attack techniques can make it difficult for your opponents

to figure out your strategy when you engage in PvP combat. This can often mean springing the element of

surprise, which is another reason why the Guild Wars 2 warrior is perfect for all different kinds of
