If you have had problems controlling your weight, know that obesity is a chronic disease, rather than just a matter of looks. Often it is very difficult to control body mass index (or BMI) through diet and exercise alone. Up to eighty percent of linear cutting stapler used to treat obesity do not succeed. However, there are surgeries that our team of experienced and highly trained professionals can recommend to you, depending on your unique needs and medical condition. The Gastric sleeve, or Sleeve Gastrectomy, is one type of surgery available. This method of weight loss surgery is performed by laparoscopy, the surgeon removes about eighty percent of the stomach with special staplers. The stomach then becomes the shape of a "sleeve," or tube, so that the patient eats smaller amounts to feel full. This type of surgery also seems to help the body to produce less ghrelin, a hormone that regulates appetite, and therefore patients find they don't have the urge to eat as much as usual. The Gastric sleeve does not involve any intestinal work, and typically only requires patients to be in the hospital for two to three days. The Mini gastric bypass is another option that potential patients may want to consider. Those who like to eat sweets in particular, could benefit a great deal from this type of surgery. The Mini gastric bypass helps to restrict food and caloric intake, partly by bypassing the small intestine. This laparoscopic surgery is a simple, fairly non-invasive procedure that takes less time than a "roux in y"gastric bypass. The risk of leakage or obstruction to the intestines is much lower than with disposable stapler. This surgery works in two ways: in one, it creates a small pouch for food much like other weight loss surgeries, which will cause the patient to eat less. Second, calorie absorption is limited because the small intestine is bypassed. Roux en Y gastric bypass can be a great option for severely obese patients. Roux en y surgery consists of reducing the body's intake of medical staplers in two ways. The stomach is smaller after surgery, which helps the patient to feel full quickly and eat less consistently. Also, parts of the stomach and small intestine are bypassed, or skipped over, which results in fewer calories being absorbed. A small pouch is created with this procedure, by stapling the stomach. In addition, a "y" shaped part of the small intestine is attached to the stomach pouch in order to let food bypass the first part of the jejunum and the duodenum.