wowgoldkaufenok posted 1 day ago...


Yesterday, I “blew the horn” available on the market and announced im turning bearish on stocks as we get started 2011. A group of sentiment indicators we follow are flashing red, as lots of investors and advisors have turned bullish on the securities market. If it are not for that outright expansive and unheard-of generous monetary and fiscal stimulus the costa rica government has in situ, We would be outright bearish.
But the trend is your friend. Since March of 2009, I have already been saying that people have been in a bear market rally, and I keep hold that opinion. Until we've confirmation from the securities market on the contrary, and in addition to the idea that Im turning short-term bearish for the stock exchange, from the immediate term, the bear market rally that started 22 months ago really has life left within it. But investors should tread carefully.
What He Said:
When property prices start decreasing in United states, it wont be an attractive sight, because individuals are too leveraged. When consumers have over-borrowed much that they have forget about room inside their credit lines to gain access to more, when institutions start making tight on lending, sales of housing will decline therefore will prices. Its a matter of logic, reality and time.” Michael Lombardi in PROFIT CONFIDENTIAL, June 23, 2005. Michael started warning around the crisis being released the U.S. housing market right in the peak on the boom, now widely thought to be 2005.